[AsburyPark] Re: Blaming The President?

2005-09-02 Thread bluebishop82
Great Post RevKev.

--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It doesn't make sense to blame one man for our problems.
 Nor does it make sense to blame one party.
 When you do, your political, not solutional.
 Remember there are 100 United States Senators.
 I have no idea how many Congressman maybe 500?
 Bush didn't build the levees.
 Bush didn't build New Orleans.
 Bush didn't make the weather.
 Bush didn't cause the war.
 and what is a lesbien or a resevist?
 did you mean Lesbian and Reserve?
 During a time of conflict and crisis - when someone is down - only 
a  selfish 
 agenda driven person would take cheap shots.
 However, God continues to love us all...
 Kevin Brown

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[AsburyPark] Re: Blaming The President?

2005-09-02 Thread bluebishop82
--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, Tony Tedesco [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

   The consensus of engineers, scientists, congressmen and senators 
 all decided through due process that money was needed, and 
 determined an appropriate amount.
   One man (backed and advised by a handful of similar goal oriented 
 persons) vetoed that money.

Tony my good man, Congress appropriates the money, and in 4 1/2 years 
of being President, Bush has never used a veto.

Those are the facts.  Please alter your post accordingly.

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Blaming The President?

2005-09-02 Thread Lighty
 If now is not the time to discuss this, when the tradgedy is a
 reality and clearly on everyopne's mind, when is? 6 months? 12
 months? 100 years? History will be the ultimate judge, but how many
 tradgedies must be suffered before it's politically correct to raise
 the difficult questions?

That's exactly the problem.  We live in a period of time where Joe McCarthy
II is in charge.  He makes Nixon look like a saint.  You simply CAN NOT have
a reasonable argument that makes the president look wrong.  This president
is never wrong.  He never hears from anyone that disagrees with him, fires
those that do, and believes that stubbornness - even when wrong - is a good
trait rather than to evolve and change your mind or perspective on things.

I cannot believe that anybody else would have gotten away with changing the
reasons a nation was led into war as many times as this president has done.
This is one of the most difficult decisions a president has to make and he
lied to us repeatedly over what our soldiers are dying for.

But you've gotta give the administration credit.  They've successfully
branded anyone with a different opinion as unpatriotic and made a lot of
good people keep their mouth shut for the past few years.  I'm still waiting
for someone to be brave enough and admit that we were wrong:

1 Saddam didn't have weapons.  He was just king of the hill and wanted his
nation to believe he had weapons to fear him.
2 We will have spent about TEN times the amount the president originally
said this war in Iraq was going to cost by the time it's over (if ever)
3 We have done very, very little to protect homeland security since 9/11 -
all you had to do is take a train or subway during the past 4 years to
wonder when changes were going to happen
4 The border has been opened up during a period of time when we're supposed
to be stopping terrorism.  Why make it easier for them to come across into
the US?
5 We have not only stretched our military forces thin but our reaching
all-time lows as far as recruiting goes.  Nobody wants to be sent to war

And yet, people are scared to discuss this.  Folks, discussing this is NOT
UNPATRIOTIC it is the opposite.  It is the most patriotic thing we can do.
Silence is what kills a nation.  I have German blood running through my
veins and I know that it was the silence that led that nation into ruin.
When people fail are afraid to speak up, what does that say about the
freedoms we are  supposedly having soldiers die for? 

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Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Blaming The President?

2005-09-02 Thread Sharon G. Boone

People ARE speaking out! You aren't on the right threads/forums, but they're OUT there!SharonBoone[EMAIL PROTECTED]--Lighty[EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:Ifnowisnotthetimetodiscussthis,whenthetradgedyisarealityandclearlyoneveryopne'smind,whenis?6months?12months?100years?Historywillbetheultimatejudge,buthowmanytradgediesmustbesufferedbeforeit'spoliticallycorrecttoraisethedifficultquestions?Tony,That'sexactlytheproblem.WeliveinaperiodoftimewhereJoeMcCarthyIIisincharge.HemakesNixonlooklikeasaint.YousimplyCANNOThaveareasonableargumentthatmakesthepresidentlookwrong.Thispresidentisneverwrong.Heneverhearsfromanyonethatdisagreeswithhim,firesthosethatdo,andbelievesthatstubbornness-evenwhenwrong-isagoodtraitratherthantoevolveandchangeyourmindorperspectiveonthings.Icannotbelievethatanybodyelsewouldhavegottenawaywithchangingthereasonsanationwasledintowarasmanytimesasthispresidenthasdone.Thisisoneofthemostdifficultdecisionsapresidenthastomakeandheliedtousrepeatedlyoverwhatoursoldiersaredyingfor.Butyou'vegottagivetheadministrationcredit.They'vesuccessfullybrandedanyonewithadifferentopinionas"unpatriotic"andmadealotofgoodpeoplekeeptheirmouthshutforthepastfewyears.I'mstillwaitingforsomeonetobebraveenoughandadmitthatwewerewrong:1Saddamdidn'thaveweapons.Hewasjustkingofthehillandwantedhisnationtobelievehehadweaponstofearhim.2WewillhavespentaboutTENtimestheamountthepresidentoriginallysaidthiswarinIraqwasgoingtocostbythetimeit'sover(ifever)3Wehavedonevery,verylittletoprotecthomelandsecuritysince9/11-allyouhadtodoistakeatrainorsubwayduringthepast4yearstowonderwhenchangesweregoingtohappen4Theborderhasbeenopenedupduringaperiodoftimewhenwe'resupposedtobestoppingterrorism.WhymakeiteasierforthemtocomeacrossintotheUS?5Wehavenotonlystretchedourmilitaryforcesthinbutourreachingall-timelowsasfarasrecruitinggoes.Nobodywantstobesenttowarforever.Andyet,peoplearescaredtodiscussthis.Folks,discussingthisisNOTUNPATRIOTICitistheopposite.Itisthemostpatrioticthingwecando.Silenceiswhatkillsanation.IhaveGermanbloodrunningthroughmyveinsandIknowthatitwasthesilencethatledthatnationintoruin.Whenpeoplefailareafraidtospeakup,whatdoesthatsayaboutthefreedomswearesupposedlyhavingsoldiersdiefor?Yahoo!GroupsSponsor~--GetfastaccesstoyourfavoriteYahoo!Groups.MakeYahoo!yourhomepagehttp://us.click.yahoo.com/dpRU5A/wUILAA/yQLSAA/Y2tolB/TM~-Yahoo!GroupsLinks*Tovisityourgroupontheweb,goto:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/*Tounsubscribefromthisgroup,sendanemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]*YouruseofYahoo!Groupsissubjectto:http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/


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