[Assam] (no subject)

2005-11-29 Thread soma bhowmick

If these illegals are settled else where in India it would not be possible to cross our porous boders every now and then and come back when they feel like. Therefore they might not like this idea of being settled in other states besides Assam. Another point is it possible to pitch fork human beings from one place to another? Why will any human being accept it? Geographical migration can never be stopped, it has happened always, through times immemorial, but certainly there must be ways and means to reduce that; so that our people can be saved from being swamped...but will our political leadership allow that?

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[Assam] (no subject)

2005-11-08 Thread soma bhowmick

Oh god what is all this about moral coward...blah blah blah...so much is being said about the sovereignty and all that let us all understand what the ULFA means about that and where in lies the contradiction...and why are all the people calling this PCG as the ULFA?. Anyways is it not interesting that we are talking about pushing the B;deshis back, knowing it fully well that the ULFA will never ever agree to that? We all know why they would refuse...great is not it? think...think and think...!!!

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