Hey buddy, u r  the luckiest person 2 b able meet THE BOSS. Plz, Plz write down evri moment nd incident dat happened. truly it was great.
bye 'n' njoy.

rahmanrulez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"First of all... here's wishing A.R.Rahman sir a Very Happy Birthday,
A Very Happy New Year and many more Musically productive years in the
future which would make millions happy..."

Also, a very Happy New Year to all of u reading this mail!!

I just cant imagine how lucky I am to have actually met my Idol,
A.R.Rahman. It happened on 22nd October, 2005 and the experience
continued until 23rd October, 2005. I m sorry to post it this late.
But what better than the birthday of the great man himself.

It all started like this... (Pls Read patiently, it was a long meeting
with many unforgettable moments)

A.R.Rahman sir was coming to Miami University, Ohio, US to attend a
concert. The concert was by an orchestra called Global Rhythms, the
brain child of Prof. Srinivas Krishnan (My Mentor). I was there at the
University generally doing some work related to the event when my prof
asked me to go along with the guys who were supposed to pick him up
from the Cincinnati Airport!

Obviously, I was in shock n it took me quite a while to come to
understand what was in store... I was going to meet my A.R.Rahman n
not just that. We had to engage him in some conversation so that he
would nt feel too bored during the hour long journey back! The
situation just didnt sink in and I was nt even able listen to what my
friends were speaking on the way to the Airport!

Well, I could nt picturise the prospect of meeting him in such a close
range until he actually emerged from the crowds in the Delta Airlines'
Arrival Terminal. He offered a friendly hand shake n said "Hello". I
was shaken... Here was my Idol... A.R.Rahman. Could this be true?! I
was so shaken that my mind went numb. I dont even know if I
reciprocated to his greeting!

I was helping him get his luggage while the others went to get the
van. I was too scared to speak anything. That was when he asked me a
question, "So, are you a music student?". I replied saying that I was
here to do my MS. He asked, "Where r u from?" I said that I was from
Andhra but have stayed all my life in Chennai. This is when I started
speaking on my own. My dad is himself from the Film Industry. He was a
Bass guitarist to be precise and had worked for more than 25 years.
Apparently, he had also worked with A.R.Rahman while he was a
key-board player. When I asked Rahman sir if he remembered my dad, he
immediately recognised n said "Oh, are you his son? What is your dad
doing now? Where is he? Do u have any brothers or sisters?" etc...
After listening to my replies, he asked me if I was into Music. I was
like "Not really, Have learnt a bit if guitar. Thats it. Dad pushed us
all into studies."

By this time, my friends brought the van. We got into it and there was
some general talk going when he suddenly said to me gesturing a
guitar, "Take the guitar and learn it. It will be in your blood. You
never know!". I was both surprised and humbled with the kind of
statement he made. Here was the most recognised face of Indian Music
Industry worrying about the musical interests of a literal "nobody",
with the kind of enthusiasm seen in a school kid. Should I say this
portrayed his commitment to Music or was it just part of his
down-to-earth nature? You guys decide...

I had so many questions to ask regarding his Music, the way he makes
it, etc. But I refrained from these because he looked pretty tired
after a long flight from Chennai. We were also told by our prof to not
disturb him with too many questions, taking pictures or autographs. We
then had conversations related to various topics. He repeatedly kept
asking us when the sun-set was in this part of the world. He was
worried about carrying out his daily practices before the prescribed
time... an extremely religious man that he is. I guess Rahman sir
enjoyed the prospect of not being treated as a celebrity. He enjoyed
looking at the country-side, not being bothered by on-lookers from
neighbouring vehicles. For a moment, it was like he was just another
individual, sitting next to me in the van!! I even asked him what
mobile phone he carried... It was a Sony-Ericsson.  That whole hour of
travel was unbelievable and undoubtedly the best time of my life.

After dropping him at the Guest-House, we went back to our places. I
was visibly on cloud nine, still not being able to come to terms with
the situation. Was it A.R.Rahman whom I just met?! I have heard
stories about him being extremely humble. But, believe me... the way
he carried out himself was simply amazing, standing testimonial to
that fact. It is a lesson which everyone of us should impart.

I was 8 years old when I first listened to A.R.Rahman's music... it
was the song Kadhal Rojave, from the movie Roja, being screened on TV.
I was so deeply moved, for an 8 year old, by the kind of sound that
filled the room. In the background, I heard my dad's voice telling my
mom, "That is Dileep's first movie." Right from then, till now, I have
been anxiously expecting and listening to every album of Rahman sir,
be it songs or a background score. If there is one person, after my
parents, who has influenced me, it is A.R.Rahman, not just by his
music but also his character. I even went on to imbibe the quality of
working during nights from him... I started studying at nights which
did give me improved results.

Getting back to the rendezvous... all of us attended a concert that
evening. It was a Saturday. It was funny the way we went around parts
of the campus as a group. Rahman sir studiously came along with us
looking at all the places, without complaining or throwing any star
tantrums. By now its obvious that its impossible from a man like him.
Still, the way he interacted with us, joking, teasing... speaks
volumes of his down-to-earth nature. He spoke to us abt his Jingles
days and how he worked for 5 years as a Jingles composer and key-board
player for other music directors at the same time. This is how he put
it, "Creative work at night and money making during the day..." He
reminisced more about his days as a key-board player and also told me
when he exactly worked alongside my dad (1987-1991). He is obviously a
man who has not forgotten his roots.

The next day was pretty hectic for us. Rahman sir came in for the
practice sessions in the morning before turning up for the concert
later in the afternoon. He was fasting that day and we were instructed
to not disturb him. Still he obliged to speak to my dad on phone. My
dad was very happy to speak to his long time colleague. My brothers
were too happy for me, not able to believe my luck! Inspite of his
hectic schedule, Rahman sir stayed upto the end of the delayed
concert. Imagine... he had just arrived the previous afternoon, stayed
up pretty late cos of jet-lag, had been fasting all day n had a flight
to catch to Toronto later that night! Still, he maintained an
unruffled attitude n enjoyed the concert to the fullest.

After the concert got over, we headed back to the Guest-House,
discussing about tht concert on the way. Rahman sir took sometime to
get ready. In the meanhwile, a friend of mine, Kevin and I went to get
him some food before he could leave to the Airport. I was also
in-charge of looking after his luggage. I considered this an
oppurtunity to serve someone whom I worship!

On the way to the Airport, he slept for most of the time. Otherwise,
as always, he interacted with us in a very friendly and casual manner.
When one friend of mine asked him what he usually did on weekends,
Rahman sir replied, "Weekends.... Actually, appidi onnum illae (there
is nothing much like weekends)". He continued as we giggled, "I am
quite busy when in India. I am relatively free when Abroad doing
around 30% of work done in around the same time in India". The sheer
innocence with which he replied was again an evidence of his
extraordinary character. We reached the Airport n before he left, he
again shook all our hands n said "Ok... It was nice meeting all of u.
Be good, ah..", nodding at me!

I m sure there are thousands of crazy fans like me who crave to meet
him. But I m sure that I was luckiest person on earth during those 2
days when I spent some incredible moments with my Idol, A.R.Rahman.

Hope you guys enjoyed reading my experiences. Sorry for keeping it too
long. In fact, I have nt included many other instances that actually
took place. I ll probably include them in the next mail. Please feel
free to get back with your comments... I m sure u have many.

Long Live A.R.Rahman...



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