Chinese version of Mahabharata published

Beijing, April 20. (PTI): Sanskrit scholars in China have translated the Mahabharata, one of India's greatest epics, into Chinese language in a decade-long project as part of the effort to strengthen a people-to-people understanding and cultural ties.

The Chinese experts, who are celebrating 2006 as the 'Year of India-China Friendship Year', said the voluminous publication will make s great contribution to the cultural exchange between China and India, both of which are ancient civilisations.

Earlier, renowned Chinese Sanskrit scholar, Ji Xianlin, a professor at Beijing University, had translated Ramayana between the 1970s and 1980s.

A senior researcher with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Institute of Foreign Literature, Huang Baosheng told reporters that Mahabharata depicts the Brahmanic war and showed legends, fables and anecdotes which embody theories of religion, philosophy, politics, military, law and ethics.

Other Sanskritist experts started the translation of Mahabharata in the 1980s, which was listed as one national key academic project in the 1990s.

The Chinese experts completed the translation in more than 10 years,


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