So when Jats who rule Haryana can get reservation in Rajasthan then why not 
rulers of Gujarat (Gujaars)?


Mulraj Solanki's reign marked the start of a period during which Gujarati 
culture flowered as manifested in art, architecture, language and script. It is 
described as the golden period of Gujarat's chequered history. Mulraj himself 
adopted the title of Gurjaresh (King of Gurjardesh) an aristocratic title. The 
territory under the sway of the Solankis came to be known by different 
variations of the word Gurjar like Gurjardesh, Gurjara-Rastra and finally 

at people were designated in a British report as a 'Martial Race'.[6] 'Martial 
Race' was a designation created by officials of British India to describe 
"races" (peoples) that were thought to possess qualities such as courage, 
loyalty, self sufficiency, physical strength, resilience, orderliness, hard 
working, fighting tenacity and military tactics. The British recruited heavily 
from these so-called 'Martial Races' for service in the colonial army.[7]

Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005 (Edu info) (Management Info)  (where the above 2 are used )
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