Re: What am I doing wrong? arimportcmd.exe fails from a filter and command line

2010-09-08 Thread Calman Steynberg


the reason your original command did not work was because you used a 
lower case -m. In your snippet below you changed it to -M which is why 
it now works.

-m and -M are mutually exclusive. (I believe there is a note stating 
this in the documentation somewhere)

-m denotes the mapping name, which is typically not the same as the 
mapping file name

-M denotes the file name of the mapping file

When you are using -m the import tool will look for all the mapping 
files in the directory specified, open them up and compare your value 
for -m against the name *inside* the file. If they match it then uses 
that mapping file.

-M on the other hand will only try to use the specified file and nothing 

In general, it's better to use -M and specify the full path to the 
actual file (no need to use -d then). It resolves a lot of ambiguity, 
since -m might have unintended results if you have 2 mapping files in 
the directory that has the same name inside.


On 10-09-07 3:55 PM, Ibrahim Akar wrote:

Problem fixed.  I created a bat file called Do-Not-Delete.bat which 
is basically this

cd C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem\dataimporttool
DataImport.bat -x myServerName -a 2116 -u myAdminUser -p myAdminPass 
 -l c:\temp\import.log -M Logistics.armx -d C:\Program Files\BMC 
Software\ARSystem\dataimporttool -o C:\Program Files\BMC 

I changed my Run Process command line to c:\Do-Not-Delete.bat  and it 
works. Thanks for all that tried to help.

-Ibrahim Akar

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Re: Java API for ARS - How to obtain a Run-If line from an Active Link (for example)

2009-10-28 Thread Calman Steynberg
To get a human readable string for a QualifierInfo object use

From the JavaDocs for the method:


Formats an internal representation of a qualifier to a readable String
Parameters: *form* Form against which this qualification is defined *
qualification* given qualification - it can be an encoded qualification
representation (String) or a QualifierInfo object Returns: Readable
qualification string Throws:
in case of formatting errors

In your code below, you can do it by using the following line:

aLinkObjs.get(i).getQualifier()) );

Hope that helps.


On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 8:14 AM, LJ Longwing wrote:

 Wow...ask a tough oneoktook me FOREVER to figure out
 Qualifiersbut here is basically what you need to do.

 A QualifierInfo object has three main parts, LeftOperand, Operation, and
 RightOperand.  To explain these parts I will give you an example

 ('Status' = Fixed) AND ('Create Date'  $DATE$)

 Ok, if that is your QualifierInfo object, here are your pieces

 LeftOperand = ('Status' = Fixed)
 Operation = AND
 RightOperand = ('Create Date'  $DATE$)

 So, what I have done in several programs now is to write an iterative
 subroutine, if you check the operation to determine if it is a relational
 operation (  = != etc).  If it's not, I throw RightOperand back into the
 sub till it is, If it is then you know you are down to a single operand, and
 then you can parse the field/value on left and right for what you want to
 check/test for.

 Please let me know if this helps anyit's still a bit fuzzy in my head,
 but I understand it well enough as it is to do what I need to do.

 *From:* Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *David Morgan
 *Sent:* Tuesday, October 27, 2009 8:33 AM
 *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
 *Subject:* Java API for ARS - How to obtain a Run-If line from an Active
 Link (for example)


 Hi ARSListers,

 I have been looking at the Java API but am stumped by Qualifiers.

 String name1 = Demo;

 String swd = etno;

 String sname = dclha002;

 Integer tcpport = 8001;

 Integer rpcnum = 0;

 ARServerUser context=new ARServerUser(name1,swd,,sname, tcpport);

 // Check and verify user login:

  try {

// If User Pass/Acct name is wrong, this gens an error.


  } catch( ARException e ) {

System.out.println( Login Error :  +  Possible Bad password or
 acct name.  );

//This return ends all further processing and exits...



 ListActiveLink aLinkObjs=context.getListActiveLinkObjects(AST:WorkLog);

 int x = 0;

 for (int i = 0; i  aLinkObjs.size(); i++) {

 System.out.format(\n%20s%60s\n\n, i, aLinkObjs.get(i).getName());

 //ActiveLink alink = aLinkObjs.get(x);


 QualifierInfo encryptedQual =

 System.out.println(encryptedQual.toString() );

 RelationalOperationInfo qualEnglish =

 System.out.println(Qual : + qualEnglish.toString());

 } catch (Exception e){

 System.out.println(no Qualification\n);


 if (aLinkObjs.get(i).toString().contentEquals(ASI:AWL:Close_100) ) {

 x = i ;

// System.out.println(x);





 I can get the names of the Active links associated with the named form (in
 this example I used AST:WorkLog)

 But I cannot seem to decode the Qualifier. All I get from the output is :-


 [Operation=4,Operand Left=[Operation=2,Operand Left=[Operand
 Type=[type=2],Operand=$LASTCOUNT$],Operand Right=[Operand

Re: DataImport JavaDoc

2009-07-09 Thread Calman Steynberg
*The construction fleet has entered our solar system and just passed that
rock formerly called a planet on it's way to Earth*

Remember, this post is even less supported than the previous one!

You need to tell the engine how the mappings to the options, you need to
tell it how the forms relate to each other. If you don't, it auto generates
mapping information, which is whats causing what you describe.

This would do what you want:

public class DataTest {

public static void main(String[] args) throws ARImportException,
IOException, ARException {
DataImport dataImport = new DataImport();
ImportOptions options = new ImportOptions();
options.setContext(new ARServerUser(Demo, , null, localhost));

// extract the form information from the ARX file
ARXParser parser = new ARXParser();
ListFormInformation fileFormList = parser.extractFormInformation(
options.getFileOptions().getDataFile(), true); // true for
extracting only the first
// form
FormInformation sourceForm = fileFormList.get(0);

// get the form information for the destination form on the server
String destinationFormName = Sample:Classes;
FormInformation destinationForm = Util.getServerForm(options,

// generate the mapping information
MappingOptions mappings =
Util.generateMappingsForARX(destinationForm, sourceForm);

// remove the fields you don't want

// tell the import code about the source and destination forms, and
how they map to each
// other
// tell it that data from the source form goes to the destination
// set the mappings for the forms
destinationForm.getName(), mappings);


On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 7:57 AM, LJ Longwing wrote:

 ** I will have no recollection where I got the information afterwards (I
 love the reference BTW)but specifically what I'm trying to do (I got
 that far amazingly enough) is to remove field ID's 1-6 and 15 from any arx
 file I'm importing.  The process described below works well (as I found out
 a few days ago), but won't work for my needs...I have thus far been able to
 generate the FormInformation object, remove the fields I don't want mapped
 from the map, then generate the Mapping information using the Util object,
 and then add all of that information into the ImportOptions object and set
 it for the DataImport object, but when I call the startImport method it
 bypasses all of the work I have done, starts its own ARXImporter object,
 redoes all of my work, but uses ALL of the fields instead of just the ones
 I'm trying to get it to use.  This is where I'm stuck.

 *From:* Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Calman Steynberg
 *Sent:* Wednesday, July 08, 2009 4:45 PM
 *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
 *Subject:* Re: DataImport JavaDoc

 ** Ok, before I start this here is the fine print:

 All of the information contained here is completely utterly unsupported.

 Using this information indicates that you've read the rules, regulations
 and limitations and general information that has been on display in the
 basement of the local planning office on Alpha Centauri, and that it might
 lead to the destruction of earth to make space for a hyperspace bypass.

 Now on to the juicy bits:

 I'm  not exactly what you are trying to accomplish, but this should help.
 In general, all you need to do is this:
 Create an instance of DataOptions and set the appropriate values
 Create an instance of DataImport and use setOptions()
 Call DataImport.startImport()


 import com.bmc.arsys.api.ARException;
 import com.bmc.arsys.api.ARServerUser;

 public class DataTest {

 public static void main(String[] args) throws ARImportException,
 IOException, ARException {
 DataImport dataImport = new DataImport();
 ImportOptions options = new ImportOptions

Re: DataImport JavaDoc

2009-07-08 Thread Calman Steynberg
Ok, before I start this here is the fine print:

All of the information contained here is completely utterly unsupported.

Using this information indicates that you've read the rules, regulations and
limitations and general information that has been on display in the basement
of the local planning office on Alpha Centauri, and that it might lead to
the destruction of earth to make space for a hyperspace bypass.

Now on to the juicy bits:

I'm  not exactly what you are trying to accomplish, but this should help. In
general, all you need to do is this:
Create an instance of DataOptions and set the appropriate values
Create an instance of DataImport and use setOptions()
Call DataImport.startImport()


import com.bmc.arsys.api.ARException;
import com.bmc.arsys.api.ARServerUser;

public class DataTest {

public static void main(String[] args) throws ARImportException,
IOException, ARException {
DataImport dataImport = new DataImport();
ImportOptions options = new ImportOptions();
options.setContext(new ARServerUser(Demo, , null, localhost));


You'd have to be more specific about what the additional things are you are
trying to accomplish.


PS: Remember, unsupported, undocumented, etc.

On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 10:16 AM, LJ Longwing wrote:

 ** I have a Java program that does all sorts of migration work for us,
 including data import from ARX.  I have previously written my own parsing
 routine for ARX which works fairly well, but I would prefer to use theirs
 (because it's theirs) from within my Java program without launching another
 shell to execute it.  My hope was that they built it to be called as an
 instance, and I have it 'functional' but I would like to do some additional
 things than just grab the file and import it...and am having difficulty
 figuring out the interface without any documentation.

 *From:* Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Lyle Taylor
 *Sent:* Tuesday, July 07, 2009 11:02 AM

 *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
 *Subject:* Re: DataImport JavaDoc


 It would surprise me that they intended it to be used in this manner, as I
 would expect they would expect you to use the Remedy API to do it in your
 program (though I could be wrong).  Are you importing data from a file or
 from data stored in memory?  If from a file, couldn’t you simply call out to
 the command line version of the import utility to do the work?  I know that
 may not be as elegant or streamlined as it sounds like you would like, but
 it might be much easier.


 *From:* Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *LJ Longwing
 *Sent:* Tuesday, July 07, 2009 10:57 AM
 *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
 *Subject:* Re: DataImport JavaDoc


 I am not entirely sure of that, no, but I'm hoping they did :)  I have need
 of doing data import via java program and am wanting to use theirs instead
 of the one I built that has a few problems with it :)


 *From:* Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Lyle Taylor
 *Sent:* Tuesday, July 07, 2009 10:48 AM
 *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
 *Subject:* Re: DataImport JavaDoc


 You sound like you’re trying to use Java program and Java API
 interchangeably here.  Are you sure that BMC intended its import utility to
 also provide an API for use in other programs?


 *From:* Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *LJ Longwing
 *Sent:* Tuesday, July 07, 2009 9:28 AM
 *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
 *Subject:* Re: DataImport JavaDoc


 Unfortunately Rahul, that is also documentation on how to use their tools
 via the command line.

 In 7.5 the Import tool is a Java program.  I would like to attach to that
 Java API via my Java program and perform actions with it.  I have been able
 to successfully add their java class to my program, but without
 documentation I'm finding it difficult to utilize the api.

 *From:* Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Maheshwari, Rahul
 *Sent:* Tuesday, July 07, 2009 9:12 AM
 *To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
 *Subject:* Re: DataImport JavaDoc


 The documentation is available in Chapter-17 of the following:

 Thanks  Regards,


Re: Capture Client Version

2009-04-24 Thread Calman Steynberg

Turn on API logging on the server. It includes the user name, IP address
and  protocol version of the client that is connecting to the server.

This is from a 6.3 driver (protocol 11):
API  TID: 003176 RPC ID: 000899 Queue: Fast  
Client-RPC: 390620USER: Demo
 /* Fri Apr 24 2009 16:43:59.2250 */+VERARVerifyUser -- user Demo from
Unidentified Client (protocol 11) at IP address

This is from a 7.5 user tool (protocol 13):
API  TID: 003180 RPC ID: 000818 Queue: Fast  
Client-RPC: 390620USER: Demo
 /* Fri Apr 24 2009 16:35:21.0280 */+VERARVerifyUser -- user Demo from
Remedy User (protocol 13) at IP address


On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 1:40 PM, Nall, Roger roger.n...@t-mobile.comwrote:



 Can someone tell me what variable is sent through the login that tells us
 what client version a user is operating from? We have a situation where we
 are capturing $VERSION$ for each user. This is showing some users as using
 6.3 when they say they have installed 7.1. These are remote users and there
 is no other way to verify client versions.


 Roger A. Nall
 Manager, OSSNMS Remedy
 T-Mobile, USA
 Desk:972-464-3712 NEW

 Cell: 973-652-6723
 sf49fanv AIM IM
 RogerNall Yahoo IM

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Re: Developer Studio 7.5 - Layout Question

2009-03-09 Thread Calman Steynberg


Developer Studio introduced enhanced functionality when dealing with the 
vertical alignment of fields to a grid. In Developer Studio, the 
developer can choose to align fields on their top or bottom edge, or not 
to use vertical alignment at all.

From your description of the behaviour below it sounds like you have 
vertical aligment switched off. To switch it on, go to Layout-Align To 
Grid and make sure that either Top or Bottom is checked. Switching on 
Top would give you the same behaviour as the Windows Admin Tool, which 
did not have this capability and thus always used Top alignment.


This is an enhancement over the Windows Admin Tool functionality, and 
might explain

Trevor Keppel-Jones wrote:

When designing a form or cleaning one up, I used to use a grid of 5x11
and Align to Grid: Value Left.  When I try to arrange fields in
Developer Studio it appears as though the Align to Grid feature only
works horizontally.  Vertically I seem to be able to place the field
anywhere.  Does anyone have any ideas on this?  Should I be using a
different method for form layout now?

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Re: Remedy Deve3loper Studio 7.5???

2009-02-09 Thread Calman Steynberg


Here are some examples on how to do some of the things you want. See my
comments below.


David Sanders wrote:

  So have you tried to use it LJ? Take something simple... I have a form,
let's say Form-1.  How do I list all the active links or filters linked to
that form?  If it is the primary form for the workflow object I can list
them, but what if I have shared workflow and Form-1 is not the primary form?
I can see no way to display shared workflow linked to the form.

There are 3 ways to do this, but one of them only works on 7.5 servers
and require that you have object relationships turned on.For the last
one, turning on object relationships will greatly improve the
performance of generating the list) 

1. You can use Working Lists to create a list of related objects
(particularly helpful if you work on the objects a lot). View by Form
lists will work regardless of the object relationship setting. Follow
these steps:

1.1 Right click on Working Lists in the Navigator and select New View
by Form List:

1.2 Give the list a name and click Add...

1.3 Add the form you were referring to with the settings below and
Click OK in the selector and the New View by Form List dialog:

A new working list containing all the related objects will be created
which should look something like this:

2. You can use the Relationship View. (Object relationships must be
turned on in the server) Follow these steps:

2.1 Right click on the active link in the Form list and select Show

The Relationships view will be populated with all the related objects

3. Use a Related List. This is similar to the view by form list, but
you will end up with all the related objects for that form. So in this
case, it would show the selected form, the active link and the primary
form. This will work without turning on object relationships, but could
take quite a while if you do not have it on.

I can display View properties, but as yet have not found how to display and
set Form properties, such as the results list.  It must be there somewhere,

Form properties can be found in the main menu under the Form menu:

Have you tried setting default permissions in an application - as far as I
can see it completely ignores them.  Admittedly, some of these issues may be
lack of familiarity. Or it could be bugs - I don't know which yet.

Setting the default permissions for an application can be found in the
Application menu when you open an application for editing. New objects
that are created in this application context will have the assigned
permissions automatically. It does not change the permissions of
existing objects in the application. To change the permissions on
existing object, use the standard permissions interface, or right click
on a role and select Assign Permissions.

Have you tried setting the tab order in a View yet?  Change the tab order
number of one field and it 'guesses' how to renumber the other fields to
take account of the change.  Really frustrating.

The easiest way is probably to use Layout-Tab Order-Increment
on Click. It will start at 0 and each field after that will be
incremented by one.

So change is always painful, and there's going to be a learning curve with
this tool, but I really do not see anything that's easier yet (apart from
the undo feature which I guess we'll be using a lot to start with)


David Sanders
Remedy Solution Architect
Enterprise Service Suite @ Work
tel +44 1494 468980
mobile +44 7710 377761

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From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
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Re: Remedy Java API: UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy.ARInitialization()J

2009-01-22 Thread Calman Steynberg
This is caused by not having the native libraries on your path. When the 
JVM can't find native libraries you get java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError.

Make sure that the following DLL's are in your $PATH if you are using 


Of course, if you are on Unix, then make sure that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
includes the location of the equivalent libraries.


Joe DeSouza wrote:

I think this may be because that you might be having two jar files 
having the same classes being initiated in the same java instance.
You will need to find out which jar file contains these classes that 
throw the exception below and remove them and place them at a common 
location so it is initialized just once.

*From:* Ravi
*To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
*Sent:* Thursday, January 22, 2009 2:24:36 PM
*Subject:* Remedy Java API: UnsatisfiedLinkError: 

Hi: I am trying to create and run java applications from a server 
where Remedy is not installed. Scripts that run on perfectly fine on 
the remedy server donot seem to run on a server where remedy is not 
installed. I have copied all the jar files to $JAVA_HOME/lib 
directory. I can compile the script fine. But I get the following 
error when I try to run the script. I see a number of people reporting 
this error and none of solution seems to be helping me..

Exception in thread main java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 

  at com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy.ARInitialization(Native Method)
  at com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy.init(Unknown Source)
  at com.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyJRpcBase.init(Unknown Source)
  at com.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyJRpc.init(Unknown Source)
  at com.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyManager.createProxy(Unknown Source)
  at com.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyPool.get(Unknown Source)
  at com.bmc.arsys.api.PoolingProxyManager.getProxy(Unknown Source)
  at com.bmc.arsys.api.ARServerUser.verifyUser(Unknown Source)
  at checkRequest.main(

Line 26 in the code is server.verifyUser();


-- Thank you,

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Re: Upgrade to 7.1 user tool question...

2008-11-05 Thread Calman Steynberg


you might also consider convincing your users to use a preference 
server. From then on forward all their settings would be stored on the 
server, which means that this would not be a concern moving forward.

Additionally, they would have access to them even when they log into 
some other machine or via the Mid-Tier


Richard Copits wrote:

Thank you! This is exactly what I needed to know

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
On Behalf Of Grooms, Frederick W
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 9:56 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Upgrade to 7.1 user tool question...

They will be saved in files in the User's home directory (In the user tool do Tools 
- Account - the Users button).  Here is a partial listing of the file types 
   {Form}.arf   form definition file   
   {Form}.arv   form view file   
   {Macro}.arq  saved macro (in the ARCmds directory)   
   {Login}_{type}.srh   recent and saved search info   
   {Login}_{type}.dat   favorite and alias schemas info   
   ???.arm  import mapping file (I don't have any of these)   

i.e.  The User's (JSmith) saved searches will be in JSmith_saved.dat and the 
recent searches will be in JSmith_recent.dat

The 7.1 upgrade should not lose any of their files.  What may have happened is when you 
uninstalled the 5.1 User tool it deleted the Home directory.  The 6.3 uninstall asks you 
if you wish to delete the directory and its files so you can answer No.  When 
installing the 7.1 user tool specify the same Home directory as they currently have.


From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
On Behalf Of Richard Copits
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 7:43 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Upgrade to 7.1 user tool question...

We're pretty much done with our basic installation and now want to have some
users test our 7.1 ITSM system. However, I'm not entirely comfortable with 
putting the user tool on desktops.  

We have users who are using the 6.x system and have stored searches and macros.
I don't want to hammer/lose those with this upgrade. We did an upgrade a while
ago from 5.x to 6.x and lost them and don't want to repeat that. Where are 
searches, etc. normally stored on a users system - and - if we upgrade users to 
7.x client software will it cause them to lose their saved searches/macros?

Thank you for any information or references where I can find out more about 

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Re: Pure Java 7.1 API: Am I missing something?

2008-01-31 Thread Calman Steynberg


you're not doing anything wrong. The 7.1 API still requires some JNI 
code, so what you are seeing is expected.


Hugo Visser wrote:

** Hi,

Can anybody confirm that they are using the 7.1 API (released, not 
beta version) in a pure Java way, without any use of the .dlls (for 
example, on a Mac)? The reason why I'm asking this is because I'm 
running in to problems when I try to run my API in pure java mode. 
I've disabled JNI loading through the arsys_api.xml file and set the 
JRPC mode to true. Calls to Config.getInstance().getJrpcMode() and 
Config.getInstance().getJniLoadMode() confirm this at runtime.

However, when I run my program I get this stacktrace:

Exception in thread main java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: eval
at com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy.eval(Native Method) -- native !!
at com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy.a(Unknown Source)
at com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy.a(Unknown Source)
at com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy.setProxyProperties(Unknown Source)
at com.bmc.arsys.api.PoolingProxyManager.getProxy(Unknown Source)
at com.bmc.arsys.api.ARServerUser.verifyUser(Unknown Source)
at com.bmc.arsys.api.ARServerUser.login(Unknown Source)
at test.Main.main(

So I dug in the code and decompiled the Proxy class and this is what I 
see in the (obfuscated) function a(Object[]):

int i = Config.getInstance().getJniLoadMode();
if(i == 1)
a();  // which is the function to load the JNI libraries

then the code continues with:
Object aobj1[] = (Object[])(Object[])eval(((Object) (aobj)));

which is the code to the eval function. However, eval is a native 
function aka a function that relies on some native component that is 
never loaded because the API is configured not to. So I'm really 
asking myself and the list, how on earth this could ever work...This 
must have broke somewhere between versions, because I did run the same 
code against a different arapi71.jar, but from a beta version (I think).

So can anybody on the list confirm that this scenario does work (hint: 
make sure there are no 7.1 libraries in you PATH)? Maybe Appajee can 
step up and shed some light on this.



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Re: Java API Display Property Keys

2007-11-26 Thread Calman Steynberg


Take a look at the JavaDoc for com.bmc.arsys.api.Constants. Virtually 
everything has a short explanation that explains it's usage.


Trond Valen wrote:
** Is there a way to find out what the keys used in DisplayPropertyMap 
for, without guessing? __20060125___This posting 
was submitted with HTML in it___ 

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