
ARR songs are at its best when a new album is released. When SOK released 
everyone said it is not the best of rahman, and sivaji released they said SOK 
is far better, now when ATM released they say sivaji is far better. I dont know 
how people dont understand that is that rahman creates music freshly with new 
ideas with each and every album and each and every song. Thats why when you 
hear it fresh for the first time you dont undertand that, thereby you easily 
say it is not good.

I would like someone of the reviwers to comeup with a new review of Roja - 
Rahman's first film
Sivaji- Rahman's latest film(since ATM is relatively new, still it takes time 
to grow on you, i chose sivaji).

If you compare the reviews of current review (roja, and sivaji) and the reviews 
that was posted when the albums were released you can see a complete contrast.



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