[Assam] Religious conversions and religious freedom - AT Editorial

2006-06-04 Thread Ram Sarangapani
This is one of the best I have read on the subject. Kaushish has done a great job.


Religious conversions and religious freedom— Poonam I KaushishIndia is caught up in a battle royale between the Gods. At one end, our political undatas are busy churning the reservation cauldron in their reckless pursuit of OBC nirvana. At the other, the holy fanatics are busy 'decoding' the blockbuster film Da Vinci Code. Amidst this clash of 'holier than thou' fervour has come a religious benedict from the Vatican. Which has exposed the 'unholy' testament of the sacred Holy See and its Pope and threatens to destroy the body politic of the nation with international overtones. Where even angels fear to tread!
It all started with Pope Benedict XVI's provocative remarks out of the blue condemning India's attempts to "legislate clearly discriminatory restrictions on the fundamental right to religious freedom and the disturbing signs of religious intolerance which have troubled some regions of the nation." Even as the country rubbed its eyes in disbelief, New Delhi appropriately summoned the Vatican's envoy and curtly ticked him off. Reiterating India's secular and democratic credentials, the Pointiff was told to lay off India's internal matter.
The Pope's statement comes against the backdrop of Rajasthan becoming the sixth State to enact the anti-conversion law. Already, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Arunchal Pradesh, Chhattigarh, and Gujarat have laws that bar conversions but allow re-conversions to Hinduism. Jharkhand has declared its intention to enact a similar law. It is another matter that all these States are presently BJP-ruled. Remember, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa enacted the law under Congress rule.
Is the Pontiff justified in stating that India is bereft of a religious conscience? That it lacks freedom of religion? Given the fact that xenophobic, racial, and religious killings are a part of the western world; that post World War II, peace was more a religious rather than a political issue. The answer is a resounding no. Since Independence, the Christian minority totalling about 
2.34 per cent of the population has enjoyed perfect harmony with their Hindu brethren. Even as history has stood testimony to occasional Hindu-Muslim clashes there have been no Hindu-Christian quarrels.Nevertheless, how does one explain the rape of the nuns in Jhabua, Madhya Pradesh, the burning of chapels, howsoever kachche, in Dangs, Gujarat, and the murder of the Australian missionary Grahm Staines and his children in Manoharpur, Orissa? Dismiss it as religious xenophobia? An orchestrated political conspiracy? Or is it the outcome of a raging feud by the Sangh Parivar over re-conversions across the country. What is the truth?
Clearly, 'religious conversion has become the most exploited and explosive social and political issue in India. The modus operandi is simple. Ignorant Dalits or tribals are lured to Christianity, with the promise that it would free them from caste bondage.' (It's another matter that it fails to deliver them from caste-oppression.) Add to this economic lollipops – jobs, schools, health facilities and social benefits – dignity, self-respect – one is face to face with instances of fraudulent conversion.
Turn North, South, East or West, the story is the same. Religion is turning out to be a question of money, big money. Flush with funds from their headquarters in the United States, a number of church groups are allegedly converting hundreds of Hindus to Christianity in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka by giving them money and jobs. In Kashmir, Christian missionaries are accused of trying to convert earthquake-affected people under the garb of providing relief by way of monetary incentives, free gas cylinders, water bottles, audio cassettes and a copy of the New Testament in Urdu. In Arunachal Pradesh, which had banned religious conversions long back, about 50 per cent of the State's population is said to have been converted to Christianity by missionaries operating from neighbouring States Assam and Nagaland by deception and allurements.
The tragedy of it all is Hindu, Muslim and, now Christian fundamentalism does not occur in a vacuum. It has a context. Of political and intellectual double-speak. Thus, pseudo-secularism has become a populist stock in trade. Wherein secularism has degenerated from its lofty ideal of equal respect for all religions to a cheap diabolical strategy for creating minority vote-banks – first the Muslim minority and now the Christian, the second largest community in India.
The genesis of this religious vote-bank politics has been reflected at great length in the nearly forgotten but crucial report of high-level committee set-up in 1956, to primarily enquire into increasing conversions of tribals into Christianity. This five-member Committee, headed by M B Niyogi, dealt exhaustively with the psychosis of conversion, its political background and implications, and meaning of 

Re: [Assam] Religious conversions and religious freedom - AT Editorial

2006-06-04 Thread umesh sharma
Assamese writers are becoming better than those of national dailies!All points were good - but my focus - it stems from the tales I heard from my father about his stay in Nagaland in the mid 70s . He recalled that once a civilian Gorkha (Nepali Hindu) ran into their army camp -pleading to protect him. The locals (tribal Christians) were after him saying " Kill him, Kill him. He is a Hindu." There were no riots going on there . Such reports have come fro BBC about Tripura in recent years as well -as well as Nagalim for Christ report lst year by a US Daily. Thus, the fear that Hindus becoming minorities thru conversions leads to their persecution - Nazi style.*"Significantly, no less than Gandhi condemned mass conversions at a Unity Conference in Delhi in 1924. Later he said: "it is not unusual to find Christianity synonymous with denationalisation and
 Europeanisation." Further in 1933, he added: "I could understand the Muslim organisations doing this... but the Christian mission claims to be a purely spiritual effort. It hurts me to find the Christian bodies vying with the Muslims and the Sikhs in trying to add to the number of their fold. It seemed to be an ugly performance and a travesty of religion." The Lok Sabha too debated a Private Member's Bill, Backward Communities Religious Protection Bill, moved by Prakash Vir Shastri in March 1960. "UmeshRam Sarangapani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:This is one of the best I have read on the subject. Kaushish has done a great job.--RamReligious conversions and religious freedom— Poonam I KaushishIndia is caught up in a battle royale between the Gods. At one end, our political undatas are busy churning the reservation cauldron in their reckless pursuit of OBC nirvana. At the other, the holy fanatics are busy 'decoding' the blockbuster film Da Vinci Code. Amidst this clash of 'holier than thou' fervour has come a religious benedict from the Vatican. Which has exposed the 'unholy' testament of the sacred Holy See and its Pope and threatens to destroy the body politic of the nation with international overtones. Where even angels fear to tread! It all started with Pope Benedict XVI's provocative remarks out of the blue condemning India's attempts to "legislate clearly discriminatory restrictions on the fundamental right to
 religious freedom and the disturbing signs of religious intolerance which have troubled some regions of the nation." Even as the country rubbed its eyes in disbelief, New Delhi appropriately summoned the Vatican's envoy and curtly ticked him off. Reiterating India's secular and democratic credentials, the Pointiff was told to lay off India's internal matter. The Pope's statement comes against the backdrop of Rajasthan becoming the sixth State to enact the anti-conversion law. Already, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Arunchal Pradesh, Chhattigarh, and Gujarat have laws that bar conversions but allow re-conversions to Hinduism. Jharkhand has declared its intention to enact a similar law. It is another matter that all these States are presently BJP-ruled. Remember, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa enacted the law under Congress rule. Is the Pontiff justified in stating that India is bereft of a religious conscience? That it lacks freedom of religion? Given the fact that
 xenophobic, racial, and religious killings are a part of the western world; that post World War II, peace was more a religious rather than a political issue. The answer is a resounding no. Since Independence, the Christian minority totalling about 2.34 per cent of the population has enjoyed perfect harmony with their Hindu brethren. Even as history has stood testimony to occasional Hindu-Muslim clashes there have been no Hindu-Christian quarrels.Nevertheless, how does one explain the rape of the nuns in Jhabua, Madhya Pradesh, the burning of chapels, howsoever kachche, in Dangs, Gujarat, and the murder of the Australian missionary Grahm Staines and his children in Manoharpur, Orissa? Dismiss it as religious xenophobia? An orchestrated political conspiracy? Or is it the outcome of a raging feud by the Sangh Parivar over re-conversions across the country. What is the truth? Clearly, 'religious conversion has become the most exploited and explosive social and
 political issue in India. The modus operandi is simple. Ignorant Dalits or tribals are lured to Christianity, with the promise that it would free them from caste bondage.' (It's another matter that it fails to deliver them from caste-oppression.) Add to this economic lollipops – jobs, schools, health facilities and social benefits – dignity, self-respect – one is face to face with instances of fraudulent conversion. Turn North, South, East or West, the story is the same. Religion is turning out to be a question of money, big money. Flush with funds from their headquarters in the United States, a number of church groups are allegedly converting hundreds of Hindus to Christianity in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh