Well, Joe, thanks for posing all this supposition. But I'm not sure that it's all warranted just yet.
Since when is posing a question the same as proposing a conspiracy? If I had the time, I would hang on the phone calling Giberson, Henry, the county fire marshall, et al. But the truth is that the mortgage is due and putting the question out for comment was a lot less time-consuming. Er, this is the chat room, isn't it? Oops am I in the wrong place? Is this the wire service I've stumbled into? 
In a message dated 2/28/2006 8:40:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com writes:

Message: 9        
   Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 11:56:16 -0500
   From: Joe D'Andrea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Fire Investigation/ Kushner's Transfer

At 4:41 PM +0000 2/28/06, radio881gal wrote:
>...Then why are the officials allowing
>Vacarro to demolish the site? Isn't that destroying a possible crime

Why must everything be a conspiracy theory event to you? Can you give no credit to our local and county officials? Do you think Henry just bulldozed past the yellow tape line with no regard to the authorities? Do you think Charles Kushner has a hotline to Henry Vaccaro and order the "hit" from prison?  Can you not imagine that an investigation might occur coincident with demolition? Is it possible that certain portions of the buildings had to be "demolished" before it was safe for fire inspection officials -- not to mention their dogs -- to enter the "premises"? You have a relationship with Henry... why don't you just call him instead of posting your wild speculation here? And since when do you give credibility to anything the Press writes?

I know you're going to respond saying that you weren't accusing anyone of anything and that you were just asking questions, so I want to point out to you all the punctuation I used in my reply to your post.

Maureen Nevin
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