[arr] Re: My review of JA - Just Awesome

2008-02-20 Thread Pravinder Sheoran
Hi Arun,
Ur review is perhaps best till now of all the reviews i have read,
I felt exactly the same as u did at many moments,
Thanks for such a nice review.


--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, Arunkumar Balasubramanian

 Hey guys,
I watched JA on friday in San Diego but dint find time to write
abt it though... anyways here it goes... Actually taken right from my
blog ;)
 It's been a really long time since I wrote about some
Bollywoodmovie. Probably its just that I am lazy or that the movie
does not deserve myanother one hour or so apart from the 3 I would
have spent watching it..(SometimesI would loose interest even half way
through ;))
 I seriously wanted to write about Taare Zameen Par.. I watched it in
India on mywinter break and boy..Was I impressed with it?...
Definitely Nosecond thoughts about it. After having watched some
really ordinary or belowaverage movies it was like a refresher. Most
of the movies lacked in alldepartments while some did have good things
in bits and pieces but none of themas a package, did impress me. I did
not have time to review the movie on myvacation. But to say in one
line, TZP had some very fine acting, a nice script,beautiful music and
good direction.
 Thats how the year 2007 ended in terms of movies for me.
 2008, the biggest release in the first quarter Jodha Akbar had
allpossible delays and the release dates were postponed like how a
softwarerelease would happen. The had some bigwigs
 from the industry , right from the producer to the director , the
lead pair andof course the music director 'A.R.Rahman'. The canvas was
big but the promotionwasn't . If only it were SRK, you could have
imagined how he would havepromoted the movie. Either no one was
interested to promote of it was theconfidence in the movie and its
stars which the producers believed would get theaudience to the halls.
Believe me, if there is one star whose movie wouldattract audience
even without any kind of promotion would be the TamilSuperstar
Rajnikanth. But I don't think anyone else has such a crazy
fanfollowing to get the investment back without advertising the movie.
 Anyways, I had no big hopes on this movie except that it had some
great songsby AR Rahman. I just loved all of them when the music was
released sometime inJan. He proves now and again as to why he is way
above the rest of the league.Well then again Gowariker has given
Swades and Lagaan, which according to mewere very good, so thought I
should give it a shot. May be he has comeout with some good stuff
again, I said to myself.
 The movie released on 15th of Feb in San
   Diego at a really small hall in one of the multiplexes.(The hall
was super small for any multiplex standard at least I would notgo
there again). I was surprised to see a housefull show. (How the
heckdid so many of them come to know abt this movie? ... just
thinkingaloud). The movie started off with Amitabh Bachchan's
narration about India duringthe Mughal period and soon the camera
panned on to the battle field. I guessthis was around 9.45 in the
night and from then on till 1.20 a.m it was a spectacularshow of audio
and visuals. Many complained about the length of the movie butfor me
it was worth every minute. You are there to be entertained. Thenwhy
not get entertained for a little longer, why do you complain Think
itslike a 'Buy 2 get 1 free offer'. a few extra minutes free for
the money uhave paid. Probably it is a prejudice that a movie should
run for just 21/2 hours only (get that out of your heads guys).
 I am not reviewing this movie but re-viewing a few moments from my
memory whichI thought made this film a piece of art, worth the money I
paid. Although themovie has a lot of characters and thousands of
extras, it belongs to theelegantly beautiful Aishwarya as Jodha Bai
and sophisticated nobleman JalaudinMuhammad played by Hrithik Roshan.
They are such a striking pair. I dint saythis when I saw Dhoom-2
though. The chemistry they share is simply superb. Thecasting could
not have got better than this for the roles of the protagonists. 
 (Eye)shwarya was more beautiful than ever, should I say cute or
charming? Ijust loved the way she played Jodha, seemed perfectly
tailor made for her. Thesoftness in the character, her gait, her long
hair, everything suited her.The lady in Red mesmerizes the audience
with her simplicity. MeanwhileHrithik seems to have enjoyed the
character and played Jalal with ease (he hasgiven an outstanding
performance). Not sure if anyone would have done justiceto his role.
 The main theme of the movie is the love story although it does have
other plotsjuxtaposed to the story line. Bollywood has beaten this
theme in all directionsand has come to a saturation point but still
the director has succeeded ingiving us a simple and beautiful story,
really well told. There are a lot offine points I can think of.
 First and foremost, this movie would not have been what it is , if

[arr] Re: My review of JA - Just Awesome

2008-02-19 Thread Rajeev Gandhi
ultra star, del mar? thats where i saw it. i am glad you liked the movie.

didnt quite work for me though.


--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, Arunkumar Balasubramanian

 Hey guys,
I watched JA on friday in San Diego but dint find time to write
abt it though... anyways here it goes... Actually taken right from my
blog ;)
 It's been a really long time since I wrote about some
Bollywoodmovie. Probably its just that I am lazy or that the movie
does not deserve myanother one hour or so apart from the 3 I would
have spent watching it..(SometimesI would loose interest even half way
through ;))
 I seriously wanted to write about Taare Zameen Par.. I watched it in
India on mywinter break and boy..Was I impressed with it?...
Definitely Nosecond thoughts about it. After having watched some
really ordinary or belowaverage movies it was like a refresher. Most
of the movies lacked in alldepartments while some did have good things
in bits and pieces but none of themas a package, did impress me. I did
not have time to review the movie on myvacation. But to say in one
line, TZP had some very fine acting, a nice script,beautiful music and
good direction.
 Thats how the year 2007 ended in terms of movies for me.
 2008, the biggest release in the first quarter Jodha Akbar had
allpossible delays and the release dates were postponed like how a
softwarerelease would happen. The had some bigwigs
 from the industry , right from the producer to the director , the
lead pair andof course the music director 'A.R.Rahman'. The canvas was
big but the promotionwasn't . If only it were SRK, you could have
imagined how he would havepromoted the movie. Either no one was
interested to promote of it was theconfidence in the movie and its
stars which the producers believed would get theaudience to the halls.
Believe me, if there is one star whose movie wouldattract audience
even without any kind of promotion would be the TamilSuperstar
Rajnikanth. But I don't think anyone else has such a crazy
fanfollowing to get the investment back without advertising the movie.
 Anyways, I had no big hopes on this movie except that it had some
great songsby AR Rahman. I just loved all of them when the music was
released sometime inJan. He proves now and again as to why he is way
above the rest of the league.Well then again Gowariker has given
Swades and Lagaan, which according to mewere very good, so thought I
should give it a shot. May be he has comeout with some good stuff
again, I said to myself.
 The movie released on 15th of Feb in San
   Diego at a really small hall in one of the multiplexes.(The hall
was super small for any multiplex standard at least I would notgo
there again). I was surprised to see a housefull show. (How the
heckdid so many of them come to know abt this movie? ... just
thinkingaloud). The movie started off with Amitabh Bachchan's
narration about India duringthe Mughal period and soon the camera
panned on to the battle field. I guessthis was around 9.45 in the
night and from then on till 1.20 a.m it was a spectacularshow of audio
and visuals. Many complained about the length of the movie butfor me
it was worth every minute. You are there to be entertained. Thenwhy
not get entertained for a little longer, why do you complain Think
itslike a 'Buy 2 get 1 free offer'. a few extra minutes free for
the money uhave paid. Probably it is a prejudice that a movie should
run for just 21/2 hours only (get that out of your heads guys).
 I am not reviewing this movie but re-viewing a few moments from my
memory whichI thought made this film a piece of art, worth the money I
paid. Although themovie has a lot of characters and thousands of
extras, it belongs to theelegantly beautiful Aishwarya as Jodha Bai
and sophisticated nobleman JalaudinMuhammad played by Hrithik Roshan.
They are such a striking pair. I dint saythis when I saw Dhoom-2
though. The chemistry they share is simply superb. Thecasting could
not have got better than this for the roles of the protagonists. 
 (Eye)shwarya was more beautiful than ever, should I say cute or
charming? Ijust loved the way she played Jodha, seemed perfectly
tailor made for her. Thesoftness in the character, her gait, her long
hair, everything suited her.The lady in Red mesmerizes the audience
with her simplicity. MeanwhileHrithik seems to have enjoyed the
character and played Jalal with ease (he hasgiven an outstanding
performance). Not sure if anyone would have done justiceto his role.
 The main theme of the movie is the love story although it does have
other plotsjuxtaposed to the story line. Bollywood has beaten this
theme in all directionsand has come to a saturation point but still
the director has succeeded ingiving us a simple and beautiful story,
really well told. There are a lot offine points I can think of.
 First and foremost, this movie would not have been what it is , if
not for thegrandiose music by the Mozart of Asia. The