[Asterisk-Users] Re: Voicemailmain automatic extension detection?

2005-10-05 Thread Brian Buhrow
Hello Mason.  It's easier than you might think.  Here's what we do to
achieve the same effect.  Note that, depending on how many digits you store
in your voicemail configs, you may need to change the number of stripped
digits, etc.
We use 3-digit dialing for voicemail, and the mailbox number matches the
last 3 digits of the user's telephone number.

;Voicemail access
exten => 299,1,Wait,1 ; Just to see if it's working...
exten => 299,2,Answer ; Answer the call
exten => 299,3,SubString(MBOX=${CALLERIDNUM}|-3|3)
exten => 299,4,Voicemailmain(${MBOX})
exten => 299,5,Hangup
On Oct 5,  4:04pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
} Is there a way I can have "voice mail check" calls coming from my internal
} users automatically get to the right extension, without having the user
} enter their extension?
} I'm thinking that I could have the local SPA boxes translate, or have
} each user live in a context where the extension in question exists
} uniquely per user, but both of these seem kludgey.
} Thanks in advance for clues!
} -- 
} Mason Loring Bliss   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://blisses.org/
}   Anything can be impossible, given sufficient bureaucracy.
>-- End of excerpt from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--Bandwidth and Colocation sponsored by Easynews.com --

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[Asterisk-Users] Re: Interrupting voicemail with "*", dropping to "a"

2005-05-13 Thread Brian Buhrow
I'd be curious about this as well.  In Asterisk version 1.0.7, it
can't possibly work, unless my C reading skill is completely broken,
because the voicemail app isn't listening for a "*" but only for a "#" or a
"0".  That's also true of /app_voicemail.c/1.203/Thu Mar 10 19:33:15 
For those interested, I've created a patch to the app_voicemail.c
file, which I've been using for about a year and a half, which drops you
into voicemailmain if you hit "*" during the outgoing message.  As far as I
can tell, I still need this patch as of the latest CVS version.

Anyone who has a working example and CVS dates to clearly identify
when the feature went in should speak up, as it seems there are a number of us
who would like the feature.
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[Asterisk-Users] Re: Broadvoice latest changes and still not working

2005-03-09 Thread Brian Buhrow
In looking into this further, it appears that the problem is that
ASterisk is not properly responding to the 401 request that comes back from
BroadVoice.  The code is there to do the right thing, and I can say that
ASterisk does the right thing when a 407 response is received from a
provider, but for some reason, Asterisk never gets the authentication
response on the wire after Broadvoice asks for it.  Someone wrote and said
that they wer able to use BroadVoice with their SIP phone directly.  Would
it be possible for that person to send a SIP trace of the successful call
so I could compare the two streams?
I don't have a fix for this problem yet, but I hope to have one soon
as my outgoing service is foobared until I can fix it.
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[Asterisk-Users] Re: Broadvoice configuration changes for outbound calls

2005-03-06 Thread Brian Buhrow
Hello.  I'm not sure what's going on with the gentleman who is having
trouble receiving inbound calls as of this weekend, but I can say that
while inbound works for me, calling out through BroadVoice doesn't work at
all.  SIP traces show that when I send an invite request out to BroadVoice,
they send back a 401 unauthorized message which includes a
WWW-Authentication: header which ASterisk is supposed to use to send a
reply proxy authentication response.
The version of Asterisk I'm running, and have been running with
BroadVoice for months claims that it sends an acknowledgement of the
unauthorized message, then fails to send an authentication reply, instead
claiming that authentication is impossible with BroadVoice.
I suspect that there is a bug in the md5 hashing  code on the version
of Asterisk I'm running, and I'll be attempting to upgrade things, or sort
out the bug soon.
My point here is to let people know that they may be seeing different
behaviors depending on what version of ASterisk code they're running.  I'm
running with CVS head as of 2003-12-18.  I doubt many others are running
code this old, but until this Saturday morning, it's worked flawlessly with
every provider I've tried it with.
Having said all that, I too am disappointed that BroadVoice has not
seen fit to tell its users of this impending change.  Instead, it worked on
Friday night for me, all normal, and, voila! complete failure of outgoing
calls on Saturday morning.  Most disturbing.

Hope that's somewhat helpful.
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[Asterisk-Users] Re: [Asterisk-bsd] Asterisk not accepting multiple SIP phone logins

2005-02-11 Thread Brian Buhrow
Hello.  You can't have two phones login with the same extension.  You
need to assign one phone to 101, and the other to 102.  Set the user to 101
on one and 102 on the other.
On Feb 11,  8:07am, "Juki" wrote:
} Subject: [Asterisk-bsd] Asterisk not accepting multiple SIP phone logins
} Hi all,
} I have Asterisk running on FreeBSD 4.x and I have made configurations to
} sip.conf, extensions.conf and voicemail.conf. I have also setup SIP phones
} on two different PCs. My problem is that when one of the SIP phones logins
} in, the other won't.
} My sip.conf has:
} [101]
} type=friend
} host=dynamic
} username=101
} secret=test
} dtmfmode=rfc2833
} context=from-sip
} mailbox=201
} callerid="101" <2125>
} nat=yes
} My extensions.conf has:
} exten => 101,1,Dial(SIP/101,20,tr)
} exten => 101,2,VoiceMail,u101
} exten => 101,102,VoiceMail,b101
} My voicemail.conf has:
} 101 => 2348,Emma, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
} Any ideas are most welcome.
} -- 
} Rgds,
} Juki
} ___
} Asterisk-BSD mailing list
} http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-bsd
>-- End of excerpt from "Juki"

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[Asterisk-Users] dtmfmode: inband question

2004-12-10 Thread Brian Buhrow
Hello folks.  I'm not sure if this is the right list for this
question, but I'll start here.
If I'm using a SIP provider and I have an entry in sip.conf that looks

type => friend
dtmfmode => inband

When I pick up the phone, call someone through this provider, and press
numeric digits to generate dtmf tones, who is actually generating the tones
at the other end?
What I'm noticing is that if I call a pstn line using an entry like this
through asterisk, and then press digits on the SIP phone connected to
asterisk, I hear very short tones on the pstn line instead of the long
tones I generate on the SIP phone.  In addition, if I press digits too
quickly on the SIP phone, where "too quickly" is not very fast at all, many
digits are dropped entirely and do not make it to the pstn phone at all.
It occurred to me that this might be a fixable problem in the Asterisk
source code, but when I read the code itself, it is not clear to me who is
generating these short dtmf bursts, and perhaps it is the fault of the SIP
instrument, a Cisco 7960 running SIP image 6.2, it self.
So, if anyone can explain to me where the DTMF tones are coming from
when the  dtmfmode is set to "inband", I'd be most appreciative.


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[Asterisk-Users] Re: Cisco 7960 SIP V6 and distinctive ring.

2004-07-19 Thread Brian Buhrow
[Try this again...]

Hello.  Here is what my extension which uses distinctive ring on a
Cisco 7960 running V6.2 firmware looks like.  Note that the distinctive
ring tones are changes in cadence, rather than changes in ringing sounds on
the 7960.  Also, if you adjust the ringer volume wile the distinctive ring
is sounding, the phone will revert to the non-distinctive ring cadence.
exten => 2135551212,1,setvar(ALERT_INFO=4)
exten => 2135551212,2,Dial(SIP/100&SIP/401&SIP/403|20|tr)
exten => 2135551212,3,Voicemail,u401

} Hi
} Can anyone with distinctive ring on their 7960's possibly post how they've got it to 
} I understand that the ALERT_INFO variable is involved but using the examples for the 
variable value from the WiKi I'm just getting an error message from the Asterisk 
} Thanks in advance.
} P 

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[Asterisk-Users] Re: Cisco 7960 SIP V6 and distinctive ring.

2004-07-19 Thread Brian Buhrow
Hello.  Here is what my extension which uses distinctive ring on a
Cisco 7960 running V6.2 firmware looks like.  Note that the distinctive
ring tones are changes in cadence, rather than changes in ringing sounds on
the 7960.  Also, if you adjust the ringer volume wile the distinctive ring
is sounding, the phone will revert to the non-distinctive ring cadence.

} Hi
} Can anyone with distinctive ring on their 7960's possibly post how they've got it to 
} I understand that the ALERT_INFO variable is involved but using the examples for the 
variable value from the WiKi I'm just getting an error message from the Asterisk 
} Thanks in advance.
} P 
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[Asterisk-Users] Re: Grandstreams randomly go busy with Asterisk?

2004-06-15 Thread Brian Buhrow
Hello.  I've seen this behavior.  What happens is that the
Grandstreams forget to continue registering with Asterisk after a while.  I
bet when you find this happening, that sip show peers doesn't show ext/ext
ip address for the one that isn't working.
You can work around the problem by explicitly telling Asterisk how to
dial the GS by giving it an explicit IP address in its sip.conf extension
entry.  Alternatively, you can upgrade the Grandstream to a newer load of
firmware.  I'm running on my HT286, and it seems to behave much
I got my firmware load from:
They seem to have, and, but not anymore.  

Hope that helps.

I've searched the lists but I didn't find anything exactly like this.

I have two Grandstream BT101 phones connected to an Asterisk. 
Periodically, for reasons that I can't determine, one or the other (or
both) of the BT101s decide(s) to go on permanent busy.  Dialing that
phone gives:

-- Executing Macro("SIP/24567-7856", "dialphone|SIP/27654") in new stack
-- Executing Dial("SIP/24567-7856", "SIP/27654|10|tr") in new stack
Jun 15 14:23:41 NOTICE[1343506]: app_dial.c:536 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of 
type 'SIP'
  == Everyone is busy at this time

But dialing in the other direction (from the busy phone out) gives
normal (good) results:
-- Executing Macro("SIP/27654-6e2b", "dialphone|SIP/24567") in new stack
-- Executing Dial("SIP/27654-6e2b", "SIP/24567|10|tr") in new stack
-- Called 24567

I have noticed that when the problem is happening I see this:

CLI> sip show peers
Name/usernameHost Mask Port Status
24567/24567   (D)  5060 Unmonitored
27654/27654  (Unspecified)   (D)  0Unmonitored

Rebooting the offending phone always fixes the problem for a while. 
After rebooting I see:

CLI> sip show peers
Name/usernameHost Mask Port Status
24567/24567   (D)  5060 Unmonitored
27654/27654   (D)  5060 Unmonitored

The BT101s are running  Asterisk is 0.9.0.

Any suggestions?
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[Asterisk-Users] Re: music on hold problems

2004-04-15 Thread Brian Buhrow
Hello.  My installation does not have a timing source and music on
hold works just fine.
My guess is that you forgot to put mp3 files in your /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
My /etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf file looks like this:

; Music on hold class definitions
default => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3,-z
;loud => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
random => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3,-z

All of my ASterisk users are SIP users, and all of them get music on hold.

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[Asterisk-Users] Re: External access to voicemail

2004-04-14 Thread Brian Buhrow
Hello.  I have written a small patch to app_voicemail.c which provides
the precise functionality Steve wants.  I sent it to this list once, and
got my subscription disabled for my trouble.  so, if anyone's interested in
it, it's about a 50 line diff file, which I'd be happy to mail anyone who
writes and says they want it.  If enough write, I'll post a URL on this
list for it.  If it's super popular, I'll figure out how to submit it as a
feature request on the bug tracker.

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[Asterisk-Users] Re: [Asterisk-Users]: External access to voicemail

2004-04-09 Thread Brian Buhrow
Hello steve.  Here is a patch I wrote for app_voicemail.c which does
exactly as you describe.  When the outgoing message is playing, if the
listener hits the "*" key, they're prompted for a mailbox and password,
whereupon they can check their voicemail as if they were using the internal
phone.  I found no other way of doing this.
If you patch your app_voicemail.c, I have V1.44 from CVS as of
12/11/2003, with this diff file, and recompile the app_voicemail.so module
and install it in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules and then, from the command line
of Asterisk, do:
unload app_voicemail.so
load app_voicemail.so
you should have the new feature, all without having to stop and restart
Good luck, and let me know if it works for you.

--- app_voicemail.c.fcs Thu Dec 11 12:55:25 2003
+++ app_voicemail.c Sat Feb 28 16:21:15 2004
@@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@
char prefile[256]="";
char fmt[80];
char *context;
-   char *ecodes = "#";
+   char *ecodes = "*#";
char *stringp;
time_t start;
time_t end;
@@ -1117,12 +1117,12 @@
if (mkdir(dir, 0700) && (errno != EEXIST))
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "mkdir '%s' failed: %s\n", dir, 
if (ast_exists_extension(chan, strlen(chan->macrocontext) ? 
chan->macrocontext : chan->context, "o", 1, chan->callerid))
-   ecodes = "#0";
+   ecodes = "*#0";
/* Play the beginning intro if desired */
if (strlen(prefile)) {
if (ast_fileexists(prefile, NULL, NULL) > 0) {
if (ast_streamfile(chan, prefile, chan->language) > 
-   res = ast_waitstream(chan, "#0");
+   res = ast_waitstream(chan, "*#0");
} else {
ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s doesn't exist, doing what we 
can\n", prefile);
res = invent_message(chan, vmu->context, ext, busy, 
@@ -1138,6 +1138,10 @@
silent = 1;
res = 0;
+   if (res == '*') { /*break out to main vm*/
+   free_user(vmu);
+   return(100);
+   }
if (!res && !silent) {
res = ast_streamfile(chan, INTRO, chan->language);
if (!res)
@@ -1156,6 +1160,10 @@
return 0;
+   if (res == '*') { /*break out to main vm*/
+   free_user(vmu);
+   return(100);
+   }
if (res >= 0) {
/* Unless we're *really* silent, try to send the beep */
res = ast_streamfile(chan, "beep", chan->language);
@@ -2678,6 +2686,9 @@
res = leave_voicemail(chan, ext, silent, busy, unavail);
+   if (res == 100) { /*The user requested vm main*/
+   res = vm_execmain(chan, NULL);
+   }
return res;
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[Asterisk-Users] Re: res_motv: Request for comment

2004-04-07 Thread Brian Buhrow
One thing that the BSD open source operating system projects do, and
many other projects for that matter, which Asterisk does not seem to do, is
put CVS ID tags in the source files of the package itself.  If ID tags were
put into the source files, and even embedded in strings so that theyshowed
up in the binary files too, that would go a long way toward helping users
determine which version of Asterisk they had, and where they were relative
to the current state of the development tree.  It seems like this change
requires no real coding, just adding a line or two to each source file, and
CVS does the rest for you by bumping the version numbers as changes come
Another advantage of this approach, is that users can succinctly and
accurately point out which versions of which modules work and which ones
contain  critical bugs.  Then you can say things like:
File res_moh.c, V1.25 and later contains the fix you're looking for. 
Just a thought.
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[Asterisk-Users] Resetting Grandstream HT-286 to factory default settings?

2004-03-13 Thread Brian Buhrow
Hello.  I just purchased a Grandstream HT-286 from Chagres
Technologies.  When I initially set this up, I accidentally mistyped the
new http password to get into the unit, and I cannot now log into the web
server on the device.  the user manual has this to say about how to reset
the device to factory defaults, but I do not know how to enter a MAC
address which contains letters -- do I pretend I'm dialing a name and use
the numbers associated with the letters of the MAC address?  When I try to
do this, it doesn't reset, and tells me my numbers are invalid.
Any suggestions on how to restore this box to factory freshness?



   Enter 9 to confirm the RESET

   Enter MAC address to restore factory default setting

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] FXO Gateway of choice is?

2004-02-27 Thread Brian Buhrow
A cisco 1760 router, with a pair of dual FXO cards in it will work
fine.  We've been using a couple of these for years, and they're quite
reliable, sound good, and behave themselves with Asterisk, using SIP.  Not
the cheapest, perhaps, but a good choice.
If you want to save money, buy a used Cisco 2600 router, and use the
same dual FXO cards, they're just as good.

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[Asterisk-Users] Remote retrieval of voicemail, a question

2004-02-27 Thread Brian Buhrow
Hello.  I'm running an asterisk system where the voicemail box numbers
match the extensions to which they belong.  The phone numbers from the PSTN
which access the system are mapped to specific extensions, and if there's
no answer, they forward to their respective mailboxes so callers can leave
messages for the owners of the extensions.  Without adding an additional
"voicemail only" access number from the PSTN, I would like owners to be
able to call their extensions and retrieve their messages through the PSTN.
I've looked at the app_voicemail.c file in the Asterisk source tree, and I
see how to do it with a source code change, i.e. allow the user to press "*"
while the outgoing message is playing, and jump to voicemailmain and
proceed to do generic voicemail authentication.  However, I'm wondering if
there's a way to do the same thing, that I've not thought of, which can be
done without modifying the source code itself, i.e. through configuration
changes in either voicemail.conf, extensions.conf, or through some other
mechanism I've not thought of.
I'm assuming here, that what I want is something others wanted before
me, and that they've found a solution of which I'm not aware.  Can anyone
enlighten me?

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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[Asterisk-Users] Re: Asterisk on FreeBSD 4.9?

2004-01-14 Thread Brian Buhrow

I don't know if this helps, but I've been running our office IP phone
system on Asterisk, on a NetBSD-1.6.1 system for over a month now, with no
trouble at all.  The functionality is limited at the moment, due to the
lack of the features provided by the zaptel drivers, but I hope to remedy
that in the not-too-distant future.
Message: 10
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 20:27:07 -0500
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk on FreeBSD 4.9?

On Tue, Jan 13, 2004 at 12:24:20PM -0500, Jason T. Nelson wrote:
> love to be able to use Asterisk under FreeBSD. I've browsed the archives
> and perceived what appears to be a slightly hostile attitude towards those
> who ask about Asterisk support of other free operating systems even without
> using Digium hardware. Is this Linux-specific bias intentional or accidental?

I would call it historical. Asterisk was first developed on Linux,
and little attention was paid to portability. This is changing,
though there are still Linuxisms in the code. I would hesitate
to consider it stable yet on anything other than Linux, but

I personally would like to see Asterisk portable to any
*nix with pthreads, and am working to make this happen. As
always help in the form of patches, testing or accounts for
building and testing on less common types of systems are

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Re: Again: 7920 Cisco IP Phone Skinny & SIP

2004-01-13 Thread Brian Buhrow
Sorry for my confusion.  I'm thinking of the Cisco 7912, not the 7920.
You're absolutely right.  For the 7920, only mgcp/skinny is available from
cisco.  So, I guess it's debugging and hackery for Asterisk with respect to
this phone.  I plan to get my hands on one in the next month or so, and see
if I can make it go with Asterisk's Skinny module.
On Jan 13, 11:54pm, Jan Czmok wrote:
} Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Re:  Again: 7920 Cisco IP Phone Skinny & SIP
} Brian Buhrow ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
} > 
} > Hello.  The Cisco 7905 and 7920 phones are basically the same phone,
} Hi Brian. 7905 is a normal desktop phone. 7920 is the WiFi Phone build
} from cisco.
} [snip]
} > with the 7920 having a built-in ethernet switch.  Sip and Skinny images
} > are available for these phones on the Cisco web site if you hav a CCO
} > account.  I believe you select which image you want to run at boot time,
} > with the OS7920.TXT file.  (If you're familiar with the way this works with
} > the Cisco 7940 and 7960 phones, you'll understand the procedure for getting
} > these phones to boot the desired image.)  Essentially, you put the version
} > number of the image in the OS7920.TXT file, and use the S or M parameter in
} > that file to determine whether you want an mgcp/skinny image or a Sip
} > image.
} > If you load a sip image into the phone, it should work quite wel with
} > Asterisk.
} > If you want to continue debugging and fixing the skinny code in
} > Asterisk, then load the mgcp/skinny image into the phone.
} [snip]
} see in my original mail, already  tried this ...
} --jan
} -- 
} Jan Czmok, Network Engineering & Support, Global Access Telecomm, Inc.
} Ph.: +49 69 299896-35 - fax: +49 69 299896-40 - sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>-- End of excerpt from Jan Czmok

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[Asterisk-Users] Re: Again: 7920 Cisco IP Phone Skinny & SIP

2004-01-13 Thread Brian Buhrow

Hello.  The Cisco 7905 and 7920 phones are basically the same phone,
with the 7920 having a built-in ethernet switch.  Sip and Skinny images
are available for these phones on the Cisco web site if you hav a CCO
account.  I believe you select which image you want to run at boot time,
with the OS7920.TXT file.  (If you're familiar with the way this works with
the Cisco 7940 and 7960 phones, you'll understand the procedure for getting
these phones to boot the desired image.)  Essentially, you put the version
number of the image in the OS7920.TXT file, and use the S or M parameter in
that file to determine whether you want an mgcp/skinny image or a Sip
If you load a sip image into the phone, it should work quite wel with
If you want to continue debugging and fixing the skinny code in
Asterisk, then load the mgcp/skinny image into the phone.

Note: the software can be found on the Cisco site under the Software Center
link on the CCO registered user page.

Hope that helps.
Message: 5
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 14:49:36 +0100
From: Jan Czmok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Again: 7920 Cisco IP Phone Skinny & SIP


i had some good news regarding the cisco 7920 and the internetworking
with asterisk (and possibly SIP ?).

Status: chan_sccp.so not coredumping anymore :-)
Phone contantly in reboot loop [see below] :-(

Reboot Loop means:
 Phone auth's with AP
 Phone gets IP from DHCP & TFTP Server
 Phone loads OS7920.TXT
 Phone loads SEP.CNF.XML
 Phone loads xmlDefault.conf.xml
 Phone registeres to Asterisk
 Phone gets registered
 Phone gets Info/Dial/Stuff from Asterisk
 Phone gets Line Info
 SKINNY LineStatReqMessage
 SKINNY LineStatMessage
 SKINNY LineStatReqMessage
 SKINNY LineStatMessage
 SKINNY LineStatReqMessage
 SKINNY LineStatMessage
 SKINNY LineStatReqMessage
 SKINNY LineStatMessage
 SKINNY LineStatReqMessage
 SKINNY LineStatMessage
 SKINNY SoftKeySetReqMessage
 SKINNY SoftKeySetResMessage
 SKINNY OffHookMessage
 SKINNY SetSpeakerModeMessage
 SKINNY OnHookMessage
 SKINNY DisplayPromptStatusMessage
 SKINNY DisplayPromptStatusMessage
 SKINNY DisplayPromptStatusMessage

But if you look at the Support of the 7920 in Callmanager Express, you
get a file named "cmterm_7920.3.3-01-02-021.bin" so i was investigating
further. so i wrote "cmterm_7920.3.3-01-02-021" in OS7920.TXT and
suddenly the Cisco 7920 shows "Upgrading Firmware" :-)
Unfortunately for some reason it did not accept the firmware, but it
still tries to load it. 

Some additional info:
The 7920 is requesting cmterm_7920.3.3-01-02-021^J.bin
(so with an Ctrl-J in it), so you have to rename the file.

I also got the information from documents that the 7920 is running in
7960 emulation mode, so draw your own conclusions in regards of SIP
possiblity :-)

I tried to use some 7960 images, but did not succeed :-(

Would appreciate some help in this issue :-)


Jan Czmok, Network Engineering & Support, Global Access Telecomm, Inc.
Ph.: +49 69 299896-35 - fax: +49 69 299896-40 - sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Asterisk-Users] Re: Sip phones on the same extension?

2003-12-25 Thread Brian Buhrow
Hello.  I'm sorry I wasn't clear.  In the original question I asked, I
said that I found the same work around that was suggested on this list.
Since the suggestion was there, and since I had posted my original work
around in my original message, I thought there was something that I was
missing with respect to the work around itself, and I was asking for
clarification.  The solution I have working at the moment, is exactly the
one which was offered up.  However, I don't like it, because it's a
solution which doesn't scale.  I was trying to assertain if Asterisk would
do what I was envisioning, and which SER does very well, and if the fact
that I couldn't think of a way was merely due to my lack of knowledge about
Asterisk.  It sounds like Asterisk doesn't work like this right now.  Do folks
think they'd find such a feature useful if I coded it up and sent it back
to Digium?

Message: 5
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2003 13:20:51 -0600 (CST)
From: Brian West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Re: Sip phones on the same extension?

Because the one you came up with isn't possible with asterisk at this

On Thu, 25 Dec 2003, Brian Buhrow wrote:

>   Hello.  I think I understand your suggestion, but don't understand how
> that's any different than the one I came up with.  What I want, is to be
> able to define a specific extension, and then have any external SIP phones
> register with that extension that want to.  It's important that multiple
> phones be able to register with the same extension simultaneously.  Then, I
> can define something like:
> exten => 300,1,Dial(SIP/300,15|t)
> and all phones registered to extension SIP/300 will ring.
> The number of phones existing on that extension at any given time is
> unknown, and Asterisk should be able to keep a list of all devices which are
> currently registered on a given extension, even if it has seen another
> device register to the same extension.  To guard against number stealing,
> one could restrict the registration of a given phone number to a single
> password, but allow that password to be used as often and from where ever.
>   So, for example, if my extension is 300, and my password is
> "JustForFun", I should be able to program any number of SIP phones to
> register as extension 300, and as long as they know the magic password,
> "JustForFun", Asterisk will permit all of them to register as SIP/300.
> Then, if someone calls 300, they'll all ring simultaneously, and which ever
> phone gets picked up first, gets the call.
>   This doesn't appear to be how Asterisk works at the moment.  Am I
> wrong about this?
> -Brian
> Message: 9
> From: Tilghman Lesher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Sip phones on the same extension?
> Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 13:24:53 -0600
> In sip.conf:
> [phone1]
> type=peer
> host=dynamic
> [phone2]
> type=peer
> host=dynamic
> [phone3]
> type=peer
> host=dynamic
> in extensions.conf:
> [default]
> exten => 0,1,Dial(SIP/phone1&SIP/phone2&SIP/phone3,30,T)
> -Tilghman
> ___
> Asterisk-Users mailing list
> http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users

Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Re: Sip phones on the same extension?

2003-12-25 Thread Brian Buhrow
Hello.  I think I understand your suggestion, but don't understand how
that's any different than the one I came up with.  What I want, is to be
able to define a specific extension, and then have any external SIP phones
register with that extension that want to.  It's important that multiple
phones be able to register with the same extension simultaneously.  Then, I
can define something like:

exten => 300,1,Dial(SIP/300,15|t)

and all phones registered to extension SIP/300 will ring.
The number of phones existing on that extension at any given time is
unknown, and Asterisk should be able to keep a list of all devices which are
currently registered on a given extension, even if it has seen another
device register to the same extension.  To guard against number stealing,
one could restrict the registration of a given phone number to a single
password, but allow that password to be used as often and from where ever.
So, for example, if my extension is 300, and my password is
"JustForFun", I should be able to program any number of SIP phones to
register as extension 300, and as long as they know the magic password,
"JustForFun", Asterisk will permit all of them to register as SIP/300.
Then, if someone calls 300, they'll all ring simultaneously, and which ever
phone gets picked up first, gets the call.
This doesn't appear to be how Asterisk works at the moment.  Am I
wrong about this?


Message: 9
From: Tilghman Lesher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Sip phones on the same extension?
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 13:24:53 -0600

In sip.conf:




in extensions.conf:

exten => 0,1,Dial(SIP/phone1&SIP/phone2&SIP/phone3,30,T)


Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Sip phones on the same extension?

2003-12-24 Thread Brian Buhrow
Hello.  I'm a new Asterisk user, but I'm impressed with the
flexibility and versatility of Asterisk, and am moving quickly to adopt
it's main-line use in our company.  Hopefully, you'll be hearing more from
me as the project moves forward.
Right now, though, I have a question about SIP peer registration.
Right now, for our SIP-based phone,s, we're using the Sip Express Router
product, which accepts sip registration requests and lets us route calls to
any of the phones which register with SER.  I am a semi-nomatic user, and
can work at any of three different locations.  Right now, my phones all
sign up with SER, and register with the same telephone number.  When
someone dials that number, all three phones ring, and which ever one gets
answered first, gets the call.
When I tried to do this with Asterisk, sources from the cvs repository
as of 12/18/2003, sip show peers only showed the most recent registration.
This lead me to believe that if I dialed the number, only the most recently
registered phone would ring.  I was able to work around the problem by
defining an umbrella extension which rings all three phones at the same
time, but I'd like to have a way of dynamically adding phones to a given
extension without having to necessarily rewrite the extensions.conf file,
and I'd like calls from these extensions to show up from the master
extension that folks should use to reach me.  I imagine I could do
something with pickup groups, but my understanding  is that it is not true
that all phones in a pickup group will necessarily ring just because
they're a member of a given pickup group.  The phones on this particular
extension are many miles from each other, so one couldn't hear the other
phone ring.
Another work around is to put
Asterisk behind SER, but this seems overly complicated, and I want to make
sure that Asterisk doesn't do what I want before I pursue that path.

Any suggestions on how to have multiple phones register with the same
number in Asterisk?
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