Another Vidarbha
Bharat Dogra

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  Even as policymakers and the media exult in 
India's growth story, it was left for the 
National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to bare a 
few skeletons, literally speaking.

  According to NHRC, there have been 100 suicides 
and hunger deaths in just two of Bundelkhand's 
seven districts (Jhansi, Jalaun, Lalitpur, Banda, 
Chitra-koot, Mahoba and Hamirpur) over the last 
four years.

  One can safely assume that 400 people have lost 
their lives in the entire region over this 
period. Yet, it has
  taken the Uttar Pradesh government all this 
while to declare four districts drought-prone. Is 
this another Vidarbha?

  NHRC blamed the crisis on a malfunctioning PDS 
and cancellation of ration cards of poor people. 
In addition, the National Rural Employment 
Guarantee Scheme (NREGS), which was introduced in 
six of Bundelkhand's seven districts in its first 
year, did not deliver the expected results.

  The Union Budget, which extends NREGS to another 
130 districts from the present number of 200, has 
only increased the allocation by another Rs 700 
crore to Rs 12,000 crore. A reduction in per 
district allocations cannot do regions like 
Bundelkhand much good.

  A district is declared drought-prone when crop 
loss is over 50 per cent. Apart from Jhansi 
district, 80 per cent of the population lives in 
rural areas.

  Social activists in the area point out kharif 
loss of over 50 per cent was the norm. The rabi 
crop is no better;
  hence drought-relief work should be started 
without delay and NREGS implemented in its proper 

  According to Bhagwat Prasad, director of Akhil 
Bharatiya Samaj Seva Sansthan (ABSSS), "Despite 
the existence of employment guarantee, very 
large-scale distress migration is taking place in 
most villages".

  Abishek of Arunodaya points out that in Bharha 
village in Mahoba district, a farmer with 27 
bighas committed suicide. He could not pay back a 
loan taken for buying a tractor due to the recent 
crop failures.

  In Nahri village, Banda district, where five 
starvation deaths occurred in the last two years, 
people were so fed up with official apathy that 
they announced a mass suicide in July 2006.

  A recent visit to the Dalit basti of this 
village revealed that conditions of extreme 
distress are widespread.

  In Padui village of the same district, eight 
suicides linked to poverty and indebtedness have 
taken place in the last six years. In addition, 
nine Dalits died due to desperate efforts to earn 
a little income in highly hazardous conditions.

  The overwhelming majority of villagers are 
indebted to private moneylenders or banks or 
both. Recovery notices
  have been sent to several of them.

  Several farmers run the risk of being reduced to 
landlessness if their land is auctioned for loan 

  Abid Ali of ABSSS points out, "On the one hand, 
people suffer from hunger, and on the other a two 
years old payment of 74 quintals of grain has not 
been made to 45 workers in Tikariya. In many 
villages, anganwadis appear to be non-existent".

  Meenu from ABSSS says, "Ration shops are 
supposed to be near villages, but people of 
Amchur Nerava have to travel 20 km to get their 
ration â¤" a full day to go there by shuttle 
train and return. There is no guarantee they will 
get the ration".

  ICDS and mid-day meals are in poor shape. 
Children said the quality of mid-day meals was so 
poor that they preferred to eat at home.

  As for genuinely poor people not being provided 
Antyodaya cards, an investigation team visited 
the region three months back and carried away the 
existing cards.

  People have had no access to ration since then. 
The Annapurna scheme for free grain, meant in 
particular for the old and infirm who cannot earn 
their livelihood, has been discontinued.

  This area has several vulnerable groups such as 
Kol tribals, Sahariya tribals, Kabutras, Bansors, 
Bedni and Saperas.
  A special effort needs to be made to strengthen their rights.

  But all is not lost. Bundelkhand has a rich 
tradition of constructing tanks. This can be seen 
in Mahoba, Charkhari and numerous other places.

  These have been damaged due to encroachment and 
lack of maintenance. Priority should be accorded 
to restore these structures.

  Efforts to maintain an adequate level of farm 
productivity should be linked to land reforms 
which make available more land to the landless 
and marginal peasants.

  The writer is a journalist.

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