Dear all,

The ninth issue (15th March-14th April) of   has
been released today. This issue has been edited by a successful  young
Assamese Entrepreneur  Mr. Debabrat Gogoi from Assam.

"" is the unique monthly web-portail written in 100%   Assamese
unicode and first-of-its-kind.  " 'সাহিত্য ডট্ অৰ্গ' হৈছে 'অসমীয়াত
কথা-বতৰা' ফে'চবুক গোটৰ উদ্যোগত অসমীয়া ইউনিক'ডত লিখা মেলা কৰাৰ এক মুকলি মঞ্চ
, এটা বৌদ্ধিক আন্দোলন৷ " It is based on a Assamese Facebook Group named
"অসমীয়াত কথা বতৰা".  There is an International Advisory/ Editorial Board
comprising of renowned people like Sahitya Akademi winner Dr. Rita
Choudhury, Wahid Saleh, Rajen Baruah , Shantikam Hazarika etc.
The Editorial Board selects an editor from more than 3,500 members  every
month. He/she scrutinises  interesting posts and arranges them to different
sections of the monthly issue. Other members of the Editorial board looks
after the website design, drawing sketch etc.  So, it is a community based
work with voluntary service. They have also started launching a Unique
concept of coveting Classics of Assamese literature as audio books, freely
available on internet. They have also converted Kirtan-Ghosha of Mohapurux
Sri Manta Sankardeva to Assamese Unicode.  This group has been taking  very
bold stand for  recognition from Assamese script in UNICODE
and popularisation of Assamese writing over internet. Many Assamese dailies
and periodicals have started picking up selected write-ups from the website
to minimize the gap between electronic and print media. This is working as
an excellent platform for budding writers to do experiments and exchange
ideas  on different issues related to Assam and Noth-East.

Here I invite you all to have a look (perhaps to participate and
contribute) at the enthusiastic works initiated  by a  group of young
Assamese people  from all across the globe.  I would request you all
to share the  link of this website to your friends.

Facebookpage :

Thanks and regards,

Pankaj Barah
Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU),
Realfagbygget,  Room no.: DU1-172
N-7491, Trondheim,Norway
Mobile: (+47) 45063435
assam mailing list

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