When The Pussycat Dolls shot to worldwide fame after they released their dance 
hit "Don't Cha," perhaps above and beyond the other group members, critics and 
fans adored Queen Doll Nicole Scherzinger.

Now, four years later, it seems that the group's lead vocalist receives more 
negative criticism than support. On sites like YouTube and other message board 
forums, countless of "fans" accuse Nicole of constantly providing lead vocals 
while other vocally talented members, most notably Melody Thornton, rarely, if 
ever, sing.

But why does that still surprise people?

When the group originally signed their record deal, Nicole was specifically 
given the role of lead singer. At no point were Thornton, Jessica Sutta, Ashley 
Roberts, Kimberly Wyatt or ex-member Carmit Bachar given equal status in the 

So yes, while the name Nicole and The Pussycat Dolls may be more suitable, I 
have yet to hear the other Dolls complain that they are just merely background 
dancers to Nicole.

And let's face it, neither of the other members have any reason to complain. 
They knew what their role would be right from the gecko. On numerous occasions 
and in several interviews, founder Robin Antin emphasized that she wanted The 
Pussycat Dolls to comprise of a leader singer and backup members. 

No shock there whatsoever.

Yet, Nicole continuously gets lashed for fulfilling her role—a job that I do 
not think the other members could live up to. 

Melody has an outstanding voice but it is not as strong or versatile as 
Nicole's. Nicole's vocals are more seductive—a key ingredient that makes the 
PCD so successful. However, should Nicole ever want to quit the group, Melody 
is the only other member that has the potential to succeed as the lead vocalist.

When it comes to physical appearance, Jessica, perhaps, is even more naturally 
beautiful than Nicole. However she is not nearly as secure as her and the 
natural confidence Nicole exudes cannot be taught. 

Ashley and Kimberly are, in my view, the group's best dancers. But that's just 
it. Both ladies are dancers above singers. Thus, they do not have the entire 
package to bring the same commercial success to the group if either provided 
the lead vocals.

And while I will admit that the other group members are the reason why The 
Pussycat Dolls are still loved by fans, Nicole is the reason why the group is 
still topping music charts. Unlike the other members, Nicole penned some of the 
group's best hits. 

Without her, the group would have a difficult time surviving. 

But I will also admit that even Nicole has her own flaws. 

I am still puzzled on how it's possible for Nicole to butcher and mispronounce 
the words to "Jai Ho."  When A. R. Rahman correctly sings the words in the 
remix only to have Nicole belt "Jay Ho" right after, pains me. 

Who taught her how to read?

But like I said. 

Even Nicole has flaws.

But I still love her.


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