Hi Guys
The recent debate about jagjit singhs sensational comments has got everyone
talking. For me, it has in fact brought back memories of a wonderfully
composed masterful album by our champion composer. That is Maa Tujhe Salaam

The song which I thought is worth a mention is not the more popular title
track- Maa Tujhe Salaam, but a 7 minute brilliant piece called 'Revival'.
Rahman relies on intricate violen and saxophone arrangements , interspersed
with guitar riffs.  He demonstrates exemplory control over the music, never
once going over the top and maintaining a steady tempo.

BUT, the real winner in this piece is the singing. The trademark 'rahmanic'
chorus touches the very core of ones heart. The lead singer demonstrates
superlative singing prowess. It is remarkable that rahman manages a winner
by relying primarily on the lead singers singing ability. I would like to
know what is the name of the lead singer in this song.

u guys might be wondering..I have not been so generous with my praising of
rahman since i joined the group. But, this song my dear friends is what i
would say is really worth taking note of. The delicate instrumentation, and
masterful singing is absolute vintage rahman.
This is really what rahman is all about..all class abd grace.

Anyone knows the lead singer??...


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