THE ASSAM TRIBUNE : 16 February 2011

Fiscal help to blast victim kin

Voluntary organisation Friends of Assam and Seven Sisters (FASS) on Saturday 
handed over a cheque of Rs.12,000 to the mother of Bishal Acharjee, who was 
orphaned by the October 30, 2008 blasts, for his education for the current 
academic year. The FASS bore the cost of education of Bishal last year too. 
Bishal lost his father Sujit Acharjee in the blast that took place at 
Bishal is now six-year-old. His father was working with a car accessories shop 
and was the sole bread earner for the family.
Bishal’s mother Rita Acharjee received the FASS cheque from FASS India 
President Shantikam Hazarika and its Vice-President Dr.
S.I. Ahmed at a function held on the Paltan Bazar campus of
Snehalaya, a shelter home for  the destitute children. 


Bishal is now studying at a popular Assamese medium school at Dhirenpara the city. His school reports suggest that he is doing well. But when 
the tragedy struck the family on that fateful day, Bishal's mother with a 
little academic background, was at a loss as to how to look after the education 
of her son.
But the visit of Snehalaya founder director Father Lukose and FASS India 
Secretary General
Bidyananda Barkakoty to their house a few weeks after the  tragedy brought 
succour to the family. FASS promised to bear the cost of education of Rita's 
son up to  class
(THE ASSAM TRIBUNE : 16 Feb. 2011)

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