[asciidoc-discuss] Issue with CSS in IE but No Issue in Firefox

2007-09-10 Thread mowestusa
I have attached the offending txt file before it is
run through Asciidoc 8.1.0 on Fedora 7. I have also
attached the resulting html file.

Basically, I'm trying to use Asciidoc to create my
whole website from text files that I edit, and then
generate static pages from. I have put together a nice
header (in my opinion) that stays the same at the top
of every page with the links for navigating my simple

Everything looks fantastic in Firefox and Konqueror.
In IE this annoying issue occurs where the title of
the section (in the example it is Vim Plugin for
Writers) looks wrong. IE puts part of the title on
the right side of the header table that I created
inside the code section that is simply inserted into
the resulting html file at the beginning.

Without become a CSS god, is there a way to fix this
in IE. The only way I have found to do this is to add
pnbsp;/p 4 times in the code section after my
table, but that looks terrible in Firefox and




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titlemowestusa home page/title
table cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 border=0 align=left valign=middle
th align=left bgcolor=#4682B4
font size=6 color=white face=Times
Mowestusa's Free and Open Under the Steeple
font size=4 color=white face=Times
Putting Free and Open Source Software to Work in the Church
tr bgcolor=#FFF8DC
div align=center
font size=4 face=Times
a href=index.html name=HomeHOME/anbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;
a href=blog.html name=BlogBLOG/anbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;
a href=howto.html name=HowtoHOW TO/anbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;
a href=download.html name=DownloadsDOWNLOADS/anbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;
a href=studies.html name=StudiesSTUDIES/a

== VIM Plug in for Writers
*Written by mowestusa - 2007-02-14 10:25*

On the download page you can find a new file. It is a plug in file for VIM. 
This file makes it easier to use VIM as a tool for writing long prose 
documents. It re-maps the arrow keys to behave in the way you would expect if 
you were using a Word processor, and it sets the word wrap on in VIM. I add it 
to every installation of VIM on all of my computers.

I did not come up with this idea on my own. After searching for a long long 
time, I found this post from 2002 which gave me the plug in file. My thanks to 
the original author.
 to Original Post]

Title: mowestusa home page

Mowestusa's Free and Open Under the Steeple

Putting Free and Open Source Software to Work in the Church


VIM Plug in for Writers

Written by mowestusa - 2007-02-14 10:25
On the download page you can find a new file. It is a plug in file for VIM. This file makes it easier to use VIM as a tool for writing long prose documents. It re-maps the arrow keys to behave in the way you would expect if you were using a Word processor, and it sets the word wrap on in VIM. I add it to every installation of VIM on all of my computers.
I did not come up with this idea on my own. After searching for a long long time, I found this post from 2002 which gave me the plug in file. My thanks to the original author.
Link to Original Post

Last updated 10-Sep-2007 18:04:23 EDT

Asciidoc-discuss mailing list

Re: [asciidoc-discuss] Issue with CSS in IE but No Issue in Firefox

2007-09-10 Thread Stuart Rackham
mowestusa wrote:
 Wow, great stuff. Thanks again, this is good advice
 that I will put to work. Any thoughts on including a
 title/title in the asciidoc source text file,
 which  will properly go into the head/head? (From
 reading the docs it looks like I need a First level
 title, but is there any way to put it in without
 having it show visibly on the page as a title or

You could drop the level 0 pass the doctitle attribute on the 
command-line with e.g. -a doctitle=Foo Bar

 --- Stuart Rackham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I use 3 indispensable tools: Firefox plus the Web
 Developer addin and 
 the Firebug addin. Here's how I (try) to work:

 - After any changes I validate the the local XHTML
 file at W3 using Web 
 Developer (Ctrl+Shift+A). I also use xmllint(1) in
 my build scripts for 
 gross validation checks.

 - Once I've got valid code I turn to the CSS -- I've
 found the Firebug 
 Inspect command really valuable for learning about
 CSS and visualizing 
 exactly what's going on (without it CSS makes my
 brain hurt).

 - Finally I turn to non-conforming browsers (IE6 I'm
 talking about you) 
 and try to devise any necessary work-arounds.

 Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search 
 that gives answers, not web links. 

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