In Charles Barkley's book "Who's Afraid of a Large Black
Man", Barack Obama recalls a few college professors asking him,
"Man, why are you pretending that you're not smart?" Obama
continues, "And coming from black professors, especially, that was
important, because I couldn't throw back at them, `Oh, you
don't understand.'"

Looking back at his own educational experience, Obama concludes,
"That's a big part of the reason it is so important to have
black teachers, especially black male teachers. I'm not saying
exclusively, but in many situations you need someone who can call you on
your stuff and say… that it's not `acting white' to read
a book."

I asked the teachers and the students at our all-black school if they
believed there were fundamental differences between white teachers and
black teachers.
Complete article and comments:  Understand? - Nicholas D. Kristof -
Opinion - New York Times Blog
Food.  For thought, this time.

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