[Assam] Foundation Stone of Dhemaji Engineering College

2011-02-20 Thread Buljit Buragohain
Today (20.02.2011, Sunday),Hon'ble Chief Minister of Assam, Shri Tarun Gogoi 
laid the foundation stone of Dhemaji Engineering College ( Public-Private 
Partnership mode) at Tekjuri,Dhemaji.

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Re: [Assam] [NorthEastIndia] Foundation Stone of Dhemaji Engineering College

2011-02-20 Thread Bidyananda Barkakoty
Congratulations Buljit. Your many years of effort has borne fruit now.

Bidyananda Barkakoty
FASS, Guwahati 

--- On Sun, 20/2/11, Buljit Buragohain buluas...@yahoo.co.in wrote:

From: Buljit Buragohain buluas...@yahoo.co.in
Subject: [NorthEastIndia] Foundation Stone of Dhemaji Engineering College
To: assam@assamnet.org, northeastin...@yahoogroups.com, 
silc...@yahoogroups.com, axomiya_stude...@yahoogroups.com, 
Date: Sunday, 20 February, 2011, 7:24 PM



  Today (20.02.2011, Sunday),Hon'ble Chief Minister of Assam, Shri Tarun 
Gogoi laid the foundation stone of Dhemaji Engineering College ( Public-Private 
Partnership mode) at Tekjuri,Dhemaji.





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[Assam] Pragyan: The Tinsukia Knowledge Fair, 2011

2011-02-20 Thread Pragyan Tinsukia College
The Tinsukia District administration in collaboration with some social
organization and intelligentsia has organized an intellectually
enriching event, the Tinsukia knowledge Fair, 2011 comprising major
attractions i.e. Book fair, Science Exhibition, seminars , Kavi
Sammelan, Career Counseling, adda, Children’s competition and cultural
programme from 16th February to 20 the February, 2011


Sushanta Kar

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Re: [Assam] Spectre haunting the rust belt

2011-02-20 Thread Dilip Deka
The decline in US economy is not as bad as it is portrayed in the media abroad. 
At least in Houston, I find the restaurants still packed during the weekend, 
having to wait for 40 minutes to get a table. The patrons must have an 
income from somewhere.
The number of panhandlers (another word for beggars) has not increased at 
street corners. Either the welfare system is taking care of them or the media 
is inflating the decline story. 
Or may be, it just may be, it is different in Texas. :-) You know in Texas, we 
don't care whether it is rusted or not (ref to rust belt in Wisconsin), we just 
clean it and make it work again.

From: uttam borthakur uttambortha...@yahoo.co.in
To: assam assam@assamnet.org
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 11:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Spectre haunting the rust belt

Dilip da,If it is a pure political manoeuvre on the part of the democrats, it 
shall not be a big thing. But, if it is rooted to the declineof the economy, it 
may last awhile. Perhaps, you will know betterbeing there.Uttam Kumar 
This is not a big issue in USA. It has happened in the past. Senators in Texas 
stayed away from Austin for two weeks one time. But sense prevailed, they came 
back and took care of their business. People like Jesse Jackson only bark, 
there is no bite.
The states in USA have to balance their budget and that's what the governor is 
trying to do. The bone of contention is where he is trying to cut the costs. 
There will be a compromise.
Rest assured, Egypt like situation will not develop over this. Partisan 
politics will finally bow down to common sense.

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[Assam] Babu with a conscience?

2011-02-20 Thread Dilip Deka

Some thoughts:
1. Is whistle blowing becoming accepted in India?
2. Is the official going to be punished as implied in the news at the end?
3. Was the leak politically motivated?
4. Is the word Babu accepted in Indian media now for a government official?

Dilip Deka

Bangalore babu leaked Antrix-Devas papers? 

BANGALORE: Top sources have said that the Antrix-Devas papers were allegedly 
leaked by a senior bureaucrat/official from Bangalore, who now works in New 
Delhi in some sort of an advisory role. 

Sources told TOI that the official who had access to the papers allegedly 
leaked them to certain persons of a political party, which then initiated a 
campaign against the space department and the PMO itself. The official worked 
in Bangalore for 14 to 22 months. 

Isro officials said that only particular bits of information on the contract 
could be shared in public, and so they were not aware how other portions of 
information came into the public domain. 

The leak happened within the past 60 days, and the Isro-Antrix controversy came 
up in the last 10 days. The official who had allegedly leaked the papers was 
placed in New Delhi very recently, which indicates that the leak might have 
happened around the time the Centre was initiating action to place the official 
in New Delhi. 

Space sources say the leak happened from Bangalore as the agreement papers 
were in Bangalore. The papers were accessible to certain persons and 
officials. If under RTI, Isro is empowered to give only certain portions of 
information on the contract, how did information not admissible under RTI reach 
the public domain? This explains how the official with access to the papers 
communicated information other than what is permissible under law, a source 

Sources said if private agreement papers under law are leaked, persons 
responsible for it could be liable for action under law. That such an official 
gets another posting raises questions about what else the official could do. 
There have been allegations of corruption against the official. 

Read more: Bangalore babu leaked Antrix-Devas papers? - The Times of India 
Prashanth G N, TNN, Feb 21, 2011, 01.25am IST
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[Assam] Hunger - Part II - My Translated Story in Assam Tribune

2011-02-20 Thread mayur bora

Dear Netters

I have recently translated a short story by Dilip Borah, IPS, Addl DGP, Assam 
Police into English for a Writers' Meet organised by Sahitya Academy in Kochi. 
He attended that meet and read out the story in presence of many distinguished 
writers of the country. The 2nd and final part of the story with a slightly 
unusual content is published in Sunday Reading of The Assam Tribune yesterday 
i.e. 20 February 2011.

You may read this by clicking on the following link.(The link would be 
valid till 26 Feb only)

with warm regards

Mayur Bora

Don't get soaked. Take aquick peek at the forecast 
with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.

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[Assam] Kuhipar: Assamese Unicode Font ( http://www.kuhipat.org/ )

2011-02-20 Thread Buljit Buragohain
Kuhipar: Assamese Unicode Font ( http://www.kuhipat.org/  )
কুঁহিপাত ফ’ণ্ট
এই চাইতৰ কোনোবা ঠাইত আমি কৈছো কুঁহিপাত ফ’ণ্টতো বাংলা ইউনিকোড ভিত্তিত বিকাশিত 
কৰা অসমীয়া ফ’ণ্ট|অন্য অসমীয়া অথবা বাংলা ফ’ণ্টৰ দৰেই ইয়াকো প্ৰায় সকলো window 
application ত যেনে MS word MS paint online browserত ইয়াক ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব 
পাৰি|প্ৰয়োজন অনুসৰি সময়ে সময়ে এই বিষয়ে আমি সবিশেষ আলোচনা কৰিবলৈ যত্ন কৰিম|এই 
ফ’ণ্টতো ইন্টাৰনেটত অসমীয়া লিখা অথবা পঢ়াৰ সুবিধাৰ প্ৰতি লক্ষ্য ৰাখি বিকাশিত 
কৰিবলৈ যত্ন কৰা
 হৈছে, ইয়াৰ অৰ্থ হ’ল এই ফ’ণ্টতো ইন্টাৰনেটত অসমীয়া লিখা অথবা পঢ়াৰ বাবেহে উপযুক্ত 
(অন্তত্ব আমি উপযুক্ত কৰিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰিছো )| সবিশেষ এই চাইতৰ কোনোবা ঠাইত লিখা 
হ’ব|সাধাৰণতে যিকোনো চাইতৰ আখৰবোৰৰ ছাইজ (font size)১২ থাকে সান্মেসিক (by 
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বিবেচনা কৰো|
আমাৰ অসমীয়াৰ লিখাৰ নিজস্ব কিছুমান শৈলী আছে, যেনে, গ+উ কাৰ=গু, ৰ+উ কাৰ=ৰু শ+উ 
কাৰ=শু আদি, ম+ৰ কাৰ=ম্ৰ (সম্ৰাজ্য )অন্য কিছুমান অসমীয়া support থকা ফ’ণ্টত এনে 
কিছুমান আখৰ বা যুক্তাক্ষৰ ভালকৈ দেখা নাযায়| আমাৰ অসমীয়াত ‘স’ ৰ লগত উ কাৰ যোগ 
দিলে ইয়াক দুই ধৰণে লিখা যায় ‘সু’ আৰু ‘স্সু’ , সেয়েহে দুয়োটা শৈলী ইয়াত ৰখা হৈছে, 
কিন্তু ইয়াৰ কিছু সীমা বদ্ধতা আছে, যেনে কোনো প্ৰবন্ধ printout অথবা চিত্ৰ হিছাপে
 তৈয়াৰ কৰিবলৈ হ’লে দুয়োটা একেলগে অথবা যিকোনো এটা ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পৰা যাব, কিন্তু 
চাইতৰ বাবে লিখিবলৈ হ’লে কিছু ক্ষেত্ৰত প্ৰথমটোহে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পৰা যাব,সময়ত এই 
বিষয়ে বিতং ভাৱে আলোচনা কৰা হ’ব|ভবিষ্যতে আমাৰ দুয়োটা পৃথক কৰি দুটা বেলেগ বেলেগ 
ফ’ণ্ট বিকাশ কৰাৰ পৰিকল্পনা আছে|‘ড্ক’ এইটো আন কিছুমান ফ’ণ্টত আমাৰ লিখিবলৈ 
অসুবিধা হ্য়, ‘ড০’ এনেকৈ লিখা হ্য়, এই ফ’ণ্টত ‘ড্ক’ টো ৰখা
 হৈছে|অলপতে ভাৰত চৰকাৰে ভাৰতীয় মুদ্ৰাৰ প্ৰতীক চিহ্ন জাৰি কৰিছে, আৰু ই এনে 
`ধৰণৰ|কুঁহিপাত ফ’ণ্টত ভাৰতীয় মুদ্ৰাৰ প্ৰতীক চিহ্নটো (`)ৰখা আছে
কুঁহিপাত ফ’ণ্টৰ অসুবিধা সমূহ :--
এই ফ’ণ্টৰ দ্বাৰা আপুনি বাংলা চাইত চোৱাত বা বাংলাত লিখাত অসুবিধা পাব 
পাৰে|বিশেষকৈ বাংলাত লিখিব পৰা নাযাব|আমাৰ অনুৰোধ বাংলা লিখাৰ বাবে অথবা বাংলা 
চাইত চোৱাৰ বাবে বাংলা ফ’ণ্ট ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক|
কেতিয়াবা কিছুমান চাইতত আখৰবোৰৰ মাত্ৰা দেখা পোৱাত অসুবিধা হ্য়, ’ চিহ্নতো 
firefoxত অলপ তলত দেখা যায়| আমি এই অসুবিধা সমূহ আতৰাবলৈ ভবিষ্যতে চেষ্টা কৰিম|
অন্য আসুবিধা সমূহৰ বাবে ফ’ৰামৰ বিশেষ শিতানত চাওক অথবা ফ’ৰামত লিখক|
মুঠৰ ওপৰত আমাৰ লক্ষ্য হ’ল চাইবাৰ ৱৰ্ল্ডত অসমীয়া আখৰবোৰ সঠিক আৰু সুন্দৰ ভাৱে 
তুলি ধৰা|
এই কথা খিনিৰ দ্বাৰা আমি কেতিয়াও কব খোজা নাই যে আমাৰ কুঁহিপাত ফ’ণ্টতো অন্য বাংলা 
অথবা অসমীয়া ফ’ণ্টতকৈ উন্নত অথবা অন্য ফ’ণ্টৰ মানদন্ড সঠিক নহয়|ইয়াত কেৱ্ল 
কুঁহিপাত ফ’ণ্টতৰ সুবিধা অসুবিধাৰ কথাহে কোৱা হৈছে|
Kuhipar: Assamese Unicode Font ( http://www.kuhipat.org/  )

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