[arr] The man who did the first ever interview of ARR!

2009-06-11 Thread aravind_am
Hey all,

I came across the blog of Kalyan Kumar, who was the sub-editor of India Today 
magazine. He's also a screenplay/script writer for movies. 

He was the first person to interview Rahman, and the first ever interview of 
Rahman appeared in India Today.
He has written in his blog about his interaction with Rahman.

Not sure if it has been posted before!

Here's the link for the blog post  (It's in Tamil... Scroll down for my 

ARR pics from the blog:

It was a fine Sunday morning, when I got a call from my friend, cinematographer 
Rajeev Menon, asking if we can meet! 

The meeting happened at 5 pm that day. I was then the sub editor of India 
Today, and was handling movies section too. Those days, Rajeev was working 
more  on Ad films, than for movies. He told me about a youngster who was 
composing for his ad films - His name is Dileep. He has tremendous music 
sense. He's extremely talented in playing and handling all modern instruments. 
Moreover, Mani sir has signed him on for his next movie, after listening to 
some of his jingles.

Wow.. thats something new, I thought, and collected a pic of Dileep shot by 
Rajeev and his phone number from Rajeev. Next day,
 I called up Dileep and he answered. I introduced myself and asked for a 
meeting with him. He immediately refused saying No sir... No Interviews now! 
Mani sir has asked me not to speak anything about the project!

I retorted - You dont have to speak about the movie; speak about you! I would 
be pleased if India Today publishes details about the new music director who is 
Mani Ratnam's new find.
I also told him that I'd already collected his photo from Rajeev Menon. 
Finally, later acceded to my request!

The meeting happened at 4 pm. He was not a school kid. He was not yet a college 
student. He seemed to be just in that transition phase, with a shy smile on his 
face! His mom and sister were with him. His mom offered me cake and savouries 
they had purchased from the neighbourhood bakery, for me. Coffee followed.

Then, we started talking. He told me a lot - about his father RK Shekar, about 
how music became his full-time job after
 his father's death, about the family background, about the conversion to 
islam, about his name change! He mentioned that the Mani film was a God-given 
gift for him. He conversed with him as though we're very close friends for a 
long time! He took me to his studio and played 2 songs from his new film. 

One of those songs was Chinna Chinna Aasai. After listening to it, I requested 
Rahman to play it once more. He was overjoyed and played it again. Just this 
one song is enough to take you to heights of fame, I told him and wished him 
all luck. Other their Mani sir, others connected with the film hadn't listened 
to the songs. I played it just for you. Your words are very encouraging, he 
said and thanked me. When I was leaving, he came out till his front gate and 
bid farewell to me.

One week later, Rahman's mom called me - When can we see my son's photo in the 
magazine, dear brother? I could sense the eagerness and excitement in her 
It will hit the stands in 2 days, mother. I'll come and give a few copies to 
you, even before that, I told her. 

En-route to my house from office, I visited Rahman's house with 5 copies of 
India Today, and gave it to them. The images of the proud mother and sister, 
smiling and sharing their happiness on seeing Rahman's photo in the magazine, 
still remains fresh in my memories. But, Rahman took this big news in a calm 
and composed manner. With a smile, he thanked me. His humbleness was there with 
him right from that time.

After the release of Roja, there was no magazine which didnt feature Rahman's 
photo. After that, I met him a few more times as a reporter. Much to the envy 
of other reporters, he would approach me personally and talk to me like a 
friend. Once, in a press meet, he openly said He's the first person to 
interview me How can I not be close to him?. He hasn't yet lost that 
closeness to me. 

8 years later, I'd
 moved from the press and started working for TV and movies. I wanted to 
produce a special program for Sun TV for Tamil New Years day, in association 
with my friend Balakrishnan. That program was - Special interview with Isai 
Puyal A.R.Rahman.

Rahman had started rocking both the Hindi and Tamil film industry by then, and 
was very busy! It took me one week to just meet him. Since I was producing the 
program, I personally met Rahman, and asked for an appointment for the 
interview. He said, Re-recording of Kandukondain will be over in a couple of 
days. After that, we can have the interview in my studio itself. But, on one 
condition... You should be the interviewer, lets not have any other anchor!
I agreed. In the next few days, Rahman allotted five 

[arr] Oru Kanavin Isai (ARR's biography in Vikatan) - Week 4 - Scans and Translation

2009-04-30 Thread aravind_am

Hi all,
Here are the links for the scans:Week 04; Part 01
http://www.flickr.com/photos/aravind_am/3488181323/Week 04; Part 

Week 04; Part 03http://www.flickr.com/photos/aravind_am/3488994962/
Those who dont know tamil, can also check these out for the pics! :D

It is because of his dad, that
Dileep got interested in music and music technology right from his childhood.
Dileep who grew up listening to music, was scared coming face to face with the
sudden bad-health of his dad, and the suffering which he had to go through for
3 years. When similar troubles kept affecting the family repeatedly, an unknown
fear engulfed all the kids in the family.


Rahman’s mom looks back at those
unforgettable days – “Kids were going to school, when he was bedridden. I felt
that my whole world had become dark. I had to manage my time between looking
after the kids and looking after my husband. I would keep shuttling between our
home and hospital. He suffered so many days at the hospital, and finally passed
away. We were shattered. Rahman, who was always with a harmonium, was affected
so much. He couldn’t even concentrate on his studies because of this. I was
forced to send the small kid on jobs, to the studios. But, I wholeheartedly
believed that, it will dawn for us one day!”


When the disease became more
severe and R.K Shekar was admitted at CMC Hospital, Vellore, Dileep and his
sisters visited him often. Even when the disease troubled him, Shekar would
hide all that and smile when he was with his kids. “Study well. Don’t bunk
school, Obey your mom”, he would advise them. When talking to Dileep, there
would be an extra affection, and he would embrace him. There was a reason for


Rahman’s elder sister, composer
Raihanah says “When my parents got married, someone told my dad that he’d have
a son, and he would become very famous. My dad was also waiting for that to
happen. But, I was born first. Though he was very affectionate towards me, that
longing (for a son, who would become famous) was always there in his mind.
Next, when Dileep was born, he couldn’t control his joy!”


Wonders do happen in life, and
they happen through God - This is the belief that is there in everyone in
Rahman’s family. It is said that, in different stages of Rahman’s life, there
has been some one or the other, who has come up, foretold the future and
blessed them. An Islamic guru is said to have blessed them, and advised them to
build a set up studio at the place where Shekhar breathed his last. That was
where Panchathan Studio was built. That was where “Roja” blossomed.


“When born, Rahman was a
blue-baby. Survival of the baby was a big question mark. Our dad was tensed.
Somehow, the baby survived. There was a huge relief on dad’s face. As the baby
started growing up, dad noticed the huge musical talent in him, and was
excited. He would always show a special interest towards my brother. He
introduced Rahman to the music world, by taking him along to all recording
studios. But, without any partiality, he put us in Guitar and Piano classes
with Pilot Edwin and Dhanraj Master. He would enjoy listening to our singing
and playing musical instruments. During those days, our entire family used to
be such a happy one, filled with music and dance. All of us were so fond of our
dad. Everything was given to us by him. 

What a wonderful life! But, we
were shocked when he died”, continues Raihanah.


What happened after that?

RK Shekar’s contemporary, Arjunan
Master, who is also a Malayalam film composer, now resides in Kottayam in
Kerala. Even at his current age of 73, he still is busy with film music work.
Though his voice stutters a bit, he has retained all those memories in his


“Honestly, I would say Rahman’s
mom is a visionary. Dileep was a kid, when Shekar passed away. She would
approach music-directors like me and say ‘He’s very talented. Please give him
opportunities’. ‘He’s our Shekar’s son, you don’t have to convince us. Ask
Dileep to come here’, we would say. He used to play keyboard, very well. He
would fix faulty musical instruments, very easily. I felt, we can make him play
keybords, but also thought he was too young. He totally rocked, when we gave
him an opportunity. Only then, we realized that he was a musical prodigy. The
fact that his mom could realized it before we could, is great! We paid him only
a meager amount as salary, then. He would accept it with a smile, without a
word! That composure and maturity have elevated Rahman to this level.


Rahman’s dad’s death was an
important turning point in his musical career. He was faced with the question –
Which one should he choose - School education or Music? Dileep who was just
average in studies, chose music over studies. He did not have an anxiety about
his future, due to this decision.


Though he studied in reputed
institutions like Padma Sheshadri and MCC, his mind wavered between

[arr] Oru Kanavin Isai (ARR's biography in Vikatan) - Week 3 - Scans and Translation

2009-04-23 Thread aravind_am

Hi all,
This is from week-3!
Week 03, Part 01
Week 03, Part 02http://www.flickr.com/photos/aravind_am/3467171791/Week 03, 
Part 03http://www.flickr.com/photos/aravind_am/3467985682/


Week 3 


At a time when A.R.Rahman’s father R.K Shekar what working
round-the-clock, he never cared about food or sleep. He used to spend all his
time at the recording studio, having just tea and biscuits. Sometimes, he used
to suffer from severe stomach ache, late in the nights. Unable to bear the
pain, he would just lie down with a pillow pressed tight on his stomach. He
would relax and sleep after the killing pain subsided. Barely an hour after he
slept it would have already dawned. With the thought that, musicians would be
waiting at the studio from 7 am itself, he would wake up and rush for the
recording. He didn’t have time to even consult a doctor regarding his stomach
ache. He would neither tell anyone about this!


The other sad story is that, though an amazing composer,
Shekar had very few opportunities to compose alone for films, and he just
worked for other composers. He gave 10 beautiful songs for the film 
The song “Siragatru veeNoru kochhu thumbi” sung by AM Raja and S.Janaki,
and the lullaby “Muththey va va va” sung by P.Susheela are a pleasure to listen
to, even now! The song “Sahibe sahibe a-salam aleikum” became a
trendsetter. After a long break, came the movie “Aayesha”. The song “yathrakaara
povuga povuga” sung by P. B. Sreenivas for that film is one of PBS’s best
songs. But, how long can someone financially sustain without getting proper
composing opportunities?  


Days passed, and the cruel hands of the disease clutched
RK Shekar tightly. He became bedridden. The images of the young kid, Dileep,
visiting his dad every day at the hospital became permanently etched in
Dileep’s memory. 


Dad is lying on the hospital bed, surrounded by his
assistants. They note down on the music notes dictated by Shekar. A few
directors come in and tell him “We feel bad to tell this now… But, our film
scores will get completed only if you come. Not worrying about the agony caused
by the disease, he listens to the tunes and writes notes for music
arrangements.  Popular lyricist, Sri
Kumaran comes and holds Shekar’s hands in gratitude, and says “Get well soon,
and come back. Let’s make music together”! Theirs was a successful combo, and
had given some superb songs. Shekhar returns a dry smile in return, for he was
well aware of the seriousness of his disease. The kid, Dileep, watches all this
with a mix of amazement and confusion. 


Dileep couldn’t understand what happened to his dad all of
a sudden, for he would always be busy like a bee. All he knew was that his dad
was a good musician. The collection of musical instruments and music-records
formed Dileep’s world. Dileep believed that his dad would get well soon, and
would be back to his music work very soon. 
But, that was not to be. Shekar’s health condition kept deteriorating
each day. 


Shekar got married only when he was 31, at Thiruppathi. He
got married to Kanchana, and had 4 kids, back-to-back – Kanchana, Dileep, Bala
and Rekha. Shekar had been making so many innovations in Malayalam film music
industry. It was he, who introduced SP Balasubramanyam and Bala Murali Krishna
to that industry. No one could even imagine penetrating into Malayalm music
industry dominated by legendary singer KJ Jesudas. The song “neeyendre
velicham” composed by Shekar and sung by P Susheela for the 1972 movie “Miss
Mary” is still one of the most famous devotional songs in Kerala among all
the devotees of Mother Mary. 


The curiosity and eagerness of Rahman towards new
technology, was evident in Shekar in those days. He often went to Singapore and
hunted for new musical instruments and latest innovations in recording
techniques. When we were all bored listening to the same voices, it was Rahman
who broke the trend and introduced many new voices, and took the listening
experience to a new level. RK Shekar was a forerunner for Rahman in that front


In those days, singing for movies was no ordinary feat.
Recording studios were like iron-fortresses. It was not possible for anyone to
get in so easily. Shekar opened the doors of the fortress for new singers. He
introduced many new singers like Bramhanandan, Sadhanandan, Sudha Varma,
Gopalakrishnan, Soman, Ponguntham Ravi, Jayalakshmi, Kasthoori Shankar,
Manoharan, Ambly, Jayashreee. That legacy of encouraging new talent continues
through A.R.Rahman. 


RK Shekar composed 110 songs in Malayalam. Singers like Jesudas,
Jayachandran, P Susheela, Vani Jaaram have sung several wonderful songs in his
music. Even today, Shekar’s songs are mesmerizing the people of Kerala. 


The last movie which had Shekar’s music was “Chottanikkara Amma”, which was 
released in 1976. The song “Manasu manasinRae kaadhil” from that album, plays

[arr] Super singer - 2 more ARR songs by our member VijayNarain

2009-04-22 Thread aravind_am
Hi all,

Our group member, Vijay Narain, has been rocking Airtel Super Singer show (Star 
Vijay channel, Mon-Wed, 9-10 pm) with ARR songs. 
In the wild card round, he performed 3 ARR songs, 2 of which have already been 
telecast on Monday and Tuesday, and one more rocking performance will be 
telecast today.

Catch two of his wildcard performances here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfbMmTxmhbk   (Adhiradi)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cox023GDW0Q   (Oru Poi - Judges said this is one 
of his really good performances)

PS: In the adhiradi video, you can also spot me asking for votes for him!! 
Yes... one person
 will go to the finals from wild card round, the decision will be made based on 
public voting. The voting lines are still open and you can vote in  for him and 
help him reach the finals.


  My Blog: http://arrahmaniac.blogspot.com
Rahmania show interviews: http://rahmania.4shared.com

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