Hey guys am sure all of you are as excited as i am about the chennai concert 
but there are some concerns with regard to the concert ...

One of the concerns which most ppl have is the transport .. but this is kinda 
taken care of.. by Marg as it has arranged for buses...
the major concern out here is the lack of branding..

yes dont know y but marg seems to be very reluctant to venture into 
advertising..the ticket sales is not great...and de worst part is more than 
half of chennai is not even aware of this concert which is really sad.. we will 
need to do some thing

Can some 1 gopal or vijay (any1) talk to the concerned ppl ..
I find dat they do not have a media partner still big fm is der but am talkin 
abt a television partner..even Big Fm if am right has not started talkin abt 
the concert.. and most other partners do not even have a banner in their 

Again the ticket centers do not have even a banner abt this concert..
I was expecting the city to be painted blue with the posters and banners of the 
concert but with just a little more than a week available the advertising is 
very less...and Rahman fever in chennai is yet to pick up.. we will need to do 

So here is wat we as a group of fans(chennai) can do to create awareness...

-Send out SMS to all our friends am sure most of them would not have heard abt 
this...tell them about the concert and give them a contact from were they can 
get their tickets..

-Send mails across office..one of my friend santosh will be designin a mailer 
which we can all use to send mails or if any1 else has one ready pls share 
it...until its ready lets just keep sending mails wit the details typed in.

-Keep udatin your face book,orkut,twitter and other social networking sites 
with the details of the concert (excuse me for bringing in other sites but we 
need to work as fans)

-When ever you meet a group of friends just talk abt the concert and ask them 
if we can go.. make dem plan for the concert then and there...and get a head 
count .. u can arrange for the tickets and give it to them...

I just read thro the messages here and but this time i really felt the need to 
speak out.. i may be wrong...but am just puttin across wat i felt..... If any1 
has any more ideas for promotin the show. pls put it across..

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