Hello everyone,

I re-open this question because I am adding species to my simulations now (before I was running with only one species)

I've run into the following error:

'Number of scattering species specified by scat_species does
not agree with number of scattering species in scat_data:
scat_species has 5 entries, while scat_data has 1.
Stopping ARTS execution.

I have 5 different species. This is essentially what my code is doing (I will show only two of the species)

ArrayOfScatteringMetaDataCreate( scat_meta_1habit )
ArrayOfSingleScatteringDataCreate( scat_data_1habit )

ReadXML( scat_data_single, "TestTMatrix.scat_data_single_hail1.xml" )
ReadXML( scat_meta_single, "TestTMatrix.scat_meta_single_hail1.xml" )
Append(scat_data_1habit, scat_data_single)
Append(scat_meta_1habit, scat_meta_single)
Append( scat_species, species_id_string )

ReadXML( scat_data_single, "TestTMatrix.scat_data_single_hail2.xml" )
ReadXML( scat_meta_single, "TestTMatrix.scat_meta_single_hail2.xml" )
Append(scat_data_1habit, scat_data_single)
Append(scat_meta_1habit, scat_meta_single)
Append( scat_species, species_id_string )

[... repeats for 3 more species]

Append(scat_data_raw, scat_data_1habit)
Append(scat_meta, scat_meta_1habit)

scat_dataCalc(scat_data, scat_data_raw, f_grid)
scat_data_checkedCalc( scat_data_checked, scat_data, f_grid, 0.1, "none", 5e-2 )
WriteXML( "ascii", scat_data,  "scat_data.xml" )

scat_dataCalc needs scat_data_raw to be an ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData, so essentially when I do Append(scat_data_raw, scat_data_1habit) I convert scat_data_1habit (ArrayOfSingleScatteringData) that has the right shape for the 5 species into an ArrayOfArrayOfSingleScatteringData and makes this error.

Am I taking a bad approach at doing this?
Later I add the pndf_fields by doing something similar:

ReadXML( pnd_field2, "hail_pnddata2.xml" )
Append( pnd_field, pnd_field2)

I hope this helps someone else too
Thank you!

On 15.12.2022 18:39, Patrick Eriksson wrote:

Thanks Oliver, I looked in the wrong function!

Hm, it seems that I forgot about fixing the full chain for the mono
PSDs, and that nobody has tried to use them until now. My mistake is a
bit shameful, but I feel reluctant to fix it now, as the present PSD
system hopefully will be replaced soon.

Vito, it seems that you already have considered generating pnd_field
yourself. I hope you can live with this solution for the mono PSD. If
you get confused about the cloudbox limits, you can try to use
pnd_fieldCalcFrompnd_field_raw. That method will adjust pnd_field to
the selected cloudbox.



On 2022-12-15 07:51, Lemke, Oliver wrote:
Hi Patrick, hi Vito,

On 14. Dec 2022, at 20:04, Patrick Eriksson <patrick.eriks...@chalmers.se> wrote:

Append( scat_species, species_id_string )
Append( pnd_agenda_array_input_names, pnd_agenda_input_names )
But the error message is that:
The method requires that length of *psd_size_grid* is >= 2.

I must ask what ARTS version you are using? In the version I have on my computer it looks OK. At least, I can not find this error message.

Tbe check does exist in ARTS master as well as 2.4. It's the first check in pndFromPsdBasic in m_microphysics.cc.


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