Hello Guys.


Good Day! Do read through the entire post please and do comment!


The reason why I felt I should put up this post is simple. Once you hear him 
sing, probably everyone would agree with me as well that Mr. Sujit Lal is 
definitely a beautiful find by the the judges in the show.


Rahmanjii is always scouting for new talents on the horizon. I hope if 
Rahmanjii is reading this post; he would give Sujit an opportunity to sing for 
him. (or probably Gopal you could forward this to him) 


To give an insight of this person - He is so damn down to earth (he rarely 
opens his mouth except to sing ;)) and humble even after the superlative 
performances! (comparing to the others in the same show as well the other 
reality musical shows in Malayalam) And honestly, he is the main reason I watch 
the show Amrita Superstar 2!!


And well as the video showz; well thats a surprise u need to see for yourself 
:D :D




Now don't you guys feel the same way as I do???


Waiting for your comments!!





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