Haters... you can never change their opinion, can just feel sorry for them that 
they cant enjoy the music! 

--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "ichord" <purev...@...> wrote:
> I've checked various VTV reviews abound, and not all reviews are full 
> throttle positive, which is fine.  People are entitled to their own opinions. 
>  But, one word that I'm seeing being thrown around by some on the web to 
> describe some of the music on VTV is "amateurish".   
> Am I missing something?  The music of VTV to me is very mature, thorough, 
> thoughtful, deep, intricate, purposeful, and very crafty.  I don't know based 
> on what type of perception that some people are coming up with the word 
> "amateurish."  If it was just one person who used this word, I wouldn't care 
> to mention it and wouldn't care in general, but it's a word used by several 
> (won't mention names or websites to avoid off topic discussions).  Someone 
> just recently described the music of "Hosanna" as amateurish.  Huh?  
> Can anyone throw some light onto this? Does anyone else feel this way?  If 
> you do, that's fine, I would just like to know why you think so.

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