just heard thirupaavai in the other version of sahaana song! MINDBLOWING...
its suits the song excellently and also the tune is extremely catchy.. u can
listen the original version in the link given below..


ARR has retuned it! its excellent.. that's why ARR is BRILLIANT AND
UNBEATEN... he has a GREAT musical sense.. the female voice used in the song
is great too.. wow! cant stop listening!!! SIVAJI has every musical flavor
into it.. long live ARR

mAlE maNivaNNA mArgazineerAduvAaam
mElaiyAr seyvanagaLvEnduvanaj kEttiyEl
jnAlatthai ellAm nadunga muralvana
pAlnnavaNNatthun pAnchajanniyamE
pOlvanasangangaL pOyppASdudaiyanavE
SAlapperumparaiyE pallANdisaippArE
kOlaviLakkE kodiyE vithAnmE
Alin ilaiyay aruLElO rempAvai



Lord, you are the beloved of your devotees, you are of the colour of
sapphire, listen to what we want from you after our sacred bath in the month
of margazi following the tradition set out by our elders.We want conches
like your milk-hued panchajanya which causes tremor for the whole world with
its sound, great drums, people who sing pallaAndu,beautiful lamps,l;ag and
canopies.You who recline on the banyan leaf, please grant us all this.

This pasuram is the 26th. It signifies te Lord, who is paramathma.There are
24 thathvas or evolutes of prkrthi, the primordial nature and 25th is the
jeevathma denoted as purusha who is implied by the last pasuram
'orutthimaganaippirandhu'This pasuram refers to the paramathma ,the 26th. It
also denotes the ashtakshara manthra which is 8=2+6.The number 2 stands for
the dhvaya manthra and the number 6 denotes the six padhas of the dhvaya and
also the six angas, limbs of prapatthi.

mAlE- He is having vathsalya for His creations and hence comes now and then
as incarnations to see to their welfare.

maNivaNNA-He is having the colour of a blue sapphire, indhraneelamaNi, as
described by almost all devotee-saints like Desika, Narayanabhattadri and

mElaiyar seivanagaL- the austerities and charities as shown by the elders.

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