I don't understand some of you guys.  As ARR fans, some of you seem to
take pleasure in pointing out your perception that ARR has lifted
tunes.  I don't get it.  A few similar notes or rhythm accents within
a few phrases does not make for a copied song.  A song with rhythms
from the same genre does not make for a copied song.  A melodic line
with similar contours does not make for a copied song.  These kinds of
comments are happening now with each and every single ARR new release,
and quite frankly, it's comical in a stupid kind of way.  I wouldn't
mind someone pointing out similarities between songs in certain
phrases or sections, but do come out and declare ARR lifted an entire
song is just wrong.  

Grow up people.  I've become more of a lurker of late simply due to
the overabundance of these kinds of discussions of late.

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