Worms evolve to eat corn genetically designed to kill them, proving man
cannot outsmart nature (or, well, rootworms). 
Are we still for the GM seeds and its introduction in India?


"Just when we thought it was possible to out-smart nature with science,
nature proves once again that it's smarter than us. Corn rootworms have
developed the ability to eat a genetically modified kind of corn
specifically engineered to poison them - basically, evolving to destroy that
which was made to destroy them. A new study published Monday says there
needs to be a dramatic change in the way this resistance is managed if the
agriculture industry wants to avoid serious detrimental effects. Nature - 1,
Man - 0."
 <http://tinyurl.com/odvzavt> http://tinyurl.com/odvzavt



"The hunter becomes the hunted
orn> : 

When Bt corn was first engineered, it was hailed as the perfect weapon to
fight off one of the most troublesome crop-devouring pests around: the corn
rootworm. And since 1996, when it was first planted, Bt corn has helped US
farmers kill rootworms and prevent billions of dollars in damages. Over the
years, however, researchers have expressed concerns that the rootworm could
become resistant to Bt corn. Unfortunately, those warnings were widely
ignored by farmers and regulators."



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