I do not know the finer details but my professional experience as shown that 
getting involved with sports (though not at the cost of studies)  increases 
confidence and  competitive spirit among girls and if  the girls  have never 
been  in middle school  sports  it is much harder  to  get started  in  high  

Though many schools may not have playgrounds in India - but for others - there 
is nothing simpler than running and racing each other . One of my students 
tells me that she can do 50 push-ups in one go - and is a Taekwondo black belt.



ERIC Identifier:  ED479832 
Publication Date: 2003-09-00 
Author: Hart, Lawrence; Gary, Juneau Mahan; Duhamel, Christie Creney; 
Homefield, Kimberly 
Source: ERIC Counseling and Student Services Clearinghouse Building Leadership 
Skills in Middle School Girls through Interscholastic Athletics. ERIC Digest.
  The transition to intermediate or middle school, beginning as early as grade 
four, is 
often challenging due to an increase in academic load, additional choices in 
academic curricula, an expectation of increased autonomy, and instruction by 
subject area teachers. Because students change classes and teachers several 
times a day, maintaining personal relationships is often difficult (LeCroy & 
Daley, 2001). Middle school-aged students must, at the same time, contend with 
intense and rapid changes in physical, emotional, and cognitive development, 
social approval, a large student body, and a student government as well as 
choices in sports programs and extracurricular activities. 
Harter (1986) found that change in self-esteem is most likely to occur during 
times of transition, such as changing schools. Changes in one's environment are 
usually the 
catalyst for changes in one's self-assessment, resulting in an increase or a 
decrease in 
self-esteem. The re-evaluation occurs due to changes in self-perceptions of 
competence or incompetence based upon the degree of mastery of new 
developmental tasks, a comparison of oneself to a different group of students, 
and/or the creation of new social networks. 
Eccles et al (1993) found that girls had lower self-esteem than boys in middle 
and the gender gap grew when girls transitioned from middle school to high 
Harter (1999) posits explanations for the decline in self-esteem: (1) girls are 
negatively affected by experiences with failure than are boys. The sensitivity 
may limit their willingness to take risks for rewards or advanced 
opportunities; (2) many girls experience a conflict between feminine goals and 
competitive achievements, resulting in increased anxiety in competitive 
situations; (3) girls are confronted with societal and school structures that 
favor boys and with pressure to conform to gender roles that limit their 
exploration; (4) girls are less satisfied with body image compared to boys, and 
this is compounded by pubertal changes; and (5) girls are more likely to worry 
about their problems than boys and this tendency to worry puts girls at risk 
for depression. 
Many middle schools offer interscholastic sports programs for boys and girls. 
Students obtain a position on a team by competing in a "try-out," a new 
experience for most adolescents. Once selected, membership requires a 
commitment to compete in several games per week and practice for many hours 
Sports teams for girls flourished as a result on the Title IX Educational 
Amendments of 1972. Often referred to as Title IX, this federal law requires 
that almost all educational institutions provide educational opportunities to 
male and female students equitably, including their athletic programs and 
offerings (www.womenssportsfoundation.org). Title IX seeks to level the playing 
field for both genders by mandating equal opportunities for participation. 
Dobosz and Beaty (1999) assert that leadership is the capability to guide 
others in the achievement of a common goal. Leadership characteristics consist 
of many personal qualities, including self-esteem, determination, 
organizational aptitude, focus, tolerance, decisiveness, self-discipline, 
charisma, time management, self-confidence, social competence, communicating a 
"vision," and sensitivity to the needs of others, among other qualities (Dobosz 
& Beaty, 1999). This digest will address empowerment, self-esteem, and time 
Middle school is the typical time for introduction to competitive sports for 
most adolescents. Thus, research collected at the "start gate" of middle 
school, if you will, will establish a benchmark of the impact of athletics on 
the development of leadership skills in girls. Yet, although Title IX has 
existed for over 30 years, limited research exists in examining this impact 
(Dobosz & Beaty, 1999). Leadership skills that are instilled during early 
adolescence in girls evolve throughout adolescence and into adulthood 
(Dorrance, 1996; Simon & Martens, 1979; Shields & Bredemeir, 1995). In fact, 
80% of the female executives in Fortune 500 companies self-identified as having 
been athletes and/or "tomboys" in adolescence (Feminist Research Center, 2001). 
Membership on an athletic team is one avenue to acquire, assess, refine, and 
demonstrate leadership skills developmentally appropriate for middle school 
Participation in sports extends the nurturance of leadership by teaching girls 
cooperate with their teammates and opponents as well as abide by the rules 
1985). Girls learn about taking turns, sharing play time, and valuing rules. A 
sense of 
fair play is instilled. They learn that without rules and regulations, the game 
become unfair. If the players believe that everyone contributes to the team's 
and feel as though they are being treated fairly, then each player's athletic 
ability and 
psychological stamina are maximized (Gregg, 1999). 
Athletic team membership enables girls to control and shape their lives, to 
empowered, in ways that other middle school girls feel that they cannot 
1996). Through participation in sports, girls tend to have higher levels of 
self-confidence, increased self-esteem, and lower levels of anxiety compared to 
non-athletic girls (Simon & Martens, 1979). Furthermore, the athlete's 
competitive spirit steers many team members to vie for student leadership 
positions such as team captain or to seek election to the student government 
(Dobosz & Beaty, 1999). Hart (2002) found that, in a sample of 108 girls in one 
middle school, girls on the soccer team held more leadership positions in 
school organizations and attained more leadership positions within the student 
council compared to non-athletic girls. Hart concluded that for the middle 
school-aged female athletes, confidence and empowerment are acquired through 
competitive sports and school leadership. 
Learning effective time management is a major step towards leadership 
for the middle school female athlete. She must learn early that time is finite, 
that she 
must set priorities, and that she must sacrifice experiences enjoyed by her 
peers. She must manage an athletic schedule, fulfill academic and 
extracurricular demands, participate in family activities and responsibilities, 
and attend to personal needs during the after-school hours. The mastery of time 
management, setting priorities, and multitasking are early stepping-stones to 
The effects of self-esteem in student athletes and non-athletes have been 
in relation to age, gender, and type of sport, among other factors. Findings 
are relatively consistent in demonstrating that self-esteem for athletes is 
higher than for non-athletes (Simon & Martens, 1979). For instance, Hoganbruen 
(1999) developed a 4-week sports camp for young adolescent girls to determine 
the effect on self-esteem. Significant and positive changes in global 
self-esteem were found. Moreover, improved self-esteem contributed to the 
perception of personal competence. 
An increase in self-esteem nurtured through athletic competition assists middle 
school girls to cope with the negative influences and social turmoil 
experienced in their daily 
lives. For adolescent girls, in particular, participation in sports has 
demonstrated an 
increase in self-esteem except for sports with rigid body type requirements 
gymnastics). A girl who feels good about herself physically tends to present 
herself as a socially strong person. For example, the Women's Sports Foundation 
(www.womenssportsfoundation.org) has proposed that girls who have high 
self-esteem are less likely to become pregnant as teenagers and are more likely 
to leave an abusive relationship than girls with low self-esteem. High 
self-esteem is no guarantee that middle school girls will make the right 
decisions, but it provides a strong foundation, along with peer support of team 
members, for resisting many negative pressures. 
Impressionable, athletic, middle school girls need positive and empowering role 
models to emulate while developing personal and interpersonal skills. 
Fortunately, coaches, officials, and parent volunteers are additional role 
models of leadership that student athletes are exposed to, compared to the 
general student body. In addition to the leaders in their daily lives, 
contemporary women athletes are the women that girls consider empowering 
leaders too. Athletes such as Mia Hamm, Marion Jones, Rebecca Lobo, and Venus 
and Serena Williams surmounted obstacles and emerged as role models of 
leadership and athletic success. 
Dobosz and Beaty (1999) conclude that athletic participation and early 
experiences may improve a girl's leadership skills. The initiative to lead is 
through athletic achievement, competition, and self-confidence (Shields & 
Bredemeir, 1995). Development of leadership ability through athletic 
competition was not the original intention of school districts offering 
interscholastic sports. However, the emerging connection between athletic 
participation and leadership skills may assist school personnel to 
intentionally incorporate leadership training for girls with athletic ability. 
Coaches and parent volunteers should work to develop leadership skills in 
adolescent girls with the support of school personnel. Research supports that 
an early investment in leadership training can yield lifelong benefits for the 
athlete and society (Dorrance, 1996; Simon & Martens, 1979; Shields & 
Bredemeir, 1995). 
In the spirit of No Child Left Behind, girls, regardless of athletic ability, 
may benefit from intentional leadership development. Although opportunities 
exist for the athlete to develop leadership skills, school personnel must not 
overlook the non-athletic girl. Traditionally, girls have had few formal 
opportunities to develop leadership skills. Girls should be encouraged to 
attend leadership seminars as well as participate in recreational sports and 
extracurricular activities in school and in the community. School personnel 
must prepare all girls to lead. 
For the middle school-aged female athlete, self-esteem, empowerment, and 
self-confidence are often bolstered through participation in interscholastic 
competitive sports. These traits are also traits of leadership. Many 
contributing factors and people mold the student athlete into a leader but the 
process must be intentional and must start in middle school to support girls in 
achieving their full leadership potential. Thus, school personnel are advised 
to maintain athletic programs for girls and coaches are advised to instill 
intentional leadership skills in female athletes. Threats of budget cuts that 
would endanger interscholastic athletics must be re-examined. The reduction or 
elimination of athletic programs may stifle athletic ability and leadership 
development for today and tomorrow. 
Dobosz, R.P., & Beaty, L.A. (1999). The relationship between athletic 
participation and high school students' leadership ability. Adolescence, 
34(133), 215-220. 
Dorrance, A. (1996). Training soccer champions. Apex, NC: JTC Sports, Inc. 
Eccles, J. S., Midgley, C., Buchanan, C. M., Wigfield, A., Reuman, D. A., &  
MacIver, D. (1993). Development during adolescence: The impact of 
stage-environment fit. American Psychologist, 48, 90-101. 
Feminist Research Center (n.d.). Empowering women in sports. Retrieved October 
14, 2002 from http://www.feminist.org/research/sports6.html. 
Gregg, L. (1999). The champion within: Training for excellence. Burlington, NC: 
JTC Sports. 
Hart, L. (2002). Middle school-aged female interscholastic soccer players and 
academic achievements, leadership position attainments, and extracurricular 
club/group participation. Unpublished master's thesis, Kean University, Union, 
New Jersey. 
Harter, S. (1986). Processes underlying the construction, maintenance, and 
enhancement of the self-concept of children. In J. Suls & A. G. Greenwald 
Psychological perspectives on the self, vol. 3 (pp. 137-181). Hillsdale, NJ: 
Lawrence Erlbaum. 
Harter, S. (1999). The construction of self: A developmental perspective. New 
York: Guilford. 
Hogenbruen, K. D. (1999). Increasing girls' self-esteem and overall 
well-being through sports: A program evaluation of a preventive intervention. 
(Doctoral dissertation, Depaul University, 1999). Dissertation Abstracts 
International, 60, 1301. 
Horn, T.S. (1985). Coaches feedback and changes in children's perceptions of 
physical competence. Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, 174-186. 
LeCroy, C. W., & Daley, J. (2001). Empowering adolescent girls: Examining the 
present and building skills for the future with the Go Grrrls Program. New 
York: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc. 
Shields, D., & Bredemeir, B.J. (1995). Character development and physical 
activity. Champaign. IL: Human Kinetics. 
Simon, J.A., & Martens, R. (1979). Children's anxiety in sport and non-sport 
evaluative activities. Journal of Sport Psychology, 1, 160-169. 
Women's Sports Foundation. (n.d.). What every parent and athlete should know 
about girls and sports. Retrieved October 14, 2002 from 

Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

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