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Bloody Friday
A Preliminary Report on the Killing of Innocent 
Protestors in Tinsukia district (Assam) in 
February 2006.


Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti (MASS)

For further information contact:

Mr. Lachit Bordoloi
MASS Central Office
Opposite Pub Guwahati High School
Guwahati 781 021

The Event

On the February 10, 2006, eight people were 
killed by bullets of the armed forces and Assam 
Police at Kakopathar in Tinsukia district of 
Assam. Six of them were protesters and two were 
residents of Kakopathar hit by stray bullets from 
the indiscriminate firing. The protesters were 
among the thousands of residents that poured out 
from villages in and around Kakopathar and took 
to the streets demanding justice for the 
custodial death of Ajit Mahanta, a 37 years old 
resident of Dirak Goxaingaon in Kakopathar.

Ajit Mahanta was picked up by personnel of the 
13th Gorkha Regiment of the Indian Army stationed 
in the area. The incident took place on February 
4, 2006. At about six in the evening, seven 
people came to Mahanta's bamboo and thatched 
house where he lived with his mother, wife and 
two children. Five of the people were in uniform 
and the other two wore civilian clothes. They 
asked for Mahanta and his wife replied that he 
had gone to a neighbour's. The military personnel 
went searching for him and picked him up from the 
way. The Army later took his body to the Assam 
Medical College and Hospital claiming that he 
died in a fall. This happened on February 6, 2006.

Following the incident on February 7, 2006, the 
residents of the area and other neighbouring 
villages came out in protest. Thousands of people 
blocked the National Highway 52 in protest 
against the killing. They demanded the guilty to 
be punished at once. However, no action was taken 
against the military personnel responsible for 
the death of Mahanta. This led to the increase in 
protests and number of protesters. People started 
protesting at various other places like Chabua, 
Pengeri and Doomdooma. However, the 
administration turned a blind eye to the 
situation and did not take the case seriously 
even after increasing protests.

On February 10, 2006, people gathered at Dirak 
Chariali and started marching towards Kakopathar. 
Police tried to stop them, but the protesters 
edged on. Then the police started firing tear 
shells and bullets in the air. When the 
protesters showed no signs of fear, the police 
and armed forces started indiscriminate firing 
resulting in the death of the following persons:

1.      Kunjalata Moran (Female - 19), protester, 
of No. 1 Tejigaon village, Kakopathar. She was a 
student of Higher Secondary 1st year.
2.      Anandita Munda (Female - 23), protester, 
Kalakhua village in Tangana. She was ill and had 
come to Dirak to visit her sister and get medical 
3.      Beauti Gohain (Female - 20), protester, 
No. 2 Dirak village, Kakopathar.
4.      Madhurjya Gohain (Male - 25), protester, 
No. 2 Dirak village, Kakopathar.
5.       Dipon Moran (Male - 20), protester, 
Bordirak village, Gosraguri, Kakopathar.
6.      Pokhili Bora (Female - 45), protester, 
Dirak Goxaingaon village, Kakopathar.
7.      Gopal Bailung (Male - 75), Kakopathar resident hit by stray bullets.
8.      Wahida Ahmed (Female - 30) Kakopathar 
resident, mother of 6 and a half years old 
daughter. She was hit by stray bullets.
9.      Mandira Moran (Female - NK) Khukhani suk under Kakopathar PS.

The firing also resulted in serious injuries. Some of the injured are:

1.      Prashanta Gohain Male-34
2.      Sumi Baruah, Female-27
3.      Pabitra Baruah, Male-11: 5th standard 
student. Sustained critical bullet injuries in 
right leg, right arm and right eye.
4.      Monica Moran, Female-19: Sustained four 
critical bullet injuries in her body including 
one in the chest.
5.      Loknath Handique, Male-22
6.      Dibya Moran, Male-18
7.      Phuleshwer Chetia, Male-17
8.      Diganta Gohain, Male-23
9.      Sanjay Dutta, Male-23
10.     Hemanta Moran, Male-19
11.     Bhanu Moran, Female-25
12.     Jitamoni Moran, Female-25
13.     Murgeshwer Moran, Male-35
14.     Hemalata Moran, Female: Both legs are riddled by bullets.
15.     Tuleshwer Chetia, Male-25
16.     Nijara Kakati, Female-19

On the same day, police resorted to lathi charge 
on protesters in Chabua. Curfew was imposed 
immediately after the incidents in Kakopathar and 
Chabua and other adjoining areas as well as those 
considered sensitive. The Army was called in. 
Military forces started flag march barring any 
resident to venture outside. This created major 
obstacles for families of the deceased and the 
other protesters in getting information about 
their loved ones. The district administration and 
the police had taken custody of the bodies of the 
deceased. It was only on February 12, 2006 that 
organisations like Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti 
(MASS) and Moran Students' Union could receive 
the bodies of the deceased and handed them over 
to their families. While three of the dead were 
cremated at Kakopathar, the rest were taken by 
their families to be cremated in their villages. 
An old man, whose wife was missing until the late 
evening approached MASS activists asking them if 
they had seen his spouse of many years among the 
unclaimed bodies. On being told that there was a 
dead body of a middle-aged woman, he rushed to 
the spot and called the MASS team back from the 
site to say that it indeed was his wife. "I have 
been married to her a long time," he cried when 
asked if he was ready to cremate her. "I will 
wait for my sons to arrive tomorrow (for the 
cremation)Šthat way I get to stay with her for 
the last time," he added.

The ordeals for the people are not over yet. 
Several people, including two schoolgirls, are 
still missing. Apart from the two girls, there 
have not been any confirmed reports yet. The 
curfew and movements of armed forces have also 
hampered search and rescue operations.

This incident is just a tragic culmination of a 
recent spate of State violence. Despite the 
continuing talks between the United Liberation 
Front of Asom (ULFA) and the Government of India, 
the Indian Army has been committing atrocities on 
villagers in and around Tinsukia district in the 
name of combing operations for the organisation's 
members. Areas like Jeraigaon, Pengeri, Chabua, 
Kakopathar and other adjoining areas have been 
virtually taken over by the armed forces. They 
had also blockaded several villages in January 
severely restricting movements of the residents. 
During this period, harassment and atrocities of 
the villagers in the hands of the armed forces 
reached barbaric proportions. While some alleged 
ULFA members were killed, the period also 
witnessed the death of innocent villagers, 
including Ajit Mahanta, whose death triggered the 
avalanche of protests.

The Games People Play

For the national media it was just another 
unfortunate incident that highlighted the Indian 
army's problems with their counter-insurgency 
strategy in the Northeast, especially in Assam, 
Manipur and Nagaland. The Telegraph front page 
headlines (for its special Northeast edition only 
- the daily was savvy enough to relegate this bit 
to another less prominent page inside its 
national edition - after all, this was a typical 
Northeast story) said: "Five die in police firing 
on mob" . Other English dailies from Assam were 
more circumspect and the numbers they quoted were 
a bit higher. The Telegraph's choice of words to 
describe the victims sums up the mainstream view 
of deaths in the Northeast. The victims were part 
of a "mob" that had to sustain fire from the 
friendly neighbourhood police force. Perhaps 
there was another story that the paper was keen 
on subduing, as was evident in its editorial the 
next day. It claimed that the death of those 
protesting should not be used in a political play 
by members of civil society, political parties or 
representatives of the Peoples Consultative Group 
(PCG) that was constituted by the ULFA in 
September 2005.

This report does not wish to appear as a diatribe 
against the headlines and editorial policy of one 
newspaper. The Telegraph and most other national 
English dailies (with a few honourable 
exceptions) have seriously racist overtones when 
it comes to reporting crimes committed by the 
state apparatus in Northeast India. As long as 
those dead are not members of a caste-elite from 
the Hindi-speaking heartland; pitiable Adivasis 
from mainland India's favourite exploitable 
regions; or even impoverished and suicidal 
peasants, they are deemed expendable. What does a 
death or two matter in the racially, culturally 
and historically differently constituted 
frontiers in Northeast India? For that matter, 
who cares if the entire state of Manipur cried 
and raged against the murder of Th. Manorama in 
2004? Who cares if Nagaland mourns the death of 
innocent Naga youth who are gunned down by the 
Meghalaya police, while on their way to a 
concert? What does it matter that schoolchildren 
are gunned down at a peaceful protest in Tura and 
Williamnagar? How, indeed, can one find space for 
reporting the gang rape of three peasant women, 
by Assam Rifles personnel in Dhalai district of 
Twipra (Tripura) in February 2006? Why should 
India's national media make space for recording 
the rage of the people of Kakopathar, protesting 
against the barbaric acts of the Indian army, 
when there was a cricket match to report? Of 
course, there are always better, more newsworthy 
events to cover. Especially when the news from 
the Northeast involves the 
loyal-masculine-hearty-incorruptible security 
personnel on one hand and 
somewhat-suspect-Mongoloid-featured victim on the 
other, there is probably more reason for the 
national media to dole out convoluted platitudes 
and carry on with the sports page.

The selective amnesia amongst civil society 
institutions in mainland India contributes to the 
conspiracy of silence on the role of the security 
forces in administration and governance within 
the so-called peripheries of the Indian state. 
While the ruling Congress indulged in much 
hand-wringing over what would be the correct 
course of action before the elections, the army 
displayed its characteristic lack of finesse and 
concern for the dignity of victims of its 
brutality by announcing a cash compensation for 
Ajit Mahanta's family, rebuild his home and adopt 
his children. All this is truly material for 
B-grade scripts in Hindi cinema. Only, it happens 
to be the reality for the people of upper Assam.

To add insult to injury, Assam's politicians went 
shopping for votes amidst the tragedy. On 
February 14, 2006 the state home minister, 
finance minister and forest minister went 
visiting the families of Pokhili Bora and Waheeda 
Ahmed in order to hand them cheques of three 
hundred thousand rupees. The families refused the 
cheques and the ministers sheepishly and 
surreptitiously gave the money to grieving family 
members saying that the envelopes "contained 
letters" and not blood-money.  All this while, 
sections of the ruling Congress maintained that 
the violence was an effort to embarrass the party 
before the polls.

Blatant violations

The shooting of the protestors was no accident, 
nor was it a mix up of tragic proportions. It is 
a known fact that the district administration was 
aware of the protests and the scale of discontent 
that was sparked off by Ajit Mahanta's death in 
army custody. Even though India shamelessly 
flouts the humanitarian laws of armed conflict 
and international human rights laws in dealing 
with democratic protests within its frontiers, it 
has some policing norms that are to be maintained 
in the course of dealing with protestors. 
Outright killing is not one of them. Within 
domestic law, which admittedly is flawed, there 
are certain procedures that have to be followed 
when dealing with protestors. Verbal warnings in 
the presence of a magistrate, prominent 
notifications of the potential illegality of the 
gathering, blank fire etc. precede the actual act 
of firing on the protestors. Then too, the firing 
has to take place below the waist.

In Kakopathar most of the victims were shot above 
the waist. This is true even in the earlier 
murder of people in Garo Hills, where footage has 
clearly shown that they were shot in the head and 
neck. Why are the security forces allowed to get 
away with such blatant violations? How can the 
government get away with patronising the people 
with paternal talk about need to develop the 
region and end insurgency, while they continue to 
empower junior non-commissioned officers to shoot 
and kill farmers, schoolchildren and housewives? 
When the law of the land can be routinely flouted 
by those who claim to be its custodians, why do 
the national media continue to preach the virtues 
of Indian democracy to the people of the 

If there is a moral to the whole sordid saga it 
is summed up in three words: "politics of shame". 
It is a shame that India continues to call itself 
a democracy. It is a shame that the people of the 
Northeast have to pretend to be citizens of a 
state that treats cattle better. It is a shame 
that administration of the Northeast still 
resonate with the display of brute, primeval 
power more suited for imperialist systems. It is 
a shame that Indian civil society loses its voice 
on the Northeast. It is a shame that the national 
media cannot see beyond the next cricket match. 
It is a shame that people have to die like 
animals even as smug bureaucrats and politicians 
claim to be talking peace. It is a shame that 
democratic institutions lead parallel lives in 
the Northeast. It is a shame that these parallel 
structures of governance cannot be checked by 
India's so-called vibrant democratic system and 
institutions. It is a shame that few people 
outside the Northeast know about what happens 
here. It is a shame that we have to be sending 
out this report.

MASS demands:

(a)     The guilty police, paramilitary and army 
personnel are given exemplary punishment for 
crimes against the people of the region and for 
wilful and pre-meditated murder of innocent 
(b)     The government set up a commission of 
inquiry with a sitting Supreme Court judge at its 
helm, to apportion responsibility of guilt on the 
different sections of the administration and 
armed forces that contributed to the deaths.
(c)     The armed forces engaged in 
counter-insurgency should be removed from Assam 
(d)     The draconian security laws that allow 
impunity to the armed forces personnel should be 
repealed with immediate effect and those accused 
of committing crimes against people of the region 
under these acts be tried in the courts of law.
(e)     The peaceful resolution of the political 
conflicts in the Northeast and genuine commitment 
to talks by the government of India.

>From the office of
MASS Central Committee

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