
I did a little digging online and seems like India is safe so far...here is an excerpt from an Oct 14th Indian Express article:

The High Security Animal Disease Laboratory in Bhopal, the apex laboratory for testing diseases among animals, says not a single strain of the deadly H5N1 virus has been found in India in the last five years. ''The only flu strain found so far is H9N2 which is a non-pathogenic strain and has not caused any disease in animals,'' said H K Pradhan, the lab's joint director.

The laboratory has tested 22,000 samples and only a negligible percentage have shown the H9N2 strain. In the last three months, the laboratory has tested 3207 samples and none of them tested positive for the virus.

The government is monitoring 50 bird sanctuaries across the country.

You can the read the entire article here:



From:   Malabika Brahma <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
To:  assam@assamnet.org
Subject:  [Assam] Avian Flu and Assam
Date:  Mon, 17 Oct 2005 20:36:03 +0100 (BST)

Does any one know whether the Govt has taken any steps to combat the deadly avian flu in Assam and NE ? Its proximity to SE Asia and the migratory birds do pose a serious threat for avian flu and I am afraid we do not have any testing facility at all to detect traces of the virus amongst the birds in Assam.
This makes Assam and India very vulnerable.

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