CARL ROVE  Architect
To this day, loyalists to McCain blame Rove for mounting a whispering campaign 
against the senator during the 2000 Republican primary in South Carolina, while 
allies of former Democratic senator Max Cleland (Ga.) accuse Rove of 
engineering the tactics against the wounded Vietnam veteran that cost him his 
2004 reelection bid.
Rove, a self-made intellectual who never graduated from college, came to power 
convinced that Republicans could remake government in a fashion that would 
secure conservative prevalence for years to come. The realignment Rove 
envisioned would have returned ownership to individuals (in the form of 
personal retirement savings accounts and health-care plans) and in so doing 
lure new types of voters, in particular Hispanics and African Americans, to the 

But after easing Bush into a "compassionate conservative" persona that appealed 
to the Texas electorate while he was governor and to the political center in 
the 2000 presidential election, Rove shifted to focus on turning out the 
conservative base -- a strategy that worked for Republicans for a short time 
but eventually cost the party the chance to expand.
Even when he returns to Texas, Rove said, he expects to be under attack for his 
role in advising Bush. "I realize that some of the Democrats are Captain Ahab 
and I'm the great white whale," he said. "I noticed the other day some 
Democratic staffers were quoted calling me the big fish. Well, I'm Moby-Dick 
and they're after me."
Democrats welcomed Rove's resignation and vowed to continue probing his 
involvement in the firings of U.S. attorneys, political briefings conducted at 
various agencies and the use of Republican National Committee e-mail accounts 
by White House officials.
"The list of senior White House and Justice Department officials who have 
resigned during the course of these congressional investigations continues to 
grow, and today Mr. Rove added his name to that list," said Senate Judiciary 
Chairman Patrick J. Leahy (Vt.).
Other Democrats blasted Rove as an apostle of division. "Karl Rove was an 
architect of a political strategy that has left the country more divided, the 
special interests more powerful and the American people more shut out from 
their government than any time in memory," said Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.). 
Former senator John Edwards (N.C.) was more succinct: "Goodbye, good riddance."
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