Dear Friends:

This news is from the Times of India (20 03 2012)


A growing number of Indians have taken the plunge in a cross cultural wedding
A cross racial marriage would earlier have people reacting with, "Wonder herow 
long this survives!" But today, men and women prefer dating a foreigner to an 
Indian. Thanks to the rigid traditions in an Indian marriage, unrealistic 
expectations from the spouses in India, social networking sites and the 
flexible Indian professional.
Pauravi Mistry, a social worker married Paul Hefner in the US. She says, "The 
Indian familysystem is never open to accept a woman who has had a child from 
previous marriage. The expectations of being able to play the role of a 'bahu' 
or a 'jamai' in the west is nil compared to what the in-laws expect from an 
Indian wife!" Deepan Patel, a professional in the US married Katherina 
Muellers, from Germany. Says Deepan's father Dilip Patel, "The acceptance of 
both the families to adopt two different cultures. And there is no guarantee of 
a lifelong relationship anywhere in the world." Ragin Patel, a professional who 
lives with his wife Jane in London says, "My wife would not think twice to take 
up a project overseas. But had I been married to an Indian girl, she would be 
expected to cook and I would be under pressure to earn money. Morality issues 
being low in the west is a myth." Says Surnish Nirula, a software consultant 
who is married to an American, Jarucia Jaycox, "The biggest plus of marrying a 
foreigner is that the communication is open ended."
At the end of the day these couples share the same values, have a willingness 
to work on live-in relationships, extend their courtship for months without 
bringing the whole 'marriage' question and they feel that the prospects of 
finding a 'companion' without strings attached from the parents are brighter!

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