Hi Shirley,

most important are the following directives in the
vhost-/ or httpd- config file:

   PerlModule  Apache::ASP

   <FilesMatch ".*\.asp">
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlResponseHandler  Apache::ASP

Checkout if these lines are present, if yes -
and the server starts without complaining ! -
and it still does not work, please post the relevant section
of your httpd.conf (or vhost.conf).


(I am on vacation for one week, so someone else might help you in this case)

Shirley Mayadewi schrieb:
I am trying to build the Apache Web Server (Apache-ASP-2.59 with
apache_1.3.37) with mod_perl ( mod_perl-1.30 ) and mod_ssl ( mod_ssl-
2.8.28-1.3.37 ) in Linux (Fedora Core 6). I have followed the instructions
under *Build Apache and mod_perl* and *Quick Start.* Basically, after I put
all the source codes for apache, mod_ssl, and mod_perl under make_httpd
folder, I just ran ./build_httpds.sh and it was completed with no errors.

But after I start apache and test the examples in the folder
$DOCUMENT_ROOT/asp/site/eg, it doesn't work. The ASP script is still shown
in the browser. Can anyone give me any suggestions what I should try?


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