Two statements stood out. One from a blog, and the other from the column.
Both statements describe to a very large extent, India's outlook, and

*Indians are attracted to Mr. Buffett as he is wealthy. Pure and simple.
Indians are of course good at doling out good advice and not really
listening to them.
They won't mind Mr. Buffett giving advice about giving up wealth. It' just
that Indians are not about to give up their wealth any time soon.  - Sachi Mohanty, a blogger
And this from the column:

*Mr. Buffett’s newfound interest in India is at odds with much of the rest
of the world. Foreign direct investment in the country dropped by more than
31 percent in 2010, even as it rose in other emerging markets.
Headline-grabbing corruption scandals and the huge Indian tax bill of
the British telecommunications company, are scaring investors, analysts say.
Still, companies from
Levi Strauss continue to expand in India,
hoping to sell products to the country’s growing number of consumers with
disposable income.


March 25, 2011, 5:12 pm Buffett Draws Fervent Fans in India With His Folksy
Pankaj Nangia/Bloomberg NewsWarren E. Buffett, right, drew the rapt
attention of his audience in New Delhi on Friday. With him was Ajit Jain,
the Indian-born head of Berkshire Hathaway’s reinsurance business.

NEW DELHI — The billionaire investor Warren E.
off a weeklong visit to India by doing one of the things he does
best, after investing — doling out folksy sayings and sensible advice to an
appreciative crowd.

While Mr. Buffett’s first trip to India comes years, or even decades, after
many Western investors and businesses have put down roots in this country,
the delay does not seem to have dampened his reception.

In recent days, he traveled from the technology hub of Bangalore to New
Delhi, meeting with students, politicians, businesspeople and India’s
wealthy, and seeming to win new admirers everywhere he went.

“The greatest man on the planet,” one audience member yelled Friday, as Mr.
Buffett moved to the front of a ballroom in a five-star hotel here. Mr.
Buffett has “completely charmed all who thronged to get a word of wisdom,”
The Times of India wrote earlier in the

Mr. Buffett, the chairman of Berkshire
spent Friday night with hundreds of new insurance customers at a town
hall-style meeting, where he gave advice on topics as diverse as government
bonds (don’t buy them now),

parenting (“You start out as your child’s hero and you don’t get a second
chance”) and social networking stocks like Facebook (“I wouldn’t buy them,
but I wouldn’t short them”).

India is among his top four or five investment destinations, he said Friday,
and he hinted he was scouting for candidates. “I’ve been dropping my phone
number around as I cover the city,” Mr. Buffett said. “I hope someone rings
me Monday morning with good news.”

Still, he added, “My advice to anyone with a good business is to keep it.”

Mr. Buffett’s newfound interest in India is at odds with much of the rest of
the world. Foreign direct investment in the country dropped by more than 31
percent in 2010, even as it rose in other emerging markets.
Headline-grabbing corruption scandals and the huge Indian tax bill of
the British telecommunications company, are scaring investors, analysts say.
Still, companies from
Levi Strauss continue to expand in India, hoping to sell products to
country’s growing number of consumers with disposable income.

Mr. Buffett’s company recently entered India’s insurance market, albeit
tentatively, as an insurance agent. Berkshire Hathaway started selling car
online in India in a partnership with Bajaj Allianz, the Indian
insurance company. Regulations in this country prevent foreign insurers from
selling their own policies unless they have become a minority partner in an
agreement with a local company. But there are no limits on being an agent.

“We’ve been looking at the India space for a long time,” Ajit Jain, the
Indian-born head of Berkshire Hathaway’s reinsurance business, said during
an interview this week. Online insurance sales are rare here, with most
policies handled by a string of in-person visits. Eventually, Berkshire
Hathaway hopes to reduce the overall cost of insurance in India by relying
on the Internet, Mr. Jain said. Right now, though, it is starting with an
investment of just $5 million.

“It’s a small step that can serve as a springboard to a giant leap,” he

Berkshire Hathaway has been mum about how many new customers it has signed
on in India, but one representative said the company had “30 times” the
number who came to Friday’s meeting with Mr. Buffett. The ballroom where Mr.
Buffett spoke holds about 1,000 people.

On Friday, it was decorated with giant posters sporting Buffett quotes like
“Only when the tide goes out do you discover who has been swimming naked”
and “Never ask a barber if you need a haircut.” Attendees got gift bags
printed with the title “Wit, Wisdom & Warren” and were treated to plenty of
all three.

At one point, Mr. Buffett said Berkshire Hathaway kept about $10 billion in
cash on hand just in case “Ben
off to South America with Lindsay
a remark that of course drew laughter. “We have to be prepared for

Earlier Friday, Mr. Buffett, 80, met with India’s prime minister, Manmohan
78, as well as insurance regulators and planning commissioners. Mr. Buffett
did not give details about the conversations but said Friday that he felt
Indian markets would continue to open to foreign investment.

At least one businessman at Friday’s event paid Mr. Buffett a lofty
compliment, noting that his pledge to give away most of his fortune showed
he has a “Gandhian approach to wealth.” This was quite possibly the first
time the billionaire stock-picker was compared to Mahatma

Mr. Buffett proved so popular on Friday that planned handshakes with the
audience at the end of the meeting with customers had to be canceled. A
throng of mobile phone-wielding men surrounded him, snapping shot after shot
of themselves and Mr. Buffett, together in the same frame, frightening his

Instead of mingling with the crowd, the Oracle of Omaha was muscled away
backstage, not to be seen again.
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