HBS Working Knowledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: HBS Working Knowledge 
   Highlights this Week   
   Businesses Beware: The World Is Not Flat 
   "Blank" Inside: Branding Ingredients 
   What Do You Think? Has Managerial Capitalism Peaked? 
   Working paper: Mental Accounting and Small Windfalls: Evidence from an 
Online Grocer 
   Working paper: Shamed and Able: How Firms Respond to Information Disclosure 
   Working paper: Harnessing Our Inner Angels and Demons 
   First Look: New Research by HBS Faculty   
 ==============================  New on the Site  Businesses Beware: The World 
Is Not Flat http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5719.html
 With apologies to Thomas Friedman, managers who believe the hype of a flat 
world do so at their own risk, says HBS professor Pankaj Ghemawat. National 
borders still matter a lot for business strategists. While identifying 
similarities from one place to the next is essential, effective cross-border 
strategies will take careful stock of differences as well. 
  "Blank" Inside: Branding Ingredients http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5796.html
 When Intel launched the Intel Inside campaign in the 1990s, many marketers 
thought the chip giant was nuts. Who cared about the microprocessor inside 
their PC? Turns out Intel created a branding sensation and raised awareness of 
the importance of ingredient branding, says professor John Quelch. 
  What Do You Think? Has Managerial Capitalism Peaked? 
 Online forum OPEN until Wednesday, October 24. Headlines remind us that the 
fruits of corporate success are increasingly steered to business leaders, 
corporate insiders, and financial intermediaries, says HBS professor Jim 
Heskett. But there may be a couple of good antidotes on the table. Is change 
coming? What do you think?
  Working paper: Mental Accounting and Small Windfalls: Evidence from an Online 
Grocer http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5792.html
 Download the PDF. In the course of daily life, people occasionally receive 
small windfalls: a gift certificate for $5 off a meal, for example. According 
to standard economic theory, these types of small windfalls should have no 
noticeable effect on spending decisions. However, if you have ever been the 
recipient of a small windfall, you may remember thinking about buying items you 
might not have otherwise purchased. This kind of behavior can be interpreted as 
an example of "mental accounting" as theorized by economists Richard H. Thaler 
and Hersh M. Shefrin. This paper presents evidence supporting some of the 
implications of a theory of mental accounting in the domain of online grocery 
  Working paper: Shamed and Able: How Firms Respond to Information Disclosure 
 Download the PDF. Do third-party environmental ratings help persuade a company 
to improve its environmental performance? This paper, by HBS professor Michael 
Toffel and Aaron K. Chatterji  of Duke’s Fuqua School of Business, concludes 
that firms are particularly likely to respond to such ratings when the ratings 
threaten their legitimacy and when they face relatively low cost improvement 
  Working paper: Harnessing Our Inner Angels and Demons: What We Have Learned 
About Want/Should Conflicts and How That Knowledge Can Help Us Reduce 
Short-Sighted Decision Making http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5787.html
 Download the PDF. Many of the most important problems facing the world today 
are exacerbated by myopic decision-making. Examples include climate change, 
under-saving for retirement, and obesity. People struggle to choose between 
doing what they want to do and what they should do. This paper synthesizes 15 
years of empirical explorations of this "want/should" conflict and discusses 
the most important applications of this work. 
  First Look: New Research by HBS Faculty http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5795.html
 This week: Breakthrough medical treatments battle the health care system … 
Prepping a city for the Olympic Games … A record company improvises launch 
  Most Popular Stories  Dealing with the 'Irrational' Negotiator 
 Encouraging Dissent in Decision-Making http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5746.html
   Management Education's Unanswered Questions 
  Sharpening Your Skills: Negotiation http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5778.html
  Mental Accounting and Small Windfalls: Evidence from an Online Grocer 
  Best of Faculty Q&As How Europe Wrote the Rules of Global Finance 
 Professor Rawi Abdelal discusses implications and the historical roles of 
Europe and the United States in promoting the flow of capital across national 
  Elsewhere at Harvard Business School  8th Annual HBS Health Industry 
Conference http://www.hbshealthconference.org
 HBS Health Industry Alumni Association
 November 2–4, 2007
  Making Corporate Boards More Effective 
 HBS Executive Education Program
 November 4–7, 2007
  Achieving Breakthrough Service: Leveraging Employee and Customer Satisfaction 
for Profit and Growth http://www.exed.hbs.edu/redirects/abs_wk/index.html
 HBS Executive Education Program
 November 11–16, 2007
  Effective Strategies for Media Companies: Navigating the New World 
 HBS Executive Education Program
 November 28, 2007–December 1, 2007
  Governing for Nonprofit Excellence: Critical Issues for Board Leadership 
 HBS Executive Education Program
 December 2–5, 2007

  Harvard Business Online 
 Visit Harvard Business Online, the Web site of Harvard Business School 
Publishing. Here you'll find articles from the latest issue of Harvard Business 
Review, new book releases from Harvard Business School Press, HBR IdeaCast—the 
biweekly podcast featuring breakthrough management ideas and commentary from 
the editors and authors of Harvard Business School Publishing—HBS case studies, 
and much more.

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Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

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