Trailer Critic: Slumdog Millionaire
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November 3, 11:29 AM            by Jason Roestel, Movie Examiner
Slumdog Champion! Wasn't that a Mother Love Bone song? So last week I
kind of p!ssed and moaned
Wheres-the-BUZZ>  about how there were no Buzz-Worthy films in this
mid-Fall film season 2008. I get cranky when I haven't seen a good movie
in a while. Just last night I sat down and watched Danny Boyle's amazing
sci-fi flick Sunshine <>  with my
Father and Brother and I was reminded how rare a really, really great,
original movie is anymore. (Sunshine was and still is my favorite movie
of 2007 - pick that apart as you see fit...) Boyle's been on my must-see
Director list since I saw Trainspotting
<>  for the first time. His
dalliance with the horror genre, 28 Days Later
<> , gave us the most promising new
horror franchise in years - Saw movies be damned . So I'm sort of
kicking myself that I forgot Boyle had a new film coming out this Fall
when I posted my Fall 2008 Preview
ie-preview-Part-I> . Slumdog Millionaire is Boyle's take on the culture
and Caste-system of modern India. It's based around a fictional version
of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?


Trailer Critique: First off Boyle once again does some fantastic work
choosing music for his films and their trailers. He's always had an
incredible ear for music. See any of his movies and I promise you'll
definitely want the soundtrack after the film is over. Slumdog
Millionaire <>  is no
different. I also love how Fox Searchlight gives you the edges of this
story, the poor kid, the game show, the girl, without stripping down and
exposing the entire film outline in 90 seconds. Too many American film
trailers give it all away anymore. Just give us moments, some great
music, and a few inspiring media quotes and I'm totally down for seeing
your film. Which is exactly what we get here.

Danny Boyle has always been hovering around my Five Favorite Living Film
Directors list. (Ridley Scott/David Fincher/ Michael Mann/ Steven
Spielberg/Danny Boyle...?) He's always made interesting films that have
never followed any formula, and there really is no guessing what type of
movie he'll make next.

I believe the moment that regular Joe the Movie Fan 
1J2VwRdk7g> crosses over to standing Movie Geek is when he/she starts
seeing films for who made them, not for who's in them. Which is great
because I don't recognize anyone in Slumdog Millionaire and I can't wait
to see it when it's finally released, small scale, throughout the United
States over the next few weeks. Finally a Fall Film to get excited
about! Sorry I forgot you Danny Boyle, it'll never happen again.


His Music ~ My Mother Tongue

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