Dear AspectJ users,
we are pleased to announce the AspectJ bugfix release supporting Java 20. Please note that since 1.9.19, the minor-minor version indicates the corresponding latest Java release (byte code version) supported by the AspectJ compiler and weaver. I.e., → Java 20.
Other resources:
- The current artifacts (runtime, weaver, compiler, matcher) are available on Maven Central.
- The AspectJ installer can be found on GitHub.
- There is also an AJDT update site for Eclipse 4.26 (2022-12). It has not been updated to contain the current AspectJ release and still works in the current Eclipse 4.28 (2023-06) release.
- For more detailed release information, please read the release notes.
- On GitHub, there also is a short guide describing options for setting up a development environment.
- See AspectJ GitHub issue #95 for more information and for an example project showing how to upgrade to the latest AspectJ version when using dev.aspectj:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.13.1.
Enjoy AspectJ!
The AspectJ team
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