Nostalgia time at AMCH
- Diamond jubilee begins today with big bash     OUR CORRESPONDENT              
  Sir John Berry White Medical School, which now houses a state government 
office. Picture by Pronib Das   Dibrugarh, Oct. 31: It’s been six decades since 
S.D. Barua, Amal Chandra Baruah and Benu Dhar Borgohain stepped into the Assam 
Medical College and Hospital for the first time, propelled by the desire to 
quickly put on that pristine white apron and walk around with the stethoscope 
dangling from their necks.
  That was a new beginning not only for the three youths — part of the first 
batch of the medical college — but also for the institution itself. 
  Tomorrow, when the diamond jubilee celebrations of the institution gets under 
way in Dibrugarh, the trio will be back in their alma mater to lead the pack 
once again. The three veterans have been invited to participate in the cultural 
procession slated for November 3. 
  “They represent the history of this institution and we will be honoured to 
have them back among us at the start of the diamond jubilee. They are in their 
eighties but they still have the spirit that helped this institution shine 
through all these decades,” said Dr Ranjeet Kumar Baruah, head of the 
department of orthopaedics and a member of the organising committee.
  S.D.Barua retired as the director of health services, while Amal C. Baruah 
retired as head of paediatrics at the Gauhati Medical College and Hospital and 
Benu D. Borgohain as the superintendent of the same hospital.
  For doctors who studied and still work in the AMCH, the diamond jubilee will 
be as much an occasion to introspect as to celebrate.
  “As someone associated with this institution for the past 20 years — as a 
student and a doctor — I have seen the ups and downs. There was a period when 
long-term goals were discarded in the pursuance of short-term ones but we are 
now back on track. There was a time when the central quota of seats would 
remain vacant because of misgivings outside the state about the social and 
academic environment here. But there has been a turnaround of late,” said Dr 
Gourangie Gogoi, an assistant professor in the department of community medicine 
and a member of the publicity committee.
  The 3-km diamond jubilee march will begin at the main gate to the AMCH and 
pass through Seujpur, Naliapool and Grahambazar before returning to the 
starting point. Arjuna award-winning athlete Bhogeswar Baruah will be the chief 
guest and also participate in the run that will precede the procession.
  The organisers have arranged for an open jeep to carry the three veterans 
from the first batch. Sixty girl students dressed in traditional Assamese 
mekhela-chador will carry earthen pots during the procession, signifying the 
completion of six decades.
  “The procession will feature representatives of all batches that have passed 
out from this institution,” said Dr T.R. Borborah, the principal-cum-chief 
superintendent of the AMCH and the chairman of the organising committee. 
  The AMCH’s real journey began in 1900 when a British army surgeon, Berry 
White, initiated the establishment of a medical school in Dibrugarh.
  It was in 1947 that Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi, the first chief minister of 
Assam, upgraded it to a medical college. “The institution’s chequered history 
will be displayed in the form of an archive of historical documents and 
photographs in the Jubilee Hall at the site of the old medical school,” Dr 
Gogoi said.
  The building will also have lodging facilities for attendants of patients 
from far-flung areas of the region.
 (The Telegraph,01.11.2007)

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