>As per statistics, as reported in the media, poachers have killed 672 rhinos 
>since 1965 till February 8, 2007 - the average killing being 16 rhinos 

That is16 Rhinos being killed annually sine 1965. Looks like the Forest 
department has been doing good business. One Rhino Horn @ 35 lakhs times 16 = 
Rs.560,000 lakhs annually for the last 45 years without any complaint from the 
people of Assam. Wondering why the people of Assam are suddenly so much against 
the illegal poaching of Rhinos? Simply because the number has gone up to 20 
Hobo Diok!!!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Pradip Kumar Datta 
  To: Assam 
  Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 6:51 AM
  Subject: [aana] Save the Endangered Rhino : JP Rajkhowa

  Save the Endangered Rhino

  JP Rajkhowa 
  Kaziranga National Park (KNP) is globally known as the home of the one-horned 
rhinoceros, though it also shelters and attracts a wide variety of exotic birds 
from all over the world, apart from being the habitat of the wild buffalo, the 
great Indian swamp deer and other varieties of wildlife forms. KNP is equally 
famous for medicinal plants, herbs and other exotic flora. But it has earned 
the status of a national park because of the one-horned rhino, and it is 
primarily the rhino which attracts visitors. Other than Nepal, which has about 
200 one-horned rhinos, KNP is the only major natural habitat of this rare 
mammal. In consideration of its uniqueness to Asom, the rhino has been declared 
as the State symbol just like the peacock has been declared the national 
symbol. It is, therefore, natural that everyone in Asom should take pride in 
the rhino.
  The encyclopedic information on rhinoceros is reproduced here for general 
information. "The once-numerous rhinoceros family, Rhinocerotidae, in the order 
Perissodactyla, now contains only five living species. All are threatened with 
extinction, some imminently. The three species of Asiatic rhinos include the 
Indian rhino, Rhinoceros unicornis; the nearly extinct Javan rhino, R. 
sondacius; and the Sumatran rhino, Dicerohinus sumatrensis. The two species of 
African rhinos are the black rhino, Diceros bicornis, and the white rhino, 
Ceratotherium simum. The Indian and Javan rhinos are one-horned; the other 
three species are two-horned. The rhino's horn is composed of keratin, as is 
the cow's horn, but unlike the cow's horn it is of a fused, fibrous 
construction and solid throughout, with no hollow for a core of bone. The 
fibres represent greatly modified hairs. The horn is attached to the skin and 
is supported by a raised, roughened area on the skull. Because many Asians, 
particularly the Chinese, believe that the rhino horn has aphrodisiac 
properties, the horns are widely sought after, and this demand accounts for 
much of the illegal killing of rhinos. The Indian rhino, native to northeastern 
India, is now found only in a few protected areas. The Javan rhino, once 
distributed across southeastern Asia into the East Indies, today survives only 
in a small preserve on the island of Java. The Sumatran rhino is now confined 
to a few widely scattered areas in southeastern Asia and in the East Indies" 
(Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge, Vol. 16). 
  It is obvious that due to human greed, the one-horned 
  rhino population in its original abode is becoming 
  extinct and the trend, if not halted, would lead to its total extinction, 
meeting the fate of the much-researched dinosaurs. Unfortunately, rhino horns 
or small pieces thereof are reportedly in demand not only in China, but in our 
country too, for which members of some innocuous religious cults as well as 
some members of the astrological fraternity and the so-called country 
physicians are also responsible. As per a recent media report, a rhino horn 
fetches between Rs 4 to 7 lakh in the Indian underground market, and between Rs 
12 to 20 lakh in the international market. For such high prices, unscrupulous 
poachers, who are always after a quick buck, will not mind facing personal risk 
and going for illegal rhino hunt.
  The poaching for rhino horns is not anything new; it has been going on in 
Asom for decades together, especially after the rhino was declared an extinct 
variety of wild animals under the Wildlife Protection and Preservation Act. 
Though every killing by poachers was invariably condemned by wildlife lovers 
and the public in general, so far it was not taken as an outrage against Asom, 
as has happened in recent days. The killing of a female rhino at the KNP by a 
gang of poachers, allegedly in connivance with Forest Department officials, on 
January 19 by first injuring it critically with a bullet and then cutting the 
horn when the rhino was still alive and bleeding profusely, and thereafter the 
killing of her baby as well in the most gruesome manner, has shaken the world 
community and hurt every resident of Asom. This single incident, with 
heart-rending pictures of the bleeding rhino and her fallen baby flashed across 
the world by the ever vigilant media, has tarnished the name of Asom. Since 
then, protests in different forms have been going on all over the State, with 
most of the protesters blaming the KNP officials, the Forest Minister of the 
State, and the State Government as a whole for their abject failure in 
preventing the poachers from committing such diabolic acts. 
  As if that incident was not enough, another such killing was repeated by the 
desperadoes in the wee hours of February 5 by brutally killing another rhino 
inside KNP. As per a media report, this ''poaching operation'' could be 
successfully completed in about 30 minutes, due to cooperation and connivance 
of some Forest officials of KNP. 
  As per statistics, as reported in the media, poachers have killed 672 rhinos 
since 1965 till February 8, 2007 - the average killing being 16 rhinos 
annually. On the other hand, the total number of poachers who got killed during 
anti-poaching operation of the Forest Department officials since 1985 stands at 
only 96. During 2007 alone, 20 rhinos were killed by poachers in spite of the 
superior modes of transport, arms and ammunition, and surveillance equipment 
available with the Forest Department as compared to the previous years. This 
itself speaks volumes about the competence and effectiveness of the forest 
  A section of the vernacular media in Asom has squarely cast the blame for the 
increased poaching of rhinos on State Forest Minister Rockybul Hussein, during 
whose tenure the number swelled to 23 in just one year, as against an average 
killing of seven rhinos during the period of six years from 1998 to 2006. No 
blame is cast on Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi. There is also no mention of the 
figures during the AGP regime, nor during the tenure of Rockybul's predecessor 
Pradyut Bardoloi. But why condemn Rockybul alone, when he heads a Forest 
Department administered by a whole lot of officials? What conservation efforts 
are these powerful lords of the jungles making over the years? After the trees 
in millions have vanished in spite of the forest officials, thanks to the 
smuggler-official-politician nexus, what could the public expect of them for 
the conservation of wildlife? 
  Now that the State Forest Minister has already volunteered for a CBI inquiry, 
as reported in the media, the Chief Minister should not waste any time in 
making a request to the Centre for directing the CBI to take up the 
investigation into the entire rhino-killing episode. The Chief Minister would 
also do well to take immediate disciplinary and other legal actions against the 
forest officials and wildlife wardens in charge of KNP, and post competent and 
incorruptible officials to the park - as also to other national parks and 
sensitive wildlife sanctuaries - with strict instructions to go against the 
poachers and their associates and harbourers. The district magistrates (DMs) 
and superintendents of police (SPs), and an SP-level officer of the State CID, 
and one officer each drawn from the IB and the State SB should be formed into a 
core group under the DM for working out appropriate strategies in order to 
counter the threat posed by poachers in a unified command mode. Otherwise, what 
is true of KNP could very well be the reality in Pobitora, Manas, Orang, 
Laokhowa or elsewhere. 
  T he government should also post Assam 
  Police Battalion personnel, in at least 
  one company strength, under an assistant commandant to KNP immediately, in 
place of the proposed deployment of 100 home guards as announced by the Forest 
Minister. The home guards are unlikely to prove better than the forest guards 
to deal with the poachers effectively. In a phased manner, this exercise should 
be repeated for other highly vulnerable parks and sanctuaries. I would also 
urge upon the politicians to shed their differences, stop trying to make 
political capital out of the rhinos, and come up to offer a joint front against 
the poachers. 
  As for the media, it should play a constructive role and must not try to make 
personal accusations against one particular minister, without any definite 
proof of his involvement with gangs of poachers and smugglers. If the Forest 
Minister has done any wrong, the CBI would book him; but there will be no 
excuse if attempts are made to scandalize his late parents. The Forest 
Minister, on his part, would do well to invite all NGOs in the field for a 
detailed discussion on the matter. He should also take it as a personal as well 
as official challenge to clear the KNP of all types of encroachment within a 
definite time-frame. If the alleged encroachers in the KNP area are genuine 
landholders, as claimed by the Forest Minister, he should take immediate 
measures to resettle them elsewhere. 
  It must be clearly appreciated by one and all that like the Asomiyas becoming 
extinct in their own homeland due to the invasion by illegal Bangladeshis, a 
process that cannot be allowed to go on under any circumstances, the extinction 
of the one-horned rhino must also be prevented at all cost. There is need for 
action on the ground - not meaningless noise. 
  (The writer was Chief Secretary, Assam)

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