Re: [art] Presentation at the OOoCon this morning = Next Steps

2009-11-16 Thread Graham Lauder
On Thursday 12 November 2009 11:30:51 Bernhard Dippold wrote:
Hi Bernhard,

 Hi Ivan, all,

 sorry for not replying earlier, but this week I'm more busy with my job
 than at other times...
 (even this reply will be short...)

Like Ivan I'm sorry I haven't replied more fully.  After my daughters wedding 
this weekend I'll be able make a little more sensible input.  This discussion 
is too important to let lie.


 Ivan M schrieb:
  Hi Bernhard, all,
  On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 11:07 PM, Bernhard Dippold  wrote:
  With regard to a new branding project I mentioned my interest in
  including people from the different projects - and this seems to be
  taken quite positively.
  Excellent! Then our next step could be to engage with these different
  projects to develop a framework/structure/scope for the new project.
  They will probably be able to offer valuable inputs about things we
  may not have considered yet.

 There are two things necessarily to be decided before the creation of a
 new incubator project:
 - the project mission statement
 - the project's name

 All the other decisions on the project could be done afterwards, but I
 don't think we should hurry anyway.

 As multi-project discussions are quite problematic (not all the mails
 are posted to all the relevant lists, some have to become moderated) -
 what do you think of a dedicated wiki page where we could collect the
 relevant thoughts and ideas?

  As an aside, did you get any comments specifically from Sun staff? I
  don't think we'll be able to get very far if they're not on board with

 All the Sun people I talked to agreed in the necessity to work together
 on a general branding. For Stefan Taxhet the first step before creating
 an entirely new set of branding artwork would be to look among the
 present artwork and define a general branding including these designs.

 I'm sorry that Stella has not been at Orvieto, but Stefan, Martin
 Hollmichel and others agree with me, that she should be involved in any
 development in that area. Perhaps there might be a chance for a
 face-to-face meeting at Hamburg during the next months...

  The video documentation [4] will contain my session too at the end of
  the day.
  Unfortunately the live stream did not work for the room you were in
  (some of the others were working at the time), so I watched the video
  later on (I saw Christoph come up to talk to you before the
  presenation, so it's great that you were able to meet!)

 We stayed at the same hotel as neighbours...

- you covered
  all the bases really well, especially at the beginning, with the
  comparison of the splash screens and various OOo website pages. That
  makes a very strong case for a new project to coordinate OOo's

 Thank you for the kind feedback :-)
 The people I talked to at Orvieto seemed to understand what I wanted to
 address, so I think, it has been a success.

  Thank you Bernhard for being the voice of the art project at OOoCon!

 It was great being there - I met a lot of people I only knew from the
 lists and had a really good time there.

 Perhaps there might be a chance at one of the next OOoCons to meet more
 people from the Art Project (or what ever it's new name will be...)

 Remember: Next year's OOoCon will be at Budapest, for 2011 and 2012 the
 Call for Locations will start in a few weeks. So if there is an active
 OOo group near one of you, talk to them. Perhaps we'll have a OOoCon at
 your place...

 Best regards


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Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

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Re: [art] What should be discussed at the OOoCon new logo session?

2009-11-01 Thread Graham Lauder
On Monday 02 November 2009 06:49:48 Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'd like to collect here the topics and thoughts you want me to take
 with me to Orvieto and discuss them with the community (at least with
 the people interested in my session on Friday morning 9:00 - 9:45h [1]).

 I think we should discuss:
 - the advantages and disadvantages of the present logo
 - the reasons why we started to collect ideas for a new logo
 - the necessity for a more general art and branding project (including
 the other relevant projects)
 - how we should start / find the people to work on the new project

 Any other ideas?

 Please specify your thoughts with regard to the points above...

 Best regards


First a few positives:

1)  The present Logo has served us well
2)  For all of the frequent whines at it's Clumsiness in normal 
conversation, has been and will remain being an excellent 
3)  The differentiation between StarOffice and OOo is now becoming more 
obvious in the minds of our corporate partners, the very cool result of this 
is a much higher profile of corporate staffers on the lists and a consequent 
much stronger connection to the community
4) The a...@marketing project is stronger than at first appears evidenced by 
the response that significant tasks engender.

A new Logo the reasons:

1)  Next year is the 10 year anniversary of OOo, by my rough calculations we 
should have hit 200 million downloads of 3 considering the download rates 
remain at present levels without any upwards curve, and in fact the liklihood 
of hitting and passing the Quarter Billion mark is high  

2) 4.0 is coming and if the ideas flying about in the Renaissance project and 
the UX lists is anything to go by, it is going to be a serious advance

These are significant milestones that give us the opportunity to leverage a 
new look to our branding.  
The  new look website has been a success in terms of our face to the 
There will be an expectation in the market for something significant to 
recognise 10 years, what better way than to launch a brand new logo and a 
brand new image. 

Past experience has shown us that high profile work  (Splashscreens and so 
forth) bring people out of the woodwork, however there is not a constant 
workflow and so many of those people disappear.  This means they are not 
immersed in the culture and the community.  This has the result that often 
work submitted completely ignores conventions, history and corporate 
identity.  This has the result that Community sourced artwork is perceived 
as somehow not up to standard and is consequently ignored and this attitude 
then extends to all people involved in the Art project.  The most recent 
manifestation of this was the ODF Icon debacle.   

From my point of view, while ODF icons should be an option, making sure that 
OOo specific icons are on users desktops is more important from a OOo centric 
perspective.  I would like to see community sourced iconsets available as 
extensions and iconsets that are installed as default should, at the very 
least, be approved by the community.  I would like to see the Art project as 
a standalone project where it is first stop for any art requirements related 
to the whole project, including the NLCs, that way we could bring onboard 
artists who are working only for a single NLC at the moment.

People will come if there are the opportunities to contribute in a significant 
manner, logos, iconsets, campaign materials, webart and so on


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

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Re: [art] Presentation of OOo Logo Ideas at Orvieto

2009-10-26 Thread Graham Lauder
On Tuesday 27 October 2009 11:23:02 Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 Hi Seb,

 Sebastien Lanteigne schrieb:
  I didn't see the October 24 deadline. Is it too late for me to submit 2

 I wrote it on the wiki and mentioned it here on the list [1], but I
 don't think that anybody started to create the posters by now.

 So from my personal side your uploads would be ok.
 What do the others think?

 Best regards



I'm good Bernhard, you're the one getting it set up so it's up to you.


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

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Re: [art] Utopia (?) of a new Art Project ...

2009-10-18 Thread Graham Lauder
 off arrivals.
This is because there is a greater connection with the community and they are 
already in touch with the Corporate Consciousness and have participated in 
the discussions that lead to a final product.  Simple things like those not 
in touch almost invariably leave the .org off.  The idea is to recognise the 
concept of Community and that way longterm participation in the art project 
will lead to consistency.  Make no bones that sometimes stuff that comes out 
of the corporate art departments can be less than perfect too... The ODF 
icons were a good example of that.  


   That has become somewhat problematic because it is no longer true.
   OOo's splash screen, icons and website [...]


  reasonably consistent with each other.
  That's exactly what I imagine :-)

 (Starting to dream ... *g* ... representing the common ideals and goals
 of OOo)

That's all we need, a discussion toward a comprehensive style guide that 
covers Website, documentation, stationery, visual interface and logo and a 
team of people who will own that and run with it. 

   I don't see any major problems in finding interested people once
   such a project will be active - but we need another precondition:
   Sun has to involve external artists in their decision finding
   process. At other projects this seems to work, so we'll see if
   there is a chance for the Art Project too.

The main reason that the Art project goes through fluctuations is that there 
is little in the way of reward for the people who participate.  Reward in 
an Open Source project is simple recognition.  The Art project was gutted 
over the 2.0 splash screen when there was no recognition given to the 
community members and an All in policy was used without any discussion.  A 
lot of good people just shrugged their shoulders and disappeared into the 
distance to more rewarding projects.  The question they were asking 
themselves was Why bother contributing when you get ignored when there is  
chance to contribute significantly.

You talk about Norman's Emotional Design, the same applies for designing 
_systems_.  Especially when there is only an Emotional Return for the 
community member.  

   +1. I won't be at OOoCon, but maybe you could see what people's
   reactions to a visual branding/identity/design/artwork project might
be, in addition to the prospect of a new logo?
  I'm looking forward to a lot of discussions on the broader topic - the
  new logo proposals are just a starting point...

Big +1 to that

 Have a nice day,

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

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Re: [art] Ideas for a new OOo logo

2009-10-12 Thread Graham Lauder
 Hi Art!
 I've uploaded four logo designs here;
 As with everyone else's, they're not polished final works, (constructive) 
is welcome.
 Every Design has an accompanying in-context image (of the logo as it might 
on stationery).
 All Designs are in vector, all use Liberation Sans(which has been carefully 
 And I spent quite some time sketching out meaningful ideas, which I hope 

I especially like the freehand Overlapping Os.  I looked at that concept a 
back but mine just kept coming out looking like targets! :/   Nothing as good 
this.  Not so down with the flying laptop, but I like the other two.  Not sure 
well the flying chair would age but I love the unique shape it would give when 
The last one is interesting as much for it's colour as anything else, although 
really like the graphic as well.  Blue is a sophisticated colour but not eye 
catching in the same way as the Yellow/gold/orange part of the colour spectrum 
I've often wondered if changing it would be advantageous  

I also like the reversed S graphic on the stationery.  It follows a strong 
from the website graphic and is very striking. 

Good stuff

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

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Re: [art]

2009-10-11 Thread Graham Lauder
On Monday 12 October 2009 13:02:58 Sebastien Lanteigne wrote:
 Not to take the focus off OOoCon but I'm planning to attend in Wellington, NZ next January. I was wondering if there
 was any activity happening there or if we could organise


Hi Seb,

Most definitely, I'll be getting a setup at the open day hopefully.
Let's keep in touch and I'll see you there


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

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INGOTs Assessor Trainer
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Re: [art] Ideas for a new OOo logo to be presented at Orvieto?

2009-10-10 Thread Graham Lauder
On Saturday 10 October 2009 23:12:42 Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 Hi Graham, *

 Graham Lauder schrieb:
  Couldn't help myself, I had to post this  :D




I swear some of my clients read it before I did.  :D


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

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INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

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Re: [art] Ideas for a new OOo logo to be presented at Orvieto?

2009-10-10 Thread Graham Lauder
On Friday 09 October 2009 10:57:21 Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 Hi all,

 I started to create a wiki page at

 I included the time frame Graham proposed:

 End of logo upload on 24th of October.

 Is this OK for you?

 Please improve the page, comment and upload your drafts...

 Best regards



I've put two up, linked to the source SVG as well.  Please feel free to screw 
with them and make them better, others (a little more extreme) in the pipe 

Jens has put one up as well which is really wicked!


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

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INGOTs Assessor Trainer
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Re: [art] Ideas for a new OOo logo to be presented at Orvieto?

2009-10-07 Thread Graham Lauder
On Thursday 08 October 2009 10:52:11 Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 Hi Graham, Jens, all,

 Graham Lauder schrieb:
  On Thursday 08 October 2009 03:26:50 Jens Habermann wrote:
  A short time frame for sure, but I will contribute my ideas over next
  Until we have a main wiki site for this task, I will place images on
  my wiki user site
  Let's start it in a dedicated part of the wiki.  Start a new page called
  New_logo_proposals or pizza_order or whatever just so long as we keep it
  all together.

 + 1

  CC license?

 I would prefer LGPL.

LGPL it is then

 If any of the proposals (I'd call them design ideas for the moment)
 would be integrated in the main product some day, it's license should be
 compatible with the product.

Design ideas Design Concepts or Conceptual Branding.  All sound good 
seeing as how haven't actually had an RFP!  :)

  and any text has to be in a Free font, no nonfree fonts allowed?


  That looks like enough

  From marketing POV and with regard to visual (corporate) identity I'd
 like to see some more points to be taken into account:

 - the logo should look serious and professional (remember that
 governments and large

 - provide graphical elements that can be used for our branding

 - please don't alienate users and supporters of OOo who feel familiar
 with the present logo. Some kind of recognition might be appropriate IMHO.

Let's let it be free as we possibly can at the moment, I think everyone will 
have the above in mind in any case so it goes without saying.  At this point 
in the process we are dealing with the Show Version like carmakers do for 
car shows.  It probably won't make it to production exactly as is but it may 
influence it broadly. 

  Should we make an effort to put them in context as well.  Like as it is
  on the website, stationery, webbanners?

 I'd keep with the logo - time is short already.

  Are we going to stick with the blue corporate color?

 I'd like to see the OOoblue (RGB 6,52, 140) as part of the logo - this
 would help us to keep at least parts of our visual identity...

 Best regards


The other option is come up with a couple schemas and then we all have a shot 
at variations on that theme.  So for instance (and please everyone feel free 
to shoot these down and substitute your own) 

Use the present Icon colours only and 6-52-140
A Gull type bug and/or the reverse S 
and use the liberation font set.

And we set a time frame... say two weeks from today to have something nailed 

I would suggest also making notes of your design inspirations and reasoning in 
the same way as you would if you were doing a branding pitch to a client.   


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

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Re: [art] OOoCon09 impress templates.

2009-10-05 Thread Graham Lauder
 Hi Bernhard,

  As I don't know about the license of the OOoCon09 logo (I assume
  proprietary like the OOo logo it contains), licensing is a bit unclear
  as every time the OOo logo is involved.
  Officially every presenter has to ask for approval at the logo list and
  if anybody wants to re-use their presentation, (s)he has to ask too.

 I don't think this makes much sense. I see that there are open issues
 regarding the license, but it's very important to me that projects take
 no harm due to the planned trademark license.

 I propose that as long as the logo is not modified by any means (except
 minor changes like size), it can be used for the purpose of OOoCon
 presentations, just like we had it all the years before. This includes
 generating templates and presentations as well as showing and
 distributing them.

 I think that we need no information about the trademark status inside
 the documents, so we can just go on as the last years.

 How does that sound to you?


Frankly I'm with Nik, the Logo license is a nightmare, our opposition updates 
logo with every new version and we are still locked into our original logo from 
start.  Their marketing people say we are still locked back with Office 97 and 
reinforce that attitude in peoples minds by continually recycling our old logo. 
And on top of that, from a Philosophical POV we use a Non-Free font.

How about this for an Idea. We, the Art Project, produce a whole pile of 
OOo Logos, then the speakers can choose the ones they individually like for 
presentations. Who knows the people at Conf might see one really cool one and 
We should have that as our Logo.  

 Conf is the place for breaking new ideas after all, let's extend that to the 
Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ Migration and training Consultant.

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INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

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Re: [art] VOTE for Official Artwork - CD labels [was:] Opinions about OOo3 CD label drafts?

2009-03-21 Thread Graham Lauder
On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 18:29:02 Lisa Y wrote:
 Oh, okay sure thing. That was my first time replying and I wasn't sure if I
 should flood everyone on the mailing list with a new email.

Hi Lisa, 

Welcome to the list.  Most things are done on the list because opensource 
projects are collaborative and in fact many of us would tend to think long 
and hard before communicating offlist and that's generally, because it's 
about something that we may not want the whole list to read.

Also a small maillist etiquette thing, it is preferred when replying that 
people don't Top-post  That is: Post with your reply at the top of the 
previous message. We like to know which parts of the previous post you are 
referring to, so please post comments inline.

Thanks  Cheers

 On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 2:58 PM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
  Hi Lisa,
  would you mind posting this mail to the mailing list (
  Or should I send it there?
  As coordination on artwork is meant to be done collaboratively there I'd
  prefer public replies on the list over private mails.
  But if you don't want your mail to be posted publicly on the list, it's
  ok for me - please just tell me.
  Lisa Y wrote:
  In reply to the subject of CD covers;
  I think the first one looks better(+1), since the horizontal wave runs
  more parallel to the logo. The second one however, seems
  unbalanced to me at first glance because the colors and and the
  opensource label doesn't weigh out the left side.
  The imbalance stems from the more textual concept of the PrOOo-Box CD
  label (to be seen at [1]) - I just removed the texts...
  Best regards

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] I'm back - after pausing for nearly two years

2009-01-24 Thread Graham Lauder
On Sat, 24 Jan 2009 13:12:33 Dr. Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 Hello to all of you

 - some will remember me, for others I'm just a new member in the Art
 Project -

 I've been quite active here until February 2007, when I decided to stop
 my OOo activities for (as I thought) six months in order to become a
 specialized anaesthesist.
 Last year I reached this goal, but I moved from Hamburg to Klagenfurt
 (Austria), so it took a bit more time to find the time for again.

 I'm trying to find a better balance between project and real life than
 two years ago - but who knows...

 If I can support you, please tell me.

 Best regards


Bernhard, Most excellent to see you back on the list.

Congratulations on achieving your specialisation


The Best Things in life are 3

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Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

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Re: [art] generating EPS and TIFF files in PMS and CMYK

2008-09-30 Thread Graham lauder
On Tue, 2008-09-30 at 11:26 +0200, Florian Effenberger wrote:
 Christophe kindly sent me the version 3 logo for adding it to the 
 gallery page, but he doesn't know how to generate EPS and TIFF files in 
 PMS and CMYK.
 I don't do either, so could anyone of you do that? I can send 
 Christophes files and you could do the conversion.

I can do them in CMYK without too much issue, but it's better generating
the CMYK from the PMS. 


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Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)

Open Opportunities ltd.
Open Technologies Training and Migration Consultants

OOoGear: For the Well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art][OOo3] Potential Icons for OOo 3

2008-01-12 Thread Graham Lauder
On Saturday 12 January 2008 22:28:29 Ivan M wrote:
 Hi all,

 I was using Linux (ubuntu) on my university's computers and noticed
 the application icons:
 (two different variations based on chosen theme).

 The splash screen featured no Sun logo or any smallprint and had a
 light-brown sky instead of the usual blue (if that helps identify the
 particular distribution).

 Anyway, I thought that these icons looked great. With a few
 modifications, I they could become the icons for OOo v3 - the top row
 could be the basis for the document file icons, and the bottom row
 could be the application icons.
 They convey what each application does much better than the v2 icons
 in which a more abstract symbol and the coloring of the icon are used
 as the indicators of the application's use, so IMO, they are easier to
 distinguish. They are also more modern looking and use warm, inviting

 Does anyone know who made these icons?

The top ones look like variations on the old Vers 1.x OpenOffice icons

The bottom ones seem to be variations on the standard gnome iconset for OOo.
Ubuntu uses Gnome as it's default desktop so hence., certainly nothing new 
about them.

Personally I prefer the ones we use, but that's just me.  


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Action statements

2007-12-20 Thread Graham Lauder
On Friday 21 December 2007 15:07:50 Alexandro Colorado wrote:
 I made a detail  talk about changing the aproach floss and OOo has to
 promote itself. Basically promoting the product is bad and instead we
 should promote the experience.

 We should avoid caging ourselves on the product and focus on the user. This
 will be the blueprint for the new ES site.

Hi Alexandro,

Expand please, this sounds an interesting concept.

Not sure that it would work in this case but I'd be interested i hearing the 


 - Original message -
 From: :murb: [maarten brouwers]  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thu Dec 20 2007 05:19:45 PM CST
 Subject: [art] Action statements
 Hi art and website folks,

 Are there still people who definitely think that the action statements
 approach is a bad approach? I feel like Graham, and to some extend I,
 have been able to convince most of you, but please say it now if you
 heartedly disagree with this approach, and please say why. To me the
 convincing argument /for/ the action statement approach is as follows:

 Basically there are many relatively experienced MS Office users out
 there who don't have a clue about how to download and install something.
 Furthermore, while other people may have quite some experience in
 browsing, installing software is something relatively a small percentage
 of the internet-connected people do. The main target group for this
 redesign were exactly these users, which is probably the largest group
 of potential new users. Guiding them carefully, using these action
 statements, could help them a lot, it works reassuring.

 It is demonstrated in the following designs, one of which partly won the
 vote. But with the recent vote I didn't ask you to pay any attention to
 the content, but only to pay attention to the style:

 You could compare these designs to the designs listed at that page above
 this heading. I reported to Louis (in private) already that if we agree
 on the action statement based approach, then currently this screenshot:

 is the best design so far, on which we will base our future iterations,
 when both homepage-content and style is considered. It a) is based on
 Ivan's OOo minimalist and b) I felt we already kind of agreed now on the
 action statement approach. Of course there is still the need for some
 additional sub pages, but if we can agree on e.g. this design, or a
 better one, that would already be a huge leap forward in the process.

 Or am I pushing own opinion too much now? If so, please do say so
 soon... we need to make progress! (and if you are 'pro' action
 statements, and you see only negative replies, please share your views
 too with the community, it is about getting our opinions aligned). Maybe
 someone could also consider whether it adheres to the rough requirements
 we wrote down here:



Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Action statements

2007-12-20 Thread Graham Lauder
On Friday 21 December 2007 17:42:49 Rex Hollingsworth wrote:
 I partially agree with the action statement based content. My only
 issue with it is that we're over-branding the page with

 On the single Murb page, there's 13 mentions of OO.o. That seems a bit
 steep for me.-RH

Hi Rex

I have no problem  with that.  This is a marketing exercise more than anything 
else.  Brand recognition is reinforced by repetition.  Each mention is 
reasonable within it's context and each vistor is only going to read it once 
and then only the bits that are relevant to that user.  It looks like a lot 
because we, who are creating it read it, from necessity, over and over.  
However, the new arrival will read the Action Statements until they arrive at 
the one that resonates with them and then they may read the subtext.  So in 
fact it's only a matter 6 or 7 times. but probably more likely 3 or 4.

After that they'll just hit the Second Line of Text and won't read it at all 
unless they decide to go to a different destination


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Re: [website-dev] Re: [art] Decide on visual appearance [update]

2007-12-16 Thread Graham Lauder
On Monday 17 December 2007 01:35:55 :murb: [maarten brouwers] wrote:

 Graham wrote:
  We seem to have people voting all over the place because not all
  interested parties are subscribed to the Art list.
  Perhaps it may be better to use the wiki to do the voting

 Actually I would like to ask everyone to keep their votes on the art
 list. In the first place because I never intended this as a voting round
 on the overall, e.g. user, experience, but one on nothing but the
 branding, the visual identity. The latter is imho something the art
 community is 'responsible' for and I would prefer to keep it like that.

 rationale by=User:Murb
 I understand that many people like to think about the visual identity of
 the website, also because it involves emotion as well, but this voting
 has been preceded by much discussion at the art list, something others
 may have missed. Maybe I am a bit rigorous in drawing lines between the
 several projects, but  I also want to stimulate people to keep the
 discussion in a single place. Besides, it is something the people at the
 art list have to work with. If, hypothetically speaking, one proposal
 wins that is not favoured by those, or most, participating actively in
 the art community, where does it leave them? The design of the website
 (should) also flows back again into the general branding of all OOo
 material (e.g. OOo3) This sub group of marketing has been started, if I
 see it correctly, to brand OOo visually. If you heartedly disagree with
 the way things are going there, join them, it is not a closed group.

 I cc'ed the website-dev group for the simple reason that I wanted to
 keep them up to date about the current state of affairs (Louis asked me
 to 'lead' the overall website redesign process a bit). Anyhow, politics
 aside, if it stays limited to [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ux, I 
 be able to do the counting, but I'd like to urge everyone to also
 monitor the art mailing list ;)

Fair comment, if you're happy with that then all is good!  :)




Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Decide on visual appearance [update]

2007-12-15 Thread Graham Lauder
On Saturday 15 December 2007 11:02:38 :murb: [maarten brouwers] wrote:
 -sorry for bothering again, I forgot a few designs-

 Hi Arties :)

 (I cc'ed [EMAIL PROTECTED] for their information, please vote on the art
 mailinglist only, this is only about visual identity, which I believe is
 an [EMAIL PROTECTED] issue, and not so much a [EMAIL PROTECTED] issue)

Hi Maarten,

We seem to have people voting all over the place because not all interested 
parties are subscribed to the Art list.

Perhaps it may be better to use the wiki to do the voting

We could use the Discussion Tab on the wiki page and get everyone just to 
simply do the four tilde  wiki signing  next to their favourite.  The 
changes log will allow us to keep an eye on anyone screwing with the process.  
(Unlikely I know but shit happens)  

That would allow us to include all the stakeholders in the vote in one place 
so it's not dependant on Mail list subscription. 

Although right now there seems to be a clear winner emerging, perhaps for the 


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Wake up ART!

2007-12-12 Thread Graham Lauder
 is:  What is this?

We go back to our Hyper-mart shopper walking off the street.

Walks through the door and asks
 What is this? [1]
The greeter then says This is Hyper mart, [2] where can I direct you?  [3]
I want to go to Hardware[4]

The process for the greeter is:  Answer, then open ended question.  Why? 
because the alternative, just the answer, is a Dead end.  This then requires 
the User to think of another question, which is a barrier..

Back to the webpage, but changed from an aural interface to a text and 
graphic interface: 
What is this? Click [1]
The page loads and there is the OOo Logo, the answer to the users 
question[2]the greeter's follow-up question is unspoken but obvious, 
because  .  The simple fact that the links are there is asking the Where can 
I direct you Question [3] 
The user answers the unspoken question with I want .  Recognition of the 
answer that he is forming in his mind will draw him to click that link.[4]

   It could
   even save the user a click and get them to where they want faster
   (i.e. If the user is there to get help, we could suggest a few of the
   most common support solutions instead of just sending them straight to page straight away. For developers 
   contributors/participators, we could offer links to the wiki, the
   contributing page, etc).
  The trick is to get them out of the doorway as quickly as possible.  One
  of the problems with the Home page right now is that it tries to be all
  things to all people.  By getting people quickly to the page that most
  suits there needs we are much better able to satisfy those needs because
  they are more specific.  Sure, have a collection of most commonly asked
  questions on the first Support page, but what we're talking about here is
  a splash page.  The user is here no longer than a few seconds.  Perhaps
  the the 5th answer could be I want to see a Sitemap  That could give
  Cognoscenti more comprehensive list of links to wiki and so forth.

 The trick is to get them out of the doorway as quickly as possible,
 yes. But there's enough space there to offer more options.

More options mean more time.  Options they don't need at this point.  We give 
them more options further in where it's much more appropriate.  

 Here is an
 example of what I mean: for the participate section, we could have the
 heading I would like to help (using a reworded action statement,
 though I still don't think that would make a good heading, but for the
 purposes of this illustration, it'll do.) Right under it, we could
 offer some options:

 - first time participating? [link]start here[/link]
 - or jump straight to the [link]projects page[/link],
 - go through to the [link]wiki[/link]
 - or head over to [link]some other option[/link].

 ... 2 or 3 options would be enough.

No that is the next level where the the User can make the decision amongst all 
the options available from the specific area. 

 Marketing's not my area of expertise, and we've had limited (but
 significant) input on this list. I don't want to pretend that I know
 what's best for the site or its users - has this discussion been
 posted on the marketing list? If more people got in on the discussion
 (and took stances), a solution would be easier - that's not to say
 that the discussion shouldn't continue here with the people who have
 already contributed, but rather get more people into it.

 - Ivan.

Heh, I've already gone through this process on the Website list, now on the 
Art list, now I'll have to go through it all on the Marketing list.  I'm 
mindful of the time constraints but I'm perfectly willing

I should point out that I had no input into the last Website design even 
though I was around.  I didn't at that stage feel that I had sufficient 
knowledge of the Project as a whole to be able to make what I would call 
reasonable suggestions.

Now I know a little more.

I know that marketing effort using conventional methods and conventional 
homepage has not worked.

I know that the prime motivation for this new design is to increase downloads.

I know that despite Web Designer protestations to the opposite, this is a 
marketing exercise

I know our users a little better 

Hence this time I put my hand up because I can't see any change in the 
Homepage's structure, just more of the same just prettier. 


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Wake up ART!

2007-12-12 Thread Graham Lauder
 help us
 revamping the main page, when the rest doesn't change. Which is why any
 attempt to redesign the main page should provide a default style sheet
 that helps the individual projects to give their pages a consistent and
 appealing look as well.

Rigidly consistent isn't necessary. Consistent style is.

   Why are we treating these users as if this is the first Website they've
   ever been to? Even assuming they're very new to the web, they've
   encountered at least a dozen Websites before ours
  OOo is indeed probably not their first website, but it is not so likely
  that they have encountered a download site before, it is a completely
  different category that involves ideas about drives, folders, viruses,
  installing, space, bandwidth. With browsing a random news site, an online
  marketplace, an online e-mail provider, you don't have to care about

 See...and how does I want to download help in that

Andre sorry you are ignoring completely the rationale behind it all.  You 
can't take One line out of the whole just to make it look silly.   

 The Newbie Maarten is talking about above would NOT click the I want to 
Download Openoffice  link and it's not there for him to click

Let me repeat.

They are a group of options that appeal to the broadest possible base of 
likely visitors to the site.   They do NOT stand alone.  I will reiterate 
once again

I want to download now (That was the original wording)
= The Regular User who is coming for an upgrade.  He knows 
EXACTLY what he wants.

I want to learn more about
= This is for your Newbie arrival. This link would send them to the Why page

I want help with my
=This User already has it installed

I want to help or I want to contribute or whatever
=  Sophisticated User 

 We will still have a download page behind it. And it is the
 download page that needs thinking about if you want to deal with the
 issue you just mentioned. Or otherwise avoiding it via a one-click
 download as you brought up on webdev again.

Agreed, all those pages that I suggested that the links be aimed at need 

Why to make it readable
Support to make it less confusing
Contribute is pretty good right now 
Download ... well everyone agrees!  :) 

   - Text only (Large)
  yes please!

 ;-) Let's do it in Writer, shell we?

 I think the whole text only thing (read text-focussing) thing isn't a
 bad approach. It's a good one.

   Learn more
  About Opensource? Can I find here learn more about how to work with
   Need help?
  I need help in understanding what?
   How to Join
  Join what? Why should I join? This is not a community, is it?
  Gosh, is this website some kind of facebook?

 I agree that those wordings must be improved, but the worst possible
 case scenario you're constructing here isn't a very likely one.


Actually I think it's more likely than you give it credit for

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Wake up ART!

2007-12-12 Thread Graham Lauder
 to the homepage that suits them best 

 - Ivan.



Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Wake up ART!

2007-12-12 Thread Graham Lauder
On Thursday 13 December 2007 10:55:17 Ivan M wrote:
 Hi all,

 Throw in a gradient background and a few (graphic) design
 elements/artwork and it might look somewhat decent and not like an
 'under construction' page. From what you wrote, that seems to be (to
 me) what you're arguing for, not something like the design above.

 - Ivan.

Oh and I forgot to say, I like the order you've put them in much better for 
the user.


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Minimalist Version of Something Completely Different

2007-12-12 Thread Graham Lauder
On Thursday 13 December 2007 14:53:13 RJ Gilson wrote:
 Greetings All,

 The same design as before, built around the four statements:

 I want to learn more about
 I want to download now.
 I want help with my
 I want to help

 The link bar and download button have been removed. The content boxes could
 also be elongated to push the footer 'below the fold' so it's not part of
 the first impression of the page


 Full Size Image:

Hmm this actually provides another slant at the concept.  A couple of two line 
selling points beneath action statement.

Say under the Learn More statement.  

Learn why is the best Office Software for you. 

Learn how you too can get this fantastic software for free.

Under the download now statement perhaps shortcuts to the Platform versions 

Mac, windows and Linux symbols like you have in the previous version

Under Need Help 
perhaps a direct link to the Forum at and one to Documentation

Under the Contribute

Code, Cash or Community, needs you! 

Cool I like it, there is definitely a way to work with that.  Definitely an 

I'd shoot the Gull though  :) but only because of download on Dialup.  And it 
looks a little XPish.. I think.  But that might just be me and given the CI 
I'm not sure how you'd get around it.  :(

Otherwise good stuff.



Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Wake up ART!

2007-12-10 Thread Graham Lauder
 or Doodlewoods

You have to make a conscious effort NOT to make assumptions.  You can't assume 
that everyone thinks like you.  You make an assumption that everyone will add 
the words that will make sense out of what you have put up there.  

The only thing we know for certain  at the moment is that the front page is 
not turning visitors into downloaders.  

We need to change how we do it.  What you and everyone else is suggesting is 
more of the same, we simply shuffle it about with new graphics, that's not a 
solution it's merely a decimal upgrade.   

 The problem i see with your whole argumentation is that you are treating
 each sentence/point as a single one. From that premise yes, it makes a
 lot of sense to me that each sentence provides it own context then and
 each sentense isn't that hard to get and so on.

 But we are talking about a whole page here and about five of these
 sentences next to each other in some way. the purpose of that particular
 page being guiding the user to other pages. Nothing more. We want to
 show the user where to find what. He needs an easy way to separate the
 content of that page from one another.

I think you're talking about a full page like Why, I'm talking about a splash 
page.  We don't want people to take in a whole page, it defeats the purpose.  

The home page at this point, is the foyer to our factory, by using the action 
statements we give the arrival a fixed number of clearly defined doors to 
walk through.  That's it.  Each door then leads to the page You're talking 
about which has lots on info and context about the place.

 We already have a context in the whole page. No need to provide one
 anymore. And our sentences or whatever need to work in relation to one
 another rather than as single entities out of any context or relation.

Yes but context has  to be  Read in,  just like words or sentences.  
This Splash page is not about selling content it's about simple decisions.  
You're talking about people hanging about, I'm not.  They should be on this 
page for no more than a few seconds.  At this point we set them up to make a 
decision, that decision informs us as to what information and context we 
should give them.   Then the next page they hit we give them what that signal 
told us.


OK I'll try to summarise again cos I'm obviously not getting this through.  

We have several pages which do completely different jobs.


Almost invariably,  everyone comes to the front page to get the thing that one 
of these pages supplies, they either:

Want to learn about OOo  (This person is curious probably short attention span 
and possibly the most unsophisticated of our 4 groups)

Want to just go in and Download (This person knows what he wants already)

Want Help  (This person is possibly a little confused but needs to be here)

or they want to contribute (This person will be the most tolerant, they're a 

The Curious Person is the new Downloader.  He is the one we're targeting.  The 
task  of the front page is to get him to the Why page as quickly as possible 
because the Why page is by far the most likely content to turn the curious 
visitor into happy Downloader.   Of the four groups the Curious visitors 
connection to the site is the weakest.  So we have to make the decisions easy

All they have to do is take up an offer from the positively worded statements 
that we provide for them.

Remember, the question is always:  What Next!  Single words without assumed 
content around them are just confusing, the user is simply fishing for 
context .

What Next is asked subconsciously for the most part, all we're doing is 
supplying a group of answers in a Multi choice sort of way One each for the 
four most likely visitors or perhaps 5  if we add extensions to the splash 

The main thing  is the action statements are
understandable to anyone with a rudimentary grasp of English 
and the whole meaning can be grasped in an instant.

I know what I'm suggesting is radical, but we need radical.  We can do 
marketing campaigns by the dozen, but the results of the last two big ones 
have been dismal.  We KNOW that people are landing, but the downloads aren't 
increasing.  That has to come back to the website design.  The last major 
change to the Homepage made zero difference to downloads, it was all down to 
the launch of 2.0.  And still the only thing that increases downloads is a 
new release.   (and this is not breaking news, I'm just paraphrasing what 
Louis has said a myriad of times)

In Behavioural science and Pedagogical terms this is not at all radical, in 
fact it's very  mainstream 


PS:  Many thanks for a reasoned and considered response 

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

Re: [art] Wake up ART!

2007-12-07 Thread Graham Lauder
On Friday 07 December 2007 23:01:16 Nikash V. SINGH wrote:
 Oh yes, I forgot,

 The opinions of 3 different people who actually MAKE webpages and use the
 OOo website  Graham LOUDER's opinion. What on earth made me think this was
 an open forum in the first place?... my bad.


*sigh* Now you're resorting to ad hominem attacks. 

No more please.  It just demeans the discussion.

 - Original Message 
 From: Graham Lauder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 7 December, 2007 8:14:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [art] Wake up ART!

 On Friday 07 December 2007 20:13:04 Nikash V. SINGH wrote:
  Oh THANK GOD for André WYRWA,
  I was sitting here thinking everything you just said, thinking I was


  only one thinking so...
  André Wyrwa wrote:
   ...snip snip...
   On Thu, 2007-12-06 at 21:56 +0100, :murb: [maarten brouwers] wrote:
a) Download is moved in a sidebar, hardly noticable
   I don't think that's a bad thing. Was it on webdev where someone
   recently made a point about motivating people to download being


   important than throwing the download button in their face?
   I think the actual button only needs to be easy enough to


   it bigger doesn't motivate more...the rest of the page must be what
   motivates to actually click on it.
  I really couldn't agree more that being smacked in the face with a


  DOWNLOAD button is as annoying as any pop-up ad. I'm not sure all


  people see this because it achieves their purposes of being LOUD and


  but at what cost to user experience?. Who wants to download something


  know nothing about? and if they know all about it, they'll be

  able to

  find a clear link on the homepage whether it's smacking them in the

  face or


 Whether you like it or not, it's marketing that gets people to the

 In the last campaign we spent a considerable sum getting people to the
 download page.  Now we know they got there because we only had to pay
 people clicked the link or the key word.  Problem was it didn't convert

 And I should add that the marketing guys you seem to be keen on
 had nothing to do with the design of those pages.  A lot of marketing
 however had input into the why page.


   Distinguished content is download vs. learn more about. Compare


   amounts of characters that actually help the user navigate to those
   say...nothing(?). See what i'm getting at?
  I agree. Short phrases like the ones you mentioned do the same job in


  time. Someone wanting to get a quick overview of what the site offers


  do so more easily with options like learn more or download. I


  it's important to keep in mind that it isn't always GRAPHICS that


  up a page, repetitive TEXT is as much to blame for that.

 Wrong, pedagogical evidence and all sorts of Human Behaviour sciences
 tell you different.  Graphics attract attention, they do not inspire
 to take action, words do.  People don't read words on their own they
 context.  New person in new place has to read context into any short
 or single word, THAT takes time.

b) why the why, how, what questions, could you try the

  suggestions by

Graham (slightly edited by me?
   I'm under the impression that the whole why, how, what thing comes


   my page approach, where i introduced those. I


   that for the main page a different wording would be better.
  That page really IS something =). With as much
  relevance to Office documents as TABs have, how come OOo doesn't use


  more frequently?
  Relieved to know I wasn't the only one concerned about those issues.

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Wake up ART!

2007-12-07 Thread Graham Lauder
On Saturday 08 December 2007 01:33:08 :murb: [maarten brouwers] wrote:

Hi Maarten,

 As I said before, I'm not someone who
 starts designing upfront, without thinking about what should be on it, I
 like to think about it. On the other hand, reasoning doesn't lead to
 actual websites as well, for which designers are much welcomed. For me,
 however, it is sometimes hard to judge the quality of the design when I do
 not know what to expect what happens. What is the flow ;) [1]




That is a cool article, everything that they talk about the 37 signals page 
for instance is what I like about the page.  Andre used a 
lot of the same principles and it has really good flow to it.  Blocks of text 
that inform without overwhelming, sequenced in a smooth manner through the 
page and in deeper as well.  Excellent.

What we're dealing with here tho is a splash page.  To me the flow should be 
to get the user past it as quickly as possible.  It should only really show 
for a matter of seconds then click off to Download or Why or support or 

 I am beginning to agree about retaining a consistent look from the splash to 
the next level at least.  It comes back to the context thing,   If a page is 
completely different then the new user has to reestablish, or reconnect with 
the context  so I can see where you're coming from there.

I'm not sure how difficult that would be with the why page I dare say Andre 
would have the best idea about that



Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Fast help needed: Outlining EPS files

2007-12-05 Thread Graham Lauder
On Wednesday 05 December 2007 06:47:06 Florian Effenberger wrote:
 Hi Rex,

  We could do that, or you could try out Stanford's engine:

 thanks a lot! The files are located at

 in the de and en subdirectory. You have EPS, JPG and original PSDs
 there. If you could convert the PSD to EPS outlined, that would be great!


EPS is a very flaky format.  Even Adobe's products (Photoshop and Illustrator) 
can't agree how to handle it and pump out different versions.

I've popped the two files onto my site 

These are produced in Inkscape  From TIFFs exported from Photoshop,  so I'm 
not sure how they'll go..

I have some other files produced in CorelDraw from the PS files.  If the above 
don't work, we can try those.  However I only have dialup so uploading 2 x 27 
mb files is a major shit.


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Wake up ART!

2007-11-29 Thread Graham Lauder
On Thursday 29 November 2007 20:18:36 Ivan M wrote:
 Hi all,
 Here is a simple concept based on Nikash's second concept. It's much
 more simple and much less bright and colorful:

 I haven't taken the time to add colorful buttons and graphics - it
 might look gray and drab now, but add a few icons and buttons and I
 think it'll be colorful enough (i.e. the download button could be
 yellow/orange). This variation would be much quicker loading than one
 using photos (though there's nothing to say photos couldn't be used -
 it'd just be more of a problem in terms of catering for different
 screen widths) and simple to code.


Hi Ivan,

Love the look, very clean.  Fits the CI really well 

Like Maarten I'm not convinced about the content of the Buttons but I like the 
style of them

Very good indeed


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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[art] Title Graphic for the New Users Forum

2007-11-20 Thread Graham Lauder
The guys on the Users list have launched the new forum at

Drew Jensen hacked up a Graphic but would really like if the art project would 
submit some new header graphics to make the forum look lively and welcoming 
and professional.  Probably a good idea at this point would be something 
celebrating the launch of the new Users Forum.

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Title Graphic for the New Users Forum

2007-11-20 Thread Graham Lauder
On Wednesday 21 November 2007 00:47:08 Graham Lauder wrote:
 The guys on the Users list have launched the new forum at

Ooops  500 x 66 please


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Usage Question

2007-11-14 Thread Graham Lauder
On Thursday 15 November 2007 05:54:24 RJ Gilson wrote:
 Hi All,

 Does anyone know what Sun's guidelines are for using
 the S-Curve, or other OOo graphics?


Hey Randy

The S Curve is the used in relation to StarOffice. Along with the Butterfly 
and Star they are the major SO Bugs

The Curve was reversed first in the original iconset of OOo 2 and was 
consequently  referred to as the Icon curve to differentiate it from 
the S Curve.  Not a name I would have picked... But hey   :) (Maybe we need 
to rename it, to make it a more sexy bug so it gets used more.) 

However, the S curve is an essential part of Sun Corporate Branding rather 
than only a StarOffice Bug.  OOo only got it's version by accident via the 
Icons.   I think it's use needs to be expanded.

The Sun Guys would have put much thought into it's grunt as a branding item.  
Then they basically gifted it to us.  :)

Unfortunately (although you could say  fortunately from a designers POV)  
there is nothing in the Design Guides WRT the Icon Curve, either the OOo ones  
or the available StarOffice ones... This one is a 2003 vintage

Frankly I think that noone thought of it as a bug, it was just a cute design 
element on the icons that grew to what it is now.   :)

As far as I know, and I have read every design guide associated with SO and 
OOo that has been made available since I joined the project back in the 
whenever,  I have seen no guidelines or restrictions.  (That is not to say 
that Stella hasn't perhaps updated her 2003 piece and it hasn't been made 
available.  Matthias would know, or he could just walk down the hall and 
ask!  :) ) 

The restrictions on the logo are set in stone.  The Icon Curve AFAIK is free 

In Logos perhaps the best demo of how Sun uses the S Curve is here

However that's only logos. 


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Image Request

2007-11-14 Thread Graham Lauder
On Thursday 15 November 2007 08:32:05 RJ Gilson wrote:
 --- John McCreesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  John McCreesh
  Marketing Project Lead

 Thanks John, just what I was looking for!


Hey Randy,

What sort of VG editor do you use?  If you open up Nicu's Otto in Inkscape you 
will find that he is very easily manipulated using the standard iIlustration 
Tools.  Nicu created his version using multiple layers in Inkscape.(Otto was 
originally created by an Italian school girl,  Andrea Maggioni ) 

 Bitmap editors like the GIMP or Photoshop can't see those layers and so you 
end up starting from a Raster Graphic which is really limiting. 

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Posting art to OOo Site.

2007-11-11 Thread Graham Lauder
On Monday 12 November 2007 07:08:44 RJ Gilson wrote:
 Hello Graham,

 --- Graham Lauder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've started an OOoArt Contributors Page at

 I was wondering if there is a file size limit?


Hey Randy,

Not that I know of but I'm on Dialup so I make sure I don't test that sort of 
thing   :)

For big files I would upload two.  One that was rendered in a compressed 
format and sized to display on screen .  (For bitmaps I prefer PNG but jpg is 
cool too) then upload  the larger version and put a link to that with the 
first.  Then at least people on dialup can see the image and make a decision 
if they want to download the large one but they're not forced to if they want 
to view your art.

However having said all that, right now the process is about the T-Shirts so 
really the only source images we are going to need are the those ones that 
are going to be used.  Unless you are going to collaborate with someone on 
creating an image then there's probably no point in putting up heaps of XCF 
or PSD files.  

If however you are wanting others to have a go at modifying your original in 
true opensource fashion then definitely yes upload the source, I'll curse my 
dialup but cheer the attitude!  :)  


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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[art] Posting art to OOo Site.

2007-11-10 Thread Graham Lauder
Greetings all,

Just a heads up for those contributing art to the project.  There is a 
facility for anyone, as long as they're registered of course, to upload art 
to the OOo wiki.

I've started an OOoArt Contributors Page at  

At the moment the only Gallery in there is mine.  It's simple to set up your 

In the first panel of the page down the right hand side, there is a menu with 
a number of links.  Beneath the Contributors Pages there is only  Yorick 
right now.  

To add yourself to the list and get your own page, click the Edit link at 
the bottom of that panel  and add your name below Contributors Pages.  Just 
copy the syntax around my name and substitute your own, leaving mine there of 
course :).  

 Use the Show Preview to check all is well.  At this point it will just show 
the panel.  If you name is in the menu then we're all good.  Click Save 
Page.   If you then click on your name you should be taken to a blank 
page.ready to be edited.

The Upload file link is on the left of the page.

Have fun 


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] Posting art to OOo Site.

2007-11-10 Thread Graham Lauder
On Sunday 11 November 2007 18:49:16 Graham Lauder wrote:
 Greetings all,

 Just a heads up for those contributing art to the project.  There is a
 facility for anyone, as long as they're registered of course, to upload art
 to the OOo wiki.

 I've started an OOoArt Contributors Page at

OOps I forgot to mention, please put

'''[[OOoArt Art_Contributions| Back to Contributors Main Page]]''' 

at the top of your new page.  That adds a link back to the Contributors main 

 Have fun


and again


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] website-dev could use some help

2007-10-22 Thread Graham Lauder
On Tuesday 23 October 2007 11:11, Kay Schenk wrote:
 Hello art folks--

 I'm on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list and we're sort of in the process of
 attempting to come up with a new home page for the main site, to be
 followed by updates to underlying pages as well, of course.

 Anyway, we are currently reviewing a mockup by Filip Molcon.

 Might any of you be interested in helping out with a replacement for the
 middle pic here, essentially a more interesting Download button, that
 would say Get OpenOffice and would...

 * be green as opposed to blue background
 * would somehow incorporate our beloved seagull?

I would like to include the icon curve as well, but that's just me  :)

 I have no idea about sizing of these images by the way, BTW.

approx 415 px high by 300 px wide

 Thanks for any help.

 You could just e-mail me individually and I will pass along.

Many of us subscribe to both,   Would you like to open a new issue where we 
can upload the images or I can do that if you wish.


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] website-dev could use some help

2007-10-22 Thread Graham Lauder
On Tuesday 23 October 2007 11:26, Sebastien Lanteigne wrote:
 On 10/23/07, Kay Schenk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello art folks--


  Anyway, we are currently reviewing a mockup by Filip Molcon.


  Might any of you be interested in helping out with a replacement for the
  middle pic here, essentially a more interesting Download button, that
  would say Get OpenOffice and would...

 Why? As far as I'm concerned this is the most interesting visual
 element in the page. I'd change the caption on it but not the image.

Heh, not our decision, but I for one don't like it a lot even though I think 
the concept of the page as a whole is great.  The image looks burdensome, it 
communicates great effort.  Not the sort of thing that we want to communicate 
when it comes to downloading OOo.  A similar image that communicates ease and 
simplicity would be great.

  * be green as opposed to blue background

 Green???  :)

Check out the Download buttons on the front page, green is associated with 



Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] website-dev could use some help

2007-10-22 Thread Graham Lauder
On Tuesday 23 October 2007 11:52, Sebastien Lanteigne wrote:
 On 10/23/07, Graham Lauder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   The image looks burdensome, it
  communicates great effort.  Not the sort of thing that we want to
  communicate when it comes to downloading OOo.

 Point taken

  A similar image that communicates ease and
  simplicity would be great.

 that would be nice.

* be green as opposed to blue background
   Green???  :)
  Check out the Download buttons on the front page, green is associated
  with download

 Yes but in the context of this new page it won't work. (See my reply to

I don't think Kay means a whole big green button, I would agree with you 
a) it wouldn't be right in the context
b) It would look bloody gruesome  :)

What I think Kay means is use the green within the context of the new 

There are a couple of options I think
1) Use the icon curve on the graphic and modify the colour of that to suit

I did a quick and dirty modification of Filip's central graphic showing how 
the Icon curve could be used in the context.  Personally I believe the icon 
curve is a more significant bug than the gulls.  After all it does occur 
right through the icons and so forth.  It is easily scaleable, very 
recognisable and it fits in many different styles, and the colours can vary 
so a green one for download, red for more, blue support or whatever.  But you 
see my point  

2) Add a coloured downpointing arrow  in the style of the button on the German 
NLC proposal 
But smaller, added into the graphic somewhere and make that green.



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Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] icons for

2007-10-11 Thread Graham Lauder
On Friday 12 October 2007 01:11, Nikash V. SINGH wrote:
 Hi Matthias and everyone else, Arts and UX alike,

Hi Nikash,

Please don't abuse me again because I don't happen to like something you did. 

 I've uploaded a few more proposal icons here;
 (or for MSIE users)

 Some have two icons, that's because I'm not sure which looks clearer.
 I'm sorry that some look so squashy, I work big, then shrink. It's not a
 great habit. Here's a quick run-down of the contents of each;

 Arts: an assortment of tools for us designer-ly peoples

Still think it's too busy

 Programming: an openeing brace { and closing brace } keyboard keys.

Can't see that, looks like a couple of grey bricks to me

 Native-Lang: a seagull circling the world / or the 2 seagulls amidst the

No. 1 is cool, actually both are but can't make out the world.  Need the 
continents to look more obvious, otherwise they just look like marbles

Writing: A whole desktop set up with desk pad, quill and ink
 bottle / or just quill 

No 1 is too busy, like the art one.  No 2 is the best of the bunch very cool 

 Marketing: I couldn't think of anything that would
 be clearer than a speakerphone at small-res one of the designs has the OOo
 logo emitting as sound ripples / the other doesn't.

Marketing is a hard one and I daresay the megaphone is probably it. 

You yourself picked the main cause of the problems with these images as icons 
in the third paragraph.  The one that succeeds does so because of it's 

 In regards to that site-update proposal gif, I should clear up that it was
 just a proposal for sprucing up the current arts project homepage;

 It wasn't meant to be a OOo website homepage proposal. Sorry to confuse.
 I'm glad though that it's led to other proposals coming forward.

 And I hate to be the first to criticise this (I'm not sure if someone's
 already pointed this out), but this design;

 ... is looking an awful lot like this site;

We had a similar discussion a couple of years ago with regard to the Splash 
Screen contest winner and it's use of an element that was similar to the 
Adobe Acrobat 6 splash screen.  

 I like the design overall, but the similarities are way too obvious.
 Won't that make OpenSuse incredibly pissed off?

Not sure that there is sufficient similarity for there to be an issue.
Three big buttons probably isn't copyrighted, we need a fourth in any case.

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Moderator New Zealand

Gear for the well dressed OOo Advocate

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Re: [art] icons for

2007-10-10 Thread Graham Lauder
On Monday 08 October 2007 20:08, Nikash V. SINGH wrote:

 On Sunday 07 October 2007 11:08, Graham Lauder wrote:
  Most of that is because of the constraints put on us by the CSS
  that is used by the site in general.  Want to deal with that, 
  go to the website list.  However I didn't think your upgrade
  did anything for it personally

 I am part of the website list, thank you for your (concern ?). I
 addressed that comment specifically to Matthias, not 'Graham',
 hoping he could direct me where it was best suited. So you
 needn't have read it at all. Most people, thankfully, seem to
 have forgiven that cross-post without a problem.

I had no problem with you crossposting so there was nothing to 

 Luckily the proposal is faring better amongst them than with

 Kay SCHENK wrote:
  Anyway, I appreciated the cross post from Nikash though the
  design was somehow cut off for me...

Kay was just saying she appreciated the cross post, probably because 
she doesn't subscribe to the Art list... however she didn't get to 
see your graphic for some reason.  Not sure how that translates 
into critical acclaim  

Nikash you seem to have your knickers in a twist because your 
artwork doesn't appeal to me. Get over it. It's an opinion, that's 
all.   If you intend to be a professional Graphic artist then 
you're going to have to get used to the fact that you can't please 
all of the people all of the time and you certainly can't attack 
someone especially a client just because they don't share your own 
high opinion of your art.  And because of the democratic way Art is 
chosen in here, everyone could be viewed as a client  

We live in a modern world where people always expect positive 
comment even when it's not true.  I am always straight up and 
honest  People I work with value my opinion because they know if I 
say something is good, I mean it and I'm not saying it simply to 
save someones feelings, because they also know if I  think its 
crap, I'll say so to their faces not behind their backs.  I comment 
on the art not the artist, so do me the courtesy and debate my 
commentary don't attack me.

It seems to me that you do not wish to grow as an artist because you 
haven't asked the critical question:  Why?

You said of the Icon, Quote:
I've made just one icon for now (because they take some time to 
make and I don't want to make an entire set just to find out they 
aren't liked)

So you say you were prepared for them not to be liked but when I 
simply say that I felt your one was a bit busy, I get vitriol and 

Not a good look


ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
Moderator New Zealand
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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Re: [art] icons for

2007-10-10 Thread Graham Lauder
On Thursday 11 October 2007 02:33, Matthias Mueller-Prove wrote:
 Sorry to interrupt - its me, your 'client'. I still like to get a
 serious icon proposal for the contributing/participating page...
 instead of listening to your struggle.

Apologies I should resist the temptation to bite back

 Both approaches so far look ok to me. But I agree to (don't
 remember who said it) that the arts project should take the lead
 on the graphical design for the site.

Yes, I did 

 don't forget the fun.

Heh, never! Certainly don't do it for the pay. ;) 

 PS - I like overkill's website design at
   -though I wouldn't adopt it for But it is
 perfect for a community members site.

Fair enough, tho I prefer the site as far as 
a community site is concerned.  Certainly for a modern up-to-date  

Andre's site demonstrates what can be done within 
the Collabnet strictures, it's a bit overpowering for my taste but 
for what that page was designed for, it's excellentt.  And as I 
said on the website list, Molcan Filip's  idea for the OOo home 
page is also great.

As far as the icons are concerned I created a page under the Art 
Caregory in the Wiki a couple of days ago so that we have a central 
place where people can upload examples and discuss them

I'll have something uploaded there in a couple of hours if my 
graphics computer decides to behave for a while.


ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
Moderator New Zealand
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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Re: [art] icons for

2007-10-07 Thread Graham Lauder
On Sunday 07 October 2007 16:28, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
 On Sat, 06 Oct 2007 21:05:23 -0500, Graham Lauder

  On Friday 05 October 2007 16:22, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
  On Thu, 04 Oct 2007 20:16:00 -0500, Graham Lauder
   On Thursday 04 October 2007 23:24, Matthias Mueller-Prove 
   Hi Gang,
   psst - I have write access to
   I already did a couple of text polishing and subversive
   layout changes. Do you guys see the possibility to provide
   a set of 'better' icons for this page?
   Matthias ::
   Good stuff Mathias,
   The Icon themes are great, especially the Otello game board
   one for Developers.
   I think, however there is the possibility of improvement.
   Let's see what people come up with.
   However I'm trying to decide whether the titles should be
   task oriented or person oriented.
   For instance:  Writers instead of Writing or maybe even
   a phase that is more a call to action:
   Become an OOo Writer or
   Join the OOo Writers team.
   I think it makes it more personal.
  I actually disagree thta this icons are any good for the OOo
  image. If you have seen on the download we already have a
  design pattern of iconography which is usually linked on
  creating more an abstract design as a background of a
  Hi Alexandro
  I agree that the iconography needs to be more standard, my
  comment relates simply to the symbols.  Our icons should, I
  agree, use bugs such as the icon curve which I am  a big fan
  of, as well as a predefined pallet.  However that doesn't mean
  to say that a free flow of ideas outside that box shouldn't be
  allowed to flow at this point in the discussion.
  I remember there was discussion a while back about using the
  Tango pallet, but I don't remember if that came to anything or
  whether we made any decisions with regard to pallets at all. 
  the nearest thing we have is the style manual that Steven
  Shelton  and others of the project put together
  This talks through Bugs and some pallets.   However much was to
  do with print media.  We need to update the manual and work
  through what standards we require for our web interface.

 I see your point, I still would like to a see a general feeling
 this website designers talk to each other and not just implement
 things because they thing is pretty.

 Great designers working separate -- bad
 mediocre designers working together and talking to each other --
 good Great designers working together and talking to each other
 -- excellent

Agreed, I think that Website guys have done just that, guys like 
Maarten and Andre.  Lots of discussion went on the website project.  
In fact I think it was Maarten (Murb) who came up with the graphic 
buttons on the front page.  


ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
Moderator New Zealand
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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Re: [art] icons for

2007-10-07 Thread Graham Lauder
On Monday 08 October 2007 03:36, Matthias Mueller-Prove wrote:
 the Galaxy Project has a different scope. It is to replace the
 toolbar icons of OOo.

I realise all that as does Andre.  The point is to try to get some 
consistency through the site.  The art project should take the lead 
on this.  The style manual for instance mainly focuses on printing 
the logo 

 This does not mean, that they are not suited for OOo's website.
 Well, maybe it means that they are not suited for OOo's website
 without further consideration.

We're not talking about using the Galaxy icons, we're talking about 
using the Galaxy Pallet.  The other modern pallet is Tango that 
Andre alluded to in his post 

 The context and the function for the icons is different.
 I have an illustrative icon or button style in mind for

 I am fine to take the download buttons.
 A set of figurative icons is a bit more welcome to me.

Sorry Matthias, do you mean icons in the style of the download 
And by figurative icons I presume you mean a graphic based icon as 
opposed to text based like the Download buttons. 



ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
Moderator New Zealand
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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Re: [art] icons for

2007-10-07 Thread Graham Lauder
On Monday 08 October 2007 03:36, Matthias Mueller-Prove wrote:
 the Galaxy Project has a different scope. It is to replace the
 toolbar icons of OOo.
 This does not mean, that they are not suited for OOo's website.
 Well, maybe it means that they are not suited for OOo's website
 without further consideration.

 The context and the function for the icons is different.
 I have an illustrative icon or button style in mind for

 I am fine to take the download buttons.
 A set of figurative icons is a bit more welcome to me.


I've setup a page under the art category in the Wiki

We can post in there upload files and display them inline. 
In the initial article I've put in links to both the Tango and 
Galaxy Colour Pallets.

Let's make a decision as to which Palette we should use.  If there 
are any other palette that deserve discussion then please add or if 
people want to create our own then let's discuss that too.  (If we 
do this, is a 32 colour limit good with everyone. 

I'll work on a couple of Galaxy themed concepts for the Contributing 
page tonight


ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
Moderator New Zealand
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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Re: [art] icons for

2007-10-06 Thread Graham Lauder
On Friday 05 October 2007 16:22, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
 On Thu, 04 Oct 2007 20:16:00 -0500, Graham Lauder

  On Thursday 04 October 2007 23:24, Matthias Mueller-Prove wrote:
  Hi Gang,
  psst - I have write access to
  I already did a couple of text polishing and subversive layout
  changes. Do you guys see the possibility to provide a set of
  'better' icons for this page?
  Matthias ::
  Good stuff Mathias,
  The Icon themes are great, especially the Otello game board one
  for Developers.
  I think, however there is the possibility of improvement. 
  Let's see what people come up with.
  However I'm trying to decide whether the titles should be
  task oriented or person oriented.
  For instance:  Writers instead of Writing or maybe even a
  phase that is more a call to action:
  Become an OOo Writer or
  Join the OOo Writers team.
  I think it makes it more personal.

 I actually disagree thta this icons are any good for the OOo
 image. If you have seen on the download we already have a design
 pattern of iconography which is usually linked on creating more
 an abstract design as a background of a rectangle.

Hi Alexandro

I agree that the iconography needs to be more standard, my comment 
relates simply to the symbols.  Our icons should, I agree, use bugs 
such as the icon curve which I am  a big fan of, as well as a 
predefined pallet.  However that doesn't mean to say that a free 
flow of ideas outside that box shouldn't be allowed to flow at this 
point in the discussion.

I remember there was discussion a while back about using the Tango 
pallet, but I don't remember if that came to anything or whether we 
made any decisions with regard to pallets at all.  the nearest 
thing we have is the style manual that Steven Shelton  and others 
of the project put together 

This talks through Bugs and some pallets.   However much was to do 
with print media.  We need to update the manual and work through 
what standards we require for our web interface.


ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
Moderator New Zealand
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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Re: [art] icons for

2007-10-04 Thread Graham Lauder
On Thursday 04 October 2007 23:24, Matthias Mueller-Prove wrote:
 Hi Gang,

 psst - I have write access to

 I already did a couple of text polishing and subversive layout
 changes. Do you guys see the possibility to provide a set of
 'better' icons for this page?

 Matthias ::

Good stuff Mathias,

The Icon themes are great, especially the Otello game board one for 

I think, however there is the possibility of improvement.  Let's see 
what people come up with.

However I'm trying to decide whether the titles should be task 
oriented or person oriented.

For instance:  Writers instead of Writing or maybe even a phase 
that is more a call to action: 
Become an OOo Writer or 
Join the OOo Writers team. 

I think it makes it more personal.


ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
Moderator New Zealand
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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Re: [art] Re: [OOoCon] Sponsors in the OOConf Web

2007-08-15 Thread Graham Lauder
On Thursday 16 August 2007 06:42, Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
 cc'ing Art project.

 Friends, this is high priority :-)

Done!  :) 

and attached to:




 On 2007-08-15, at 13:41 , Jordi Mas wrote:
  En/na John McCreesh ha escrit:
  On Wed, 2007-08-01 at 21:08 +0200, Jordi Mas wrote:
  Some fixes that we should apply:
  1. The logo for the Universitat of Barcelona looks terrible. Can
  we please make an effort to scale it properly? They have provided
  a SVG version of their logo that we can scale properly.
  2. The grey part of the SoftcatalĂ  logo should be transparent or
  If someone can send me replacement .pngs 70px high I'll happily
  swap out
  the logos on the site. I don't really do graphics.
  Please, we should fix this. The logo of the University looks
  terrible and we had already some problems with them.
  Can anyone fix this?
  We are really really busy down here.

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ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
Moderator New Zealand
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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Re: [art] Fw: [logos] How about a professional logo?

2006-02-13 Thread Graham Lauder
On Tuesday 14 February 2006 02:47, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
 Hi Steven,

 welcome to the art project and to our mailing list!


 Steven Marks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I was wondering, bluntly, if you'd consider using a more
  professional logo for your project.

 We discuss this topic every now and then, but it seems not to be very
 easy to work on it continuously.

  The two birds in flight are not doing justice to what your
  product has to offer; you could do so much better.
  I'm an experienced professional graphic designer (with B.F.A. and
  national client portfolio) and would consider freely donating a
  logo(s) to your project without strings.

 Actually we're looking for an logo that could be used
 for the next major release: 3.0

 In the minor releases before (OOo 3.0 will probably not be released
 before 2008, I assume) there could be some minor corrections to the
 logo but for visual identity reasons no larger updates.

 But I  have to tell you, that it is not easy to get a new logo
 included in the product
 If I remember right, we've been told by Louis Suarez-Potts, our
 Community Manager, that the actual copyright holder of the logo, Sun
 Microsystems has to be involved in the decision for or against a new

 My personal impression is, that there is no interest in an abrupt
 change where the old logo is not able to be recognized in the new
 one. It will be easier to get a slightly moving design approved - 
 but that's just, what I think, I could be wrong anyway.

 In the discussion about a year ago he told us, that he'd present a
 new logo the art project agreed upon to the Community Council and the
 people at Sun - but there will be no guarantee that it will be

 For more details and the pro's and con's of changing the logo please
 read this mail
 and the whole thread
dfrom=713273 .

 Graham Lauder tried to start such proposals in a new therad
, but nobody reacted to his posting.

Heh, now that the two Stevens have jumped aboard maybe ;)

  Basically that would involve a short interview, three rough
  sketches with design review, and a final design in multiple
  formats for use in print, the web, and elsewhere.

 What kind of interview do you think of?
 There are many different people with different ideas and opinions in
 the art project (and even more in the marketing project). I'd prefer
 if you could ask some questions here on the mailing list.

 You'll probably get some differing - perhaps opposite - answers, but
 that's our community. ;-)

Thank god for that, how boring would it be otherwise!  ;) 

  You would own the logo and all copyright; I just want to see you
  take your image to the next level.

 I'd really like to try this out - it's a very generous offer, indeed!


 But knowing all the pitfalls on the way - do you still want to

 I hope you will!


One of the things that was recently discussed on the marketing list with 
Steven P was developing a whole set of Artwork around a release that's 
earlier than 3.0.  IOW Create an identity specific to the event that 
isn't defined or limited by the logo.  Like the T-Shirt Campaign on 
Redmond buses which I presume came from or was paid for by SUN.  
Notably without any input from the community marketing project.

They also designed it in such a way that used a whole raft of different 
branding phrases.  Excellent.


Graham Lauder Marcon New Zealand

INGOTs Gold Assessor Trainer

Member Open Document fellowship 

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Re: [art] Logo Files

2005-09-08 Thread Graham Lauder

Steven Shelton wrote:

I have converted the OOo logo to a number of different file formats 
(raster and vector CMYK, for example) and created a 2.0 logo to match 
the splashscreen (also in a variety of formats), but I'm not sure 
where to upload them. Anyone got a clue?

Hi Steve,

Create a new issue and attach them to that. Put a note on it to be 
uploaded to the galleries and I'll see what I can do to get it organised.


Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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Re: [art] Art Style Manual? [was: Pantone Color conventions for OO Logos?]

2005-09-03 Thread Graham Lauder

Bernhard Dippold wrote:

Hi Graham, *

Graham Lauder wrote:

Greetings Bernhard.

Wow you have done some research and yes as you see there have been 
some intense discussions. I can't remember if I started them but I 
was certainly in the middle of the heat.

You were - and I hope you will be again (we don't need the heat - 
discussion would be enough ;-) )

So long as it's productive I'm always up for it.

What ended up coming out of it for me anyway, and this was proven 
rather nicely by one of the conservative side is that, outside the 
OOo community the Logo is not as much our brand as the words, despite protestations to the contrary. As to the 
font, as you pointed out it is a proprietary font. The open font 
Toga is considered by some to be the nearest to the original. A 
long time back I asked on the list for artists to come up with some 
Packages that perhaps reflect the New version given that we were 
taking a quantum leap forward from OOo 1.1.x series. Unfortunately I 
had no takers.

I read it - as an optimist I hope this will change a bit ...

I think if we had a good number of active members contributing good art 
work then this would be easier. People who have been posting lately are 
asking the right questions so I'm feeling more positive right now.

My feeling was that was, given the discussions, there appeared to be 
a 99% probability that any change would be rejected out of hand so 
there was no reason for anyone to put in any effort.

This could be read from the archive but ...

Louis lays the responsibility of the no change policy with SUN.

His final message was: Design new logos and I'll bring the to the ones 
who can decide - even if he was quite pessimistic for a change I think 
there is a (certainly quite a hard) way to move something.

The art work is not to me a big deal to change. In Novell/Ximian's 
version for instance has different internal Icons as does the Xandros 
one, the splash screens are different as well. The application Icons are 
the same and the Star Office ones are almost identical. They just 
substitute Gulls for a Star. The community just needs the balls to push 
for a change. Personally I like the new application Icons and I like the 
new Splashscreen. The Logo however is dated. If it's good enough for 
Adobe to change the Acrobat Logo when they release a new version then so 
it should be for OOo In terms of The OOo logo my feeling hasn't changed. 
The two coloured should remain. It actually says a lot 
about the project and the community in amrepresentational fashion. But I 
don't think that the present Black and Blue should be sacrosanct. Also I 
don't think the present gulls should be either, but I have been 
convinced that some sort of gull shoulf be in there somewhere.

If you're up for it I certainly am and it sounds like Steven is too.

I had intended taking it up with SUN's OpenSource Ombudsman but 
haven't because there seemed almost no interest in the Art Project in 
any case. However if there is a team of Artists who are willing to 
perhaps give a bit of their time, even though the chances of making a 
difference seem remote, then I'm willing to take up the discussion 
with Simon.

Let's start working at this point again - I think, decision making 
will take about a year, but with the release of OOo 3.0 there could be 
a change (that's not a joke!)

Unfortunately I realise you're not joking. The pace of change in OOo is 
glacial when it comes from the OOo community. When it comes from SUN 
however it is fait accompli. Hence the new icons with no input from the 
community... we got the splashscreen. However I will pick it up and see 
what shakes loose.

The leads of the Art project have been notably inactive as proven by 
the fact that most of the Art project Galleries display material that 
is way out of date. It is my opinion that this project needs new 
leads because the present ones are ineffective at this point and have 
been for some months. (The last time either posted on the list was 
back in May) .

Sorry - I didn't find out who are the art leads, neither in the lists 
archive nor on the web page. The only references were Jacqueline and 
John as marketing leads.
Who are the art leads? (Perhaps we should mention on the main art 
project page)

Vitor Domingos and Cristian Driga I think, but I could be wrong. They 
certainly have access for uploading to the galleries and the like.

If there has to be a change they have to be heard beforehand. I'd 
propose a different thread with appropriate subject - I'm sure there 
will be a lot of answers and hopefully a change in activity (not 
necessarily but possibly with a change in persons as well).

I think in order for a project to maintain freshness it is a good idea 
for Leads to step down and let fresh blood in. A good example of this 
was the recent change in the QA project. Things have really cranked up 
over there since

Re: [art] Art Style Manual? [was: Pantone Color conventions for OO Logos?]

2005-09-02 Thread Graham Lauder

Bernhard Dippold wrote:

Hi Steven, *

Steven Shelton wrote:

What I would suggest is that we start an issue for an OOo 
Marketing/Art Style Manual, specifying fonts, colors, etc. for use in 
various kinds of pieces. I'm not sure who does the website, but once 
we get a style manual, we can have that added to the site and then 
make all of the art conform. With the launch of 2.0 imminent, this 
seems like the prime time to do it.

The colours of the logo can be found at

With the font it's a bit tricky, because it's not an open one. What I 
found in the archive is: 

The problem of the font can be read at, 
a partial abstract here:

So it's not really easy to create a Art Style Manual from this.

In several issues design guidelines are mentioned, the most important 
is probably this one:

I'm not quite sure if we can find the right way between Visual 
Identity and freedom of art (or something like that).

In February there was quite a large (and controversial) discussion 
here about OOo Visual Identity - if we can use different logos as long 
as we provide the full set of necessary materials for web pages, 
flyers, booths and so on. This discussion (as I read from the archive, 
because I didn't join the art-list at this time) seems not to be 
finished by now.

Read these threads (and others): 

The resulting message 
wasn't followed by any answer (as far as I know)...

In my eyes (correct me please, if I'm wrong) the artists here want 
to show alternatives to the current logo and collateral (and optimize 
it), but the community council (and SUN perhaps) have to be involved 
because this would have an effect on many different structures.

I don't want to discourage anybody, I just wanted to tell you what I 
found out searching the archives - perhaps this is the time to find a 
solution and establish a Style Manual (at least for the logo and the 
wire gulls)

Let's try it - a lot of the volunteers are waiting for it!

Best regards

Greetings Bernhard.

Wow you have done some research and yes as you see there have been some 
intense discussions. I can't remember if I started them but I was 
certainly in the middle of the heat.

What ended up coming out of it for me anyway, and this was proven rather 
nicely by one of the conservative side is that, outside the OOo 
community the Logo is not as much our brand as the words, despite protestations to the contrary. As to the font, 
as you pointed out it is a proprietary font. The open font Toga is 
considered by some to be the nearest to the original. A long time back I 
asked on the list for artists to come up with some Packages that 
perhaps reflect the New version given that we were taking a quantum 
leap forward from OOo 1.1.x series. Unfortunately I had no takers.

My feeling was that was, given the discussions, there appeared to be a 
99% probability that any change would be rejected out of hand so there 
was no reason for anyone to put in any effort.

Louis lays the responsibility of the no change policy with SUN. I had 
intended taking it up with SUN's OpenSource Ombudsman but haven't 
because there seemed almost no interest in the Art Project in any case. 
However if there is a team of Artists who are willing to perhaps give a 
bit of their time, even though the chances of making a difference seem 
remote, then I'm willing to take up the discussion with Simon.

The leads of the Art project have been notably inactive as proven by the 
fact that most of the Art project Galleries display material that is way 
out of date. It is my opinion that this project needs new leads because 
the present ones are ineffective at this point and have been for some 
months. (The last time either posted on the list was back in May) .

Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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Re: [art] Who could create banners for the Conference?

2005-08-30 Thread Graham Lauder

Erwin Tenhumberg wrote:

Hi all,

Who would be able to create banners for the Conference?

I think we had some OOoCon banners the previous years, and it would be
good to have some this year too in order to promote the event.


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Hi Erwin,

Attached is a low res version of an idea for a conf Banner.  The banner 
is designed to be easy to create and to be disposable

The full size version is made up of 28 A4 size png images that go 
together to make a banner 2.1 metres wide by about 1.5 metres high.

Anyone with a colour printer, some good quality card, a sharp knife, 
some double sided adhesive tape  and a bit of flair for Jigsaw Puzzles 
can put it together.

It actually has more  impact on a dark blue background with the images 
deliberately out of line.

I have the 28 images in a zip file which is 3.5 meg.  I'll upload it 
tonight, I'm on dialup.

I've  also created a Booth Banner using the same concept for 2.0 launch 

The source is psd and about 13 megs.  If anyone wants it I'll p2p them.



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Re: [art] Who could create banners for the Conference?

2005-08-30 Thread Graham Lauder

Erwin Tenhumberg wrote:

Hi Graham,

I guess the attachment got stripped off. Thus, can you please upload
the files to an issue?




Graham Lauder wrote:

Erwin Tenhumberg wrote:

Hi all,

Who would be able to create banners for the Conference?

I think we had some OOoCon banners the previous years, and it would be
good to have some this year too in order to promote the event.


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Hi Erwin,

Attached is a low res version of an idea for a conf Banner.  The 
banner is designed to be easy to create and to be disposable

The full size version is made up of 28 A4 size png images that go 
together to make a banner 2.1 metres wide by about 1.5 metres high.

Anyone with a colour printer, some good quality card, a sharp knife, 
some double sided adhesive tape  and a bit of flair for Jigsaw 
Puzzles can put it together.

It actually has more  impact on a dark blue background with the 
images deliberately out of line.

I have the 28 images in a zip file which is 3.5 meg.  I'll upload it 
tonight, I'm on dialup.

I've  also created a Booth Banner using the same concept for 2.0 
launch activities.

The source is psd and about 13 megs.  If anyone wants it I'll p2p them.


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Re: [art] Hello.

2005-02-25 Thread Graham Lauder
Brendan Whelan wrote:

Hi Brendan and Welcome
Sorry for taking so long to make my first submission to the art/marketing
but I have been very busy with work and haven't had much time.
Thanks to those who have congratulated me on winning the splash screen
competition. I really do appreciate it.
Unfortunately, my first post here must deal with some negative issues
of those who are not so pleased with it. I have posted a response to that
against issue no. 36491
I would liked to have been contacted directly and given the chance address
these. As it is, I
only became aware of these concerns on the group list recently. I also find
the timing curious.

Heh no problem.  There wasn't any plagiarism involved and anybody 
looking with a disinterested eye could see that.

It's like saying that every painting of a woman smiling is a copy of the 
Mona Lisa

May I make one suggestion? If you run a splash screen contest for future
versions, perhaps
you could consider running it like Gimp's competition, i.e. provide a
template and ask the entrants to complete it. That way any issues of
plagarism can be
limited in advance of an entrant even beginning a design. It might limit the
creativity a bit,
but at least it would avoid these such unpleasantries for any future
competition winner.
Just a suggestion.

It's of little consequence, there are always those that will be anti and 
my personal preference is to have as broad a specification as possible.
The chance to just go hard is about the only pay one gets

As it is, I'm inclined to make changes to layout to avoid this issue dogging
the product,
Pehaps a treatment similar to the one I put up for the About Box banner?
Finally, I see some of you were asking about the swopping gull motif, how it
was done and
if it could be re-used. The gull lines weren't generated by sinedots or any
2D package (although
I'm sure they could be). They are actually rendered 3D. If you like to make
use of it
anywhere else (not suggesting that you have to), I can make that element
as, say, a TIF with an Alpha channel - that will give the most flexibility
in how it
could be combined with other art I suppose. I can also render it out in
sizes if needs be - just mail me with a request.

TIF would be cool, it might not be used , but we're looking at possibly 
updating our marketing materials and logo and some may like to have some 
commonality with the splash screen. We'll create an issue for Marketing 
materials soon and you could attach it to that or upload to your own 
webspace and provide a link

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Re: [art] Logo and branding

2005-02-24 Thread Graham Lauder
Sophie Gautier wrote:
Hi all,
Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
I repeat:  Our present Branding is: OOo the almost good enough
We need branding that trumpets to the world that we are no longer 
Only Good Enough.
We are now the best out there.

It's a nice thought but at the moment, we are not interested in changing
our logo.  Nor, I would hazard to guess, is Sun.  Our logo has been sent
through the world to represent OOo, changing it, as has been pointed out
before, is a mistake. It is also not a trivial process.

However, creating an icon of sorts--the gull, say, or whatever--is a
feasible alternative.

Just for information, I put below the links where has 
been mentionned in the online press for francophone project. This is 
only a Google alert (so no other search)
Anytime, this is or OOo that is mentionned, not 
OpenOffice or OO.
Actually some of them do use Open Office, some of them don't mention it 
at all.

Those articles are only for february, almost one per day, very often 
our logo is associated with the article and as mentionned, this is 
only for one project.

So I feel that we should be very carefull if we want to change 
anything in our branding, we are more and more known by our colors and 
our name.
From what we see below nobody knows about our colours or uses our logo

Kind regards
I know I am in danger of once again repeating myself.  BUT the Word is 
the the thing and the word is ** 

No logo but uses the word 

Linux preaching to the converted.  I'm not interested in selling to 
Linux users because it isn't expanding our user base or our brand 
recognition.  Besides which no logo Only THE WORD
Again the name, no logo 

Again No logo adn the Name only attached to Linux 

Again The WORD only no logo.
Again The WORD only no logo.
Again The WORD only no logo.
Again The WORD only no logo.
This one had a Writer Icon on the page... Unfortunately that icon is now 
completely different for 2.0 so that is irrelevant
This one we didn't actually get a mention It was all about Redhat.  
OOo did happen to turn up as a screen shot.  But guess what.  No Logo
No logo,39040745,39207011,00.htm
About Fedora No logo.  In this using  our presence to sell another package 

No logo and only got the word  correct once.  Even the site offering 
support didn't have a logo on their front page
No logo 

Thats about StarOffice... Sun gets a link at the bottom of the article 
and we get a passing mention
About GPL licensing and we don't even get a mention what are you 
citing this for
Again we get a mention as a reason to use another operating system.  No 
logo  On the upside we do get a link To an entire article about 
1.1.4.  Brilliant.  Unfortunately no sign of a logo and you would 
have thought that this would be the logical place to use it So where.
A mention No Logo
Again no logo.
It seems that you have proven my point exactly.  Our Brand is the Name.  
Not ONE of the sites you've cited here use our logo *EVEN* in Articles 
that are specifically about  So tell me again where is 
our famous brand.  It isn't as you so nicely proved for me the brand is 
the word.

This is reinforced  by the fact that Jacqueline made the very valid 
point that we tell people to use the WORD properly.  It's like Coke 
saying their red is a specific red.  Our word is our brand.  What goes 
on around it is merely decor, including the seagulls(But then as I said 
I'll roll on that one.)

If I was going to suggest a fundamental change to our brand it would be 
something like making the O's  in the word Bold.. or standout in some 
way to acknowledge our sub brand: OOo However thats just an aside and 

Re: [art] Logo and branding

2005-02-24 Thread Graham Lauder
Vitor Domingos wrote:
Graham Lauder wrote on 02/24/2005 09:03 PM:
It seems that you have proven my point exactly.  Our Brand is the 
Name.  Not ONE of the sites you've cited here use our logo *EVEN* in 
Articles that are specifically about  So tell me 
again where is our famous brand.  It isn't as you so nicely proved 
for me the brand is the word.

No, once again, no. Our brand is our name *and* logo.See Otto for 
Ottois not official artwork, he is a result of work of the education 
project which had nothing to do with the Art project.  So citing Otto as 
an example is a damned good reason just to go out and do something 
else.  Otto happened in spite of the system, not because of it

see all the current material,
All old... 1.0 artwork is still up in the Galleries and nothings changed 

They've all changed too,  thanks (and I mean this sincerely) to Sun.  
They are awesome... and we should follow suit.  Out with old and in with 
the new

Mostly 1.0
Well that's new, but from a marketing/sales perspective it's not a lot 
of use

pages, local pictures,
You've lost me here

This is reinforced  by the fact that Jacqueline made the very valid 
point that we tell people to use the WORD properly.  It's like Coke 
saying their red is a specific red.  Our word is our brand.  What 
goes on around it is merely decor, including the seagulls(But then as 
I said I'll roll on that one.)

Our word is one of our brands, truly the most important one, but the 
word by itself doesnt defines our art material, that's made by our logo.
Thats what we like to think, but that is so wrong, the word is 
everything, you just have to look at al those articles that Sophie 
cited.  Right now our visual elements are meaningless.. they are nothing 
in terms of the global branding.  Because branding is about the clients 
perception not ours.  And so long as our marketing is word of mouth and 
text articles in magazines or online and not Television and Print 
advertising, then the WORD is our brand .  Our logo is only significant 
on our website and not really even there.

The point is your articles only reinforced what I was saying.  Please 
read back, I never said change the name.  In fact I am strongly of 
the opposite view

I know what you've wrote, but as it is, our logo is main piece on our 
That may be so.  But right now we don't have enough art around that to 
aid our marketing and that's what we need

Here's a good exercise. Type OpenOffice logo into google image search or 
any combination you can think of.

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Re: [art] Logo and branding [WAS: [art] Art project to-do pages]

2005-02-24 Thread Graham Lauder
Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:

hi Graham,


For  some Dieties sake.  I am absolutely sick and tired of people
deciding what is my head before they have even seen it. You have
dismissed what I was thinking about before you have even seen it.
You have imagined something in your head without reading properly
what I had said  in previous posts.
How many times do I have to repeat it.  I repeat it again!!
YES Keep the Gulls Use the in TOGA font with the two
colours.  Then create some great art around it.
I am really trying to keep this civil but I am struggling.
The Negativity here is absolutely mindnumbing.
As has been said before the culture seems to be:  If it sticks its
head up, shoot it down!


I'm sorry if I come across to you as negative, and if I dismissed
your thought before you had expressed it.

We are talking the visual, like trying to draw a Picasso with words.
You can't dismiss it without seeing it.  All I've been asking is for
the opportunity for the Art team to show off something.  Shoot it down
AFTER you've seen it but don't dismiss the notion before you can see

Okay. You know the basic problem, of course. But let's show and tell :-)

OK I'll start a new thread later


I had the impression you had already done so.  Changing the logo is
obviously enormously risky--and we have suggested doing it before.

I'm NOT suggesting that we change the Logo.  At this point all I'm
asking is that you be positive about LOOKING at alternatives.

My apologies if I came across as imperious.  I am mainly anxious about
consequences; but you know that.  


However I shall try again.  The central point to my argument is that
our brand name is *the word*. Our Brand is *the word* whether it be
visual or aural  the brand is *the word*.
The word is**
In terms of the Visual standard that is **  in TOGA font
with the letters O-P-E-N and O-R-G being one colour and O-F-F-I-C-E
being a  complimentary colour.  At this point in time that is black
and various shades of blue or White and blue depending on the
background or Black and gray in monochrome.  (Which I might add is
probably the most common representation)
The Huge shift that you seem to getting wound up about is allowing a
greater range of colour within the word


Louis, you made a bunch of assumptions about the art without even
seeing it, then came down on it with a resounding NO! That is
negative.  The positive reaction would have been:
OK let's look at what is on offer.  Let's set some parameters. From
the councils pov the whole word has to be in there in
Toga font and a representation of the Gulls must be in the logo as
well and the log has to be on all marketing material.  Oh and we want
to keep the differentiated colour in the text between the Office part
and the rest. Looking at this does not mean that we will change it.
THAT is a positive reaction to the suggestion.
Negative is slamming down barriers to just the idea which is what you
have been doing in this thread.

My point, which I guess I failed to represent, was that we have to be
very conservative when it comes to changes in the logo.  

Right now in terms of the Logo Artwork I don't think... and this is 
unfortunate that we have to be too conservative.
The Name yes, we do, because that is out there everywhere.

Try searching for  logos on Google image search.  You 
might get an Idea of how radical we need to get.

That doesn't
mean that we can't consider them as such--and you are right, I was too
conclusive--but it does mean that any changes have to be made with
awareness of the consequences. But, again, you know that.

I'm only to aware of the consequences, as much as I am aware of the 
consequences of NOT doing anything.  I'm marketing in an environment 
where I have no cost advantage over the Market leader.
So I need to appeal in other ways and I need strong brand recognition.  
At the moment I have that in the Word, but I don't have a strong 
*Visual*  Brand.  At present people don't see the Logo, they see the word. 
That's because it's recognisable from seeing it in text or having heard 
it from someones mouth, but that is only to an english speaking person.

So, now that I hope my own conservative take is understood, and you've
read Jacqueline's, Sophie's and Vitor's points--it's our public
identity, after all, and we *need* to be conservative and anxious--I'd
be interested in pursuing the positive approach above.  

Excellent I'll start a brainstorming thread tonight and then we'll go on 
from there.


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Re: [art] 2.0 Beta Release Date

2005-02-20 Thread Graham Lauder
Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
Most of you are probably aware that Martin Hollmichel, Release Manager,
has scheduled 24 February for the 2.0 Beta candidate release.  Thanks to
Elizabeth, Sophie, Jacqueline, and others, we have the necessary feature
guide (very detaied, very excellent--thanks Jacqueline for the latest
verion!). But we are still lacking some other things.

Namely, it's not clear we'll have the winning splashscreen ready by the
24th.  In case we don't, I'd like to ask Art project if they could draft
one.  My primary desire is to use the winning entry but
Second, the beta will likely confuse people because of the change in
format.  Do we have a clear, succinct description of that change and
what it means?  If not, would someone like to draft one?  (Note: this
might qualify as overview, which Elizabeth is driving, though that is
for Final.)
I'm adding these points to the issue we are using to track work on 2.0,
including the Beta.  The issue:
I've drafted one and attached a bmp version of the attached 
beta_splash.png file to  28741

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