1. Ellapugazhum: Requisite "big opening" to the song...nice to hear
the claps, vocals and the guitar chug to achieve the bigness of the
sound, instead of the trumpets and timpanis and such...also, the
opening sounds are very minimal and still owing to their sound design
convey the bigness properly...but then, the ensuing rhythm is a let
down..kind of wimpy...though the rhythm seems to carry the song, its a
letdown for me...I like the way the song is tuned...a straight forward
minor scale tune, with no elaborate ornaments and all...and eschewing
the tired pallavi-charanam format...But why the Michale Jackson like
imitation at one point? It may or  may not have been intentional, but
kind of robs something for me... I like the solo horn(s) in the
interlude...the arrangements become dense and light at the proper
moments conveying a nice punch (hey thoda after the first charanam for
example)...a very different end to the song with some high pitched

2.Ponmagal: Couldnt quite warm up to this song...the rap turns me
off...liked the charanam though...nicely built up, and ARR even
"samples" the original singer from the old original song at couple of
points...that was a nice twist...

3.Kelaamal: Another disappointment for me...depending on my mood. Of
most of the times I heard this song, it sounded tired..the tune,
arrangements and all...Blame my perceptions, but the tune sounded
nomadic...couldnt quite get the direction of it...seemed to
wander...And the arrangement was a bigger let down...standard 4/4 kick
and bass, with some gated sounds and arps and some bells and
whistles...The violin pieces only added to the normalness of the
song...I guess I would have loved this song, if it were given some
Narumugaye like arrangements...On the other hand, if I am in a good
mood, I can just listen to it as it as and not be bothered by it...but
its not happening much with this song...

4.Nee Marilyn: Now this I adore...the playfullness in the song is very
evident without beating me over the head...nice buildup right from the
beginning...the DJ naan phrase is absolutely tasty...the singers had
the perfect delivery...the FMish synth lead, the portamento motif are
delicious...also love the way the song is structured...in short, I
like everything about the song (lyrics I dont understand)...and best
of all, I can bob my head to it..

5.Maduraikku: The tune sounded vaguely familiar...but I love the
timbre of the voices...made a huge difference...I love the way the
charanam is tuned...and the way the female singer finishes off the
second charanam is an absolute delight...made me wish that she had
sung the whole song in that octave...her timbre is raw and beautiful
there...I have never been disappointed in general by ARR's nadaswaram
solos and they dont disappoint here either...the drums sounded a bit
weak and cramped for me though...it cud be the speakers...but I
remember the rhythm sections in Sangamam being more punchy, breathy
and spacey, and Sangamam employed a huge range of percussion...

6.Valayapatti: Another delightful song for me...A natural progression
for Kummi Aadi...or rather a better version of Kummi Aadi...love the
introduction, the female voice introducing the more sombre part of the
song...the following arrangements make a better sense when viewed over
the course of the whole intro, rather than the individual parts...how
they say about sum being greater than the parts...and then some
instruments introduce us the valayapatti melody line and the male
singers just rush from there...the whole pallavi makes for an
interesting listen...with the male voices being rumbunctious and
rushed, while the female lines are subdued and relaxed...couldnt make
out much out of the first interlude, probably works better on the
screen...the charanam arrangements are very nice again for me...pa pa
ni sa lines are introduced as swaras by the male vocals in the first
charanam, while the female sings some lyrics to the same tune in the
second charanam...and the remaining lines are the same pattern over
diffeent set of notes for the male and female voices...like it when
the whole chorus joins in saying the raga name...observe the weak and
strong accents of the bars when saying kalyani, bhagyasri, neelambari
versus sindhubhairavi...a change from where the vocal emphasis is more
rhythm oriented to something lyric oriented...I am a zero in carnatic
, but I like the way swaras sound...neways, I think I am ramblng
on...but this song works for me...

overall, i cud appreciate ARR doing varied projects at the same time,
but from this album, I would come back and listen to nee marlin and
valayapatti frequently, and i wud listen to ellapuzhagum and
maduraikku now and then...what i mean is it cud have been a better
album, so in a sense, some sort of disappointment...Now ARR definelty
knows better than me on how the songs are and how they shud be
like,....its just that for my tastes, it wasnt a complete match...not
that it matters what i feel or like...

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