I solved this issue installing ARSUser  with patch 4 oh highter.


Luisa Carena
Gestione Postazioni Periferiche e Asset
Gruppo Banco Popolare
via Negroni 12 - 28100 Novara
Tel: 0321-663995
Email: luisaclotilde.car...@sgsbp.it
Anuj DUA <anuj....@st.com> - 11/11/2010 11.23
Inviato da: "Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)" 
Per favore, rispondere a
Per:        arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Oggetto:    Error on ModifyAll operation.


We are getting error following error when using modify all operation on 
shr:categorization form.

ARERR [326] Required field cannot be reset to a NULL value : 7

ARERR [326] Required field cannot be reset to a NULL value : 536870917

But there is no such error comes when simple modification is done.

Thanks to help me in resolving the issue.

With Regards,
Anuj Dua

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