This is some kind of happiness which i would like to share among us...
Last Monday a telecast was shown named "ithu namma kathai"'in vasantham central.

In that show there were several local celeberities telling about thier 
advantages and disadvantages of being popular/famous among the public.

One of the celebrity G.T.Mani particularly mentioned about AR Rahman,

One side of the celeberities were having many complains such as the public 
criticises and gossips them whenever they appear in tv through web and 
sometimes even direct in front of them.

But GT Mani particular mentioned about our boss saying that Mr AR Rahman has 
got two most important things with him.
They are talent and humbleness.. these two things in him have not made any one 
to gossip about single gossips have come about our ARR.. till 
now.... when hearing this i was really proud and happy to be Mr AR Rahman's fan.

I have recorded that show and will upload it asap.

Best Regards


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