Thank you Pratul for bringing the facts to the notice of our netters. I fully 
agree with Pratul Kalita. We are in the process of doing a project with IITG 
Design Dept. on Mechanisation of tea garden plucking and pruning activities.

Bidyananda Barkakoty
Chairman, North Eastern Tea Association (NETA)
Cell : 9435046211

--- On Sun, 18/9/11, Pratul Kalita <> wrote:

From: Pratul Kalita <>
Subject: [NorthEastIndia] Objection against Dr. Pradip Kumar Sarma being named 
as laureate of the Tech Awards 2011
Cc: "assam org" <>, "North East" 
<>, "A.K. Das" <>
Date: Sunday, 18 September, 2011, 9:20 PM



      Dear friends, 

It has come to our notice from the local media that
Dr. Pradip Kumar Sarma has been named as laureate of the Tech Awards 2011. We
would like to inform you that the Rickshaw Bank is just an annex of the actual
project named “ Dipbahan”. The extensive research project of integrated design
of the tricycle rickshaw was carried out by Prof. Amarendra Kumar Das of Indian
Institute of Technology Guwahati. At present Prof. Amarendra Kumar Das is the
Head of the Department of Design at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati.
The new tricycle Rickshaw branded as Dipbahan is his design creation and as a
matter of the fact he got his PhD from IITG on his Dipbahan project. The idea
of integration of micro finance services with the product (rickshaw) is inbuilt
in the project Dipbahan initiative. Apart from providing microfinance to the
rickshaw puller, there are various other services associated with the product.
All the services were included in the project Dipbahan initiative. Therefore
Prof. Amarendra Kumar Das calls it an “integrated design”. Prof. Das has
received the award of excellence from the Institute of Urban Transport India on
behalf of the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati for his Dipbahan
research papers have been presented in reputed national and international 
and symposiums on this issue. This is one of the most prestigious projects of
Department of Design, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. Centre for Rural
Development is just one of those NGOs who was helping in the implementation the
Dipbahan initiative. Here it is worth mentioning that microfinance models like
Rickshaw Bank for the cycle rickshaws were tried several times before. But
these models resulted in failures. It is the new integrated design of the
rickshaw, designed by Prof. Das that had come out as a result of extensive
consumer behavior study and hardcore design research, that has transformed the
lives of rickshaw pullers in particular and people in general.      


Here we would like to inform you that Department of
Design is selling Dipbahan rickshaws since its inception and more than 15000
Dipbahan rickshaws were sold through the Department of Design IIT Guwahati in
the last two years. The Government of Assam, the Government of Tripura and the
Government of West Bengal had been very encouraging in taking the project
forward. We do appreciate the contribution of the NGOs like Centre for Rural
Development in implementing the project but the act of claiming it to be their
initiative is not acceptable. Here it is worth mentioning that the brand
“Dipbahan” has been derived from Prof. Das’s nick name “Dipan” and “Bahan”
means vehicle in Assamese, Hindi and Sanskrit. It has been observed that Dr.
Pradip Kumar Sarma changed the spelling of Dipbahan to Deepbahan in some of the
rickshaws. Prof. Amarendra Kumar Das being an academician did not intervene the
manipulating activities of Dr. Pradip Kumar Sarma, keeping in mind the grater
social responsibility. But for us, now it appears to be plagiarism. The
information regarding the Dipbahan project is available in the internet. It is
quite surprising to us, being reputed organization like Tech Awards, why it was
not being properly investigated from their end before conferment of the award?  

Dr. Pradip Kumar Sharma was a colleague of Prof. AK Das,
when he served as consultant at Rastriya Gramin Vikash Nidhi (RGVN) in Guwahati
during 1989-91, a NGO promoted by various banks in India for funding
development activities. Thus his acquaintance with Dr. Pradip Kumar Sharma is
more than two decades.  When new rickshaw
was released, most of the news item highlighted the achievement of IIT Guwahati
and its innovator, Prof. A.K. Das. Dr. Pradip Kumar Sharma always seeking media
attention was disappointed and stopped acknowledging Dr. Das as innovator. He
tried not to mention even IIT Guwahati, and removed the name Dipbahan being
painted at the back of the tricycle rickshaws but this backfired and
beneficiaries stopped taking these and rickshaw bank could resume the operation
only after they started writing it as Dipbahan. We at IITG promote the
institution more than any individual and hence informed him that if he fails to
mention IIT Guwahati, we will be compelled to take necessary action on them.
Dr. Sharma started to acknowledge IIT Guwahati but never explicitly. Seeing his
attitude, we started having our presence in the web and also improved upon the
design and licensed to other manufacturer for its propagation through
microcredit by developmental agency, commercial banks and also by various state


Dr. A.K. Das has introduced more than 15,000
Dipbahan rickshaws in the state of Assam itself with government funding to the
poor people of the state under Mukhyamantrir Assam Bikash Yojana in the last
ten year. Department involved is Panchayat and Rural Development Department of
Government of Assam. Please go for a net search for and you
may request for information regarding this. The department has implemented the
project for INR 180.00 million in the last 10 years, and IIT Guwahati received
more than INR 1.8 million as royalty from the government. Similarly, West
Bengal government had earlier implemented the project. Although Dr. Pradip
Kumar Sharma also bid for the supply of the Dipbahan, his NGO was not
qualified, since IIT Guwahati allowed him manufacture of Dipbahan only for
non-profit purpose. To be frank, his NGO failed even to manufacture these
rickshaws as per IIT Guwahati specification due to poor quality of man, machine
and quality of products and IIT Guwahati stopped him from using IIT Guwahati
name on these substandard quality products that can tarnish the reputation of
the institute.  


We would like to reiterate that micro credit in
providing tricycle rickshaw was not the first implemented by Dr. Pradip Kumar
Sharma. It was tried out earlier too with existing rickshaw and did not become
successful because, for passenger, there was nothing new to motivate them to
use rickshaw. Once the same microcredit programme was introduced with the
Dipbahan design, it become successful, since passengers liked it, being 
spacious and safe.  


Still if you need any other confirmation, you can
mail it to director of IIT Guwahati Prof. Gautam Barua at his mail id 


As I mentioned it earlier, Dipbahan is the flagship
project of Department of Design IIT Guwahati, we will not accept Dr. Pradip
Kumar Sarma being named as laureate of the Tech Awards 2011. This particular
award should go to Dr. Amarandra Kumar Das, Indian Institute of Technology


Prof. Amarendra Kumar Das may be reached in his
mobile No: 09954027062. His official e-mail id is: The 
details of
the Dipbahn project may be found in the official website of Indian Institute of
Technology Guwahati. You can search about Dipbahan in google by giving the
keyword : “Dipbahan rickshaw”. For your convenience I am providing you the




Pratul Chandra

Research Scholar

Department of

Indian Institute
of Technology Guwahati  

Faculty, Assam
Institute of Management Guwahati  

--- On Sun, 18/9/11, Ankur Bora <> wrote:

From: Ankur Bora <>
Subject: [SupportAChild-Assam] Dr Sarma named Tech Awards laureate
To: "Support a child" <>,
Cc: "assam org" <>, "North East" 
Date: Sunday, 18 September, 2011, 2:13 AM







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