Wowwwwwwwwwwww! This is really superb.

--- In, Vithur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wonderful Interview of Krishna chetan with Nazeef Bhai.... Krishna 
Chetan is
> a very simple person, and in fact, if I can add, I was very happy 
to take
> him with us in our car to the Sakkarakatti Audio Launch. he was so 
> with no signs of being a Music Programmer, or a techie person, and 
> all, a person with ARR all throughout.
> I thank Nazeef for giving me that opportunity though.... God 
Bless. Thanks
> On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 3:52 PM, naztitude 
> >   When AR Rahman himself entered the home and heart of every 
> > through
> >  Roja-he just kept them wondering as to where this "talent" was 
hiding all
> >  the days that they had never heard of the man, while it seemed 
like it
> > was  the
> >  starting of another decade to hear the older composers all 
> > had
> >  changed the order of the music charts and for once a youngster 
was there
> >  making waves.
> >
> > And not just did AR Rahman stop with Roja-with super hits till 
> > ADA-Rahman kept finding new talents from everywhere and gave 
them breaks
> > that never made them look back. Musicians to singers to 
technicians, he
> > finds the best and gets the best out of them. His latest find 
being Kabhi
> > kabhi Aditi's voice-Rashid Ali. Quite easily he's been the talk 
of the music
> > town now. Apart from bringing to us great and outstanding peices 
> > music,discovering new talent and giving them opportunities has 
been one of
> > the greater qualities of AR Rahman.
> >
> > It was the at the recently concluded audio launch of the latest 
AR magic
> > called Sakarakatti, I met this musician, who is doing wonders 
with Rahman
> > right now. Quiet and always on work-he seemed to have got this 
> > working with AR Rahman. when I got to know him further he surely 
proved to
> > be important in the making of the  music of ARR!!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  It all started with his name. "Excuse me, I've seen you for 
> > sometime here, Im Nazeef, a huge fan of ARR-how about you?"
> > With a smile-Krishna Chetan replied!! "You dont have to be so 
formal daa!!"
> > It was Krishna Chetan indeed-and to be called ARR's music 
assistant is to
> > have climbed the highest in the musical ladder-I felt so 
personally. Right
> > from preparing the Beats and Grooves  to giving the final 
touches on
> > Rahman's command, Chetan shares the strongest "Musical" bond 
with our hero.
> > And to talk more about him, behind almost every new release of 
AR Rahman,
> > his name has been credited. And now he has proved to be quite a 
rage with
> > his super remixes. He has always been the quiet man, like I said 
almost a
> > reflection of his Boss himself, but he plays a very integral 
part in the
> > making of ARR's music.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  The singers and others somehow get to be in the limelight with 
the first
> > song they work with ARR -but it took Ponmagal Vandal for Krishna 
Chetan to
> > get slightly noticed. I took this to be my Golden chance to 
expose a little
> > more of ARR's " music assistant"  Krishna Chetan!!
> >
> > *First things First, how did you meet AR Rahman?*
> >
> > :) My Dad is a musician. He had worked with ARR from his first
> > movie and has played an important role in his rhythm 
arrangements in
> > his early albums. After he felt that I have grown up to a level, 
> > working with several other music directors, one fine day he 
spoke with
> > ARR and joined me in his team.
> >
> > *What did you talk with him on your first meeting?*
> >
> > Not much!! He gave me work through his engineer. It was the 
vaaji vaaji
> > song from Shivaji and at that same time RDB song mixing
> > was happening on the other side. I programmed the song and 
waited for him,
> > he suddenly appeared heard it, made a  few corrections and gave 
his feel
> > of the song and left. Our first few meetings had always been 
about work.
> > It took me RDB background score to actually see more of Rahman 
and his
> > work.
> >
> > *Could you enlighten us on your journey before meeting ARR?*
> >
> > **I was working as a freelance keyboard programmer for many music
> > directors like
> > SA, Raj Kumar, Mani Sharma, Srikanth deva, T Rajender etc. 
Before that,
> > I completed five grades of music theory and solo piano from 
> > College London, soon after I did a diploma in sound engineering 
from SAE
> > technology college.
> >
> > *So on a normal day in the studios, what exactly is your work 
> >
> > **It depends on what work is happening that day, whether it is
> > composing or recording or music production or background score. 
> > of it requires a different mind set, and I play different roles 
> > each. But ultimately as a person who knows both music and 
> > my main job is to put everything together and take the product 
> > to the finish point and make sure work does not stop. :)
> >
> > *What exactly does a programmer do? In this case you..*
> >
> > In short a good programmer who knows Music and Music production 
> > finish and give you a final product whether it is a song or a 
> > score piece. All he needs is the melody from the composer. I 
work on
> > all our songs, but how much work depends on what song it is. I 
will have a
> > lot of programming work when it comes to peppy and western 
> > Sir loves to do his melody songs by himself and so I will have 
less work
> > on them.
> >
> > *Now coming to what popularised you instantly, tell us about the 
making of
> > Ponmagal Vandal..*
> >
> > **When we were working on ATM, Sir had a very busy schedule 
(LOTR) and he
> > had to deliver the final two songs of the ATM album. One is the 
remix of
> > Ponmagal and the other one is the hero introducton song. So he 
asked me
> > to start working on the remix. I asked him what exactly should 
be done. He
> > said "Anything. It should be young and innovative". I 
said "okay" and he
> > left
> > the place.
> >
> > In the next few hours I came up with the beat, the bass and the 
whole grove
> > and arranged the song. I was working only with the old voice at 
> > time. And Sir suddenly came in and said "hey! Its nice and 
> > change a thing. Lets finish this fast we will record new voice 
and may
> > be some Rap too. I said "okay", he suggested Aslam for the lead 
voice and
> > Ember, the rapper from UK was in town that time. He asked me to 
use him
> > too.Ok here is the exciting part. He left the place for few 
minutes and
> > came
> > back and said "Chetan I am thinking of giving you the credits 
for this".
> > With a smile he said we will put "Remix by Chetan". I just shook 
> > head :) and gave a smile, I did not realize how big it was at 
> > time.
> >
> > I sincerely thank Sir for giving me the official credits for the
> > remix, it shows his big heart and the way he encourages the 
people who
> > work hard for him.
> >
> > *So what exactly was your role in the song? It became quite a
> > controversial
> > thought as to who actually remixed, we would love it if you 
could throw
> > some
> > light on the song.*
> >
> > I played the role of Keyboard Programmer, Music Producer and 
> > producer in the Ponmagal remix. I think the song was credited to
> > me for a reason, ARR is not a person who gives credits away 
easily to
> > anybody. I did a lot of work from building the Beat and music 
> > scratch to recording vocals and Rap and producing the song to a 
stage where
> > sir can play with it. He must have felt right to give me the 
> >
> > *What was ARR's role in the song? (Ponmagal Vandal)*
> >
> > **Well he is the captain of the ship. He always inspects his 
work at
> > crucial stages, in ponmagal Sir did 3 major things, he  recorded 
rap in a
> > melodies way (diamond girl phrase), he re recorded aslam voice 
at places
> > where i messed up in tamil pronunciation, and he edited the song 
from 5
> > minutes to 3 min
> > something. He junked one charanam and few music interludes to 
make it short
> > and exciting. I really thank him for that because that made all 
> > difference.
> >
> > *What was it like working for Ember?*
> >
> > **Ember is a good friend of mine, we met in London when he came 
> > auditions to ARR. He is actually a talented RnB composer, singer 
> > rapper. Even I was excited to work with him for Ponmagal, I 
> > him the situation of the song in the movie and he wrote the 
lyrics in
> > 10 minutes in front of me. He finished recording in twenty 
minutes. ;)
> >
> > *Pappu cant dance seems to be entering charts. How was it 
remixing an
> > original ARR track?*
> >
> > It was challenging, because even the original song was a peppy
> > number, to make a remix which is more exiting than the original 
was the
> > challenge. I did not keep in mind that this is a song by Sir. I 
just took
> > the vocals from the original and had fun with it. Pappu remix 
was completely
> > done by me.
> >
> > *To us, remixes is all about raising the tempo and adding the 
beats. Do u
> > have
> > a formula when you remix? How do you actually remix?*
> >
> > I don't have any formula, and remix is not about raising tempo
> > and adding beats, Nowadays a remix is a fresh approach to a 
> > melody, and presenting it in an all new way, It is your point of 
> > or your feel for the melody. How you present it and the
> > quality of your presentation is all that matters.
> > When I remix, I first see the potential in the melody or the 
> > and I think how can I present it  new, and then I execute what I 
feel. :)
> >
> > *Ponmagal was completely different. Besides taken from a 
yesteryear movie
> > everything else was new. So how was it called a remix?*
> >
> > **Yes, it is actually a modern re arrangement of an old song, But
> > there is no other term which you can use to express it and make 
a common
> > man understand.
> >
> > *On the other hand, Pappu is a typical remix where the original 
tune is
> > retained
> > and you remixed the rest. How contrasting was pappu and ponmagal 
> > *
> >
> > **Well in Ponmagal I was free to explore any genre of music, but 
> > pappu we wanted to do a typical club mix. I thank Abbas 
Tyrewala, the
> > director for giving me this opportunity. We had good fun working 
on both
> > the remix and original. since we wanted to do a club mix i had 
to put in
> > some usual elements and sounds to make it that way, but i did my 
best to
> > keep it fresh and exiting. I also thank ARR for giving me the 
time to do
> > this remix, in his busy schedule.
> >
> > *Does ARR give you inputs/suggestions on the remixing ?*
> >
> > **Yes, ARR thinks a lot before giving suggestions, it sometimes 
get really
> > tough to execute them, but it always works.
> >
> > *ARR is conventionally known to be against remixes-how does he 
handle the
> > whole remix scene?*
> >
> > :) Yes!! He hates anything that is dance or club music, because
> > musically there is nothing which excites him in them and he 
needs to be
> > in a different mind set to compose his music. But when you come 
out with
> > something that excites him, then he jumps in.
> >
> > *Did u try at remixing ADA**? It's an open event!*
> >
> > No, I had enough fun working on the originals.
> >
> > *What pleases ARR the most in your remixing? Or his dislikes, if 
> >
> > By working with him for past three years, I learnt his likes and
> > dislikes, and eventually tend to share it naturally. So my remix 
> > always have a pleasant and smooth feel, you can hear it again 
and again
> > without hurting your ears. So far I have not done any 
presentation which he
> > has disliked.
> >
> > *You were also assigned to score the BGM for ATM. Again 
something debated.
> > *
> >
> > Well, I work on all the BGM's, but I did a lot of work in ATM 
BGM, it
> > was exciting till the last moment.
> >
> > *Your ARR's music assistant-how tough is carrying the name? The
> > responsibilities?*
> >
> > It is very exciting, I constantly have to keep myself updated 
and running.
> > ARR has different vision for each project and he has to 
constantly do better
> > than before. So there is a constant pressure on us too. We have 
> > understand his visions and him to work with him.
> >
> > *Amazing knowing so much! May god bless you and hope you have a 
> > future!
> > *Thanks..
> >
> > Interviewed by* **Nazeef Mohammed*
> >
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> >
> -- 
> regards,
> Vithur
> ARR -- The Sweet Cube always

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