[Assam] From ToI/ India's Nobel connections

2007-10-15 Thread Chan Mahanta
India's Nobel connections
14 Oct 2007, 0037 hrs IST,Chidanand Rajghatta
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Yet another Nobel season has gone by and no Indian has won the Prize 
outright, not that it will deny us some more hysteria and 
over-the-top headlines. So eager are we to grab any Indian connection 
to success, howsoever remote, that we will celebrate this year's 
peace prize shared between Al Gore and the Inter-governmental panel 
on Climate Change, because the IPCC is currently headed by Dr R K 
Pachauri, a fine scientist in his own right.

But it's not the same thing as a home-grown Indian individual winning 
it, the hypernationalist joke about Gore (Goray) being from Pune 
aside. Still, if you are part of the national mood of hype and 
hoopla, we'll count IPCC-Dr Pachauri's win as the 11th Nobel for 

How 11? You would start with Rabindranath Tagore, the first Indian to 
be awarded the Nobel (for literature in 1913). Sir C V Raman was the 
second native-born resident Indian winner and the first Indian to win 
a science Nobel, for physics in 1930.

But even before those landmarks, India can claim two other Nobel 
'connections.' Ronald Ross, who won the Nobel for medicine in 1902, 
was born in Almora and was listed as an ''Indian physician of 
Scottish origin.'' He joined the Indian Medical Service in 1881 and 
worked in Calcutta, Bangalore and Ooty. Rudyard Kipling, the 
arch-imperialist who won the Nobel for literature in 1907, was born 
in Bombay.

Independent India almost had its first Nobel laureate in 1948 when 
the committee is said to have pencilled in Mahatma Gandhi for the 
Peace Prize. But he was assassinated just before the nominations 
closed. The Nobel is not awarded posthumously so we 'lost' that.

It would be another two decades before another Indian, this one 
slightly more desi than Ross and Kipling, won the award. In 1968, 
Punjab-born Dr Har Gobind Khorana, then a US citizen, won the Nobel 
for medicine. Sadly, he had left India just after Independence when a 
job he was promised was denied by a last minute intervention by a 
minister who plumped for his nephew.

A sixth Nobel came India's way in 1979 when Albanian-origin 
Calcutta-resident Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu (Mother Teresa) won the peace 
prize. Four years later, Subramanyan Chandrasekhar, like Khorana a US 
citizen and less known as C V Raman's nephew, won the Nobel for 
physics. In 1989, Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama and resident of 
Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh, was awarded the Nobel for peace.

Amartya Sen, arguably the most Indian of all post-Independent 
connections despite living and teaching in the west, won the Nobel 
for Economics in 1998. Finally, in 2001, V S Naipaul, as much Indian 
as Trinidadian but a West Indian all the same, won for literature. So 
Dr Pachauri is the 11th.

Keen readers can probably dredge up a few more Indian Nobel 
connections. For instance, Winston Churchill, who won the Nobel in 
1953 (for literature, would you believe it) served as a young 
lieutenant in Bangalore during World War I. So do we count that to 
make a dozen for India?

On the flip side though, Khorana was born in Multan, Chandra in 
Lahore, Mother Teresa in Skopje and the Dalai Lama in Takster 
(Tibet). So Pakistan, China, Albania and Macedonia may be puffing up 
their count too, although they don't seem to be as hyperbolic as we 
currently are.

The sad truth is our Nobel 'connections' are made up of India-born 
westerners, pre-Independence British subjects, and non-resident 
Indians who held other citizenships. While we celebrate sundry rich 
lists and other spurious records with gusto, no home-grown resident 
Indian has won a Nobel since Independence. So, much for rising, 
shining India.

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] From ToI/ India's Nobel connections

2007-10-15 Thread umesh sharma
All glory is fleeting!! 
as the victorius Roman generals had their slaves whispering in their ears while 
entering the city with pom -as per US General Patton - in the movie.


Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: India's Nobel connections
14 Oct 2007, 0037 hrs IST,Chidanand Rajghatta
   Print   Save   EMail   Write to Editor
Yet another Nobel season has gone by and no Indian has won the Prize 
outright, not that it will deny us some more hysteria and 
over-the-top headlines. So eager are we to grab any Indian connection 
to success, howsoever remote, that we will celebrate this year's 
peace prize shared between Al Gore and the Inter-governmental panel 
on Climate Change, because the IPCC is currently headed by Dr R K 
Pachauri, a fine scientist in his own right.

But it's not the same thing as a home-grown Indian individual winning 
it, the hypernationalist joke about Gore (Goray) being from Pune 
aside. Still, if you are part of the national mood of hype and 
hoopla, we'll count IPCC-Dr Pachauri's win as the 11th Nobel for 

How 11? You would start with Rabindranath Tagore, the first Indian to 
be awarded the Nobel (for literature in 1913). Sir C V Raman was the 
second native-born resident Indian winner and the first Indian to win 
a science Nobel, for physics in 1930.

But even before those landmarks, India can claim two other Nobel 
'connections.' Ronald Ross, who won the Nobel for medicine in 1902, 
was born in Almora and was listed as an ''Indian physician of 
Scottish origin.'' He joined the Indian Medical Service in 1881 and 
worked in Calcutta, Bangalore and Ooty. Rudyard Kipling, the 
arch-imperialist who won the Nobel for literature in 1907, was born 
in Bombay.

Independent India almost had its first Nobel laureate in 1948 when 
the committee is said to have pencilled in Mahatma Gandhi for the 
Peace Prize. But he was assassinated just before the nominations 
closed. The Nobel is not awarded posthumously so we 'lost' that.

It would be another two decades before another Indian, this one 
slightly more desi than Ross and Kipling, won the award. In 1968, 
Punjab-born Dr Har Gobind Khorana, then a US citizen, won the Nobel 
for medicine. Sadly, he had left India just after Independence when a 
job he was promised was denied by a last minute intervention by a 
minister who plumped for his nephew.

A sixth Nobel came India's way in 1979 when Albanian-origin 
Calcutta-resident Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu (Mother Teresa) won the peace 
prize. Four years later, Subramanyan Chandrasekhar, like Khorana a US 
citizen and less known as C V Raman's nephew, won the Nobel for 
physics. In 1989, Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama and resident of 
Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh, was awarded the Nobel for peace.

Amartya Sen, arguably the most Indian of all post-Independent 
connections despite living and teaching in the west, won the Nobel 
for Economics in 1998. Finally, in 2001, V S Naipaul, as much Indian 
as Trinidadian but a West Indian all the same, won for literature. So 
Dr Pachauri is the 11th.

Keen readers can probably dredge up a few more Indian Nobel 
connections. For instance, Winston Churchill, who won the Nobel in 
1953 (for literature, would you believe it) served as a young 
lieutenant in Bangalore during World War I. So do we count that to 
make a dozen for India?

On the flip side though, Khorana was born in Multan, Chandra in 
Lahore, Mother Teresa in Skopje and the Dalai Lama in Takster 
(Tibet). So Pakistan, China, Albania and Macedonia may be puffing up 
their count too, although they don't seem to be as hyperbolic as we 
currently are.

The sad truth is our Nobel 'connections' are made up of India-born 
westerners, pre-Independence British subjects, and non-resident 
Indians who held other citizenships. While we celebrate sundry rich 
lists and other spurious records with gusto, no home-grown resident 
Indian has won a Nobel since Independence. So, much for rising, 
shining India.

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