[asterisk-users] Monitor doohicky got event Event 160 on channel..

2007-08-08 Thread Diego Iastrubni
Hi all,

I am seeing on my logs this message:

Jun 13 09:14:51 DEBUG[4944] chan_zap.c: Monitor doohicky got event Event 160 
on channel 3
Jun 13 09:14:51 DEBUG[4944] chan_zap.c: Monitor doohicky got event Event 160 
on channel 3
(repeated much more then what I will show here).

I see that it comes from static void* do_monitor(void *data)in chan_zap.c, 
but I do not understand what does it mean, and now why is it spamming my 

Can anyone give me a hint...?

- diego

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Re: [asterisk-users] Monitor doohicky got event Event 160 on channel..

2007-08-09 Thread Diego Iastrubni
On Thursday 09 August 2007 09:40, Philipp Kempgen wrote:
> Because you are logging debug messages :-P
> ---cut---
> ; Debug mode turns on a LOT of extra messages,
> ; most of which you are unlikely to understand without an understanding of
> ; the underlying code.  Do NOT report debug messages as code issues, unless
> ; you have a specific issue that you are attempting to debug.  They are
> ; messages for just that -- debugging -- and do not rise to the level of
> ; something that merit your attention as an Asterisk administrator.  Debug
> ; messages are also very verbose and can and do fill up logfiles quickly;
> ; this is another reason not to have debug mode on a production system
> unless
> ; you are in the process of debugging a specific issue.
> ---cut---

And that is my question, what is that message. My first assumption is that 
debug messages are for debugging - which means something can be wrong , and 
those messages will help me. As a develop (he wrong list...?) I would 
like to know what help can I gain from those messages.

> So if there is no problem with your system just don't enable
> debug mode.
See Tzafrir's reply, that would explain much more.

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Re: [asterisk-users] New Pico-ITX

2007-08-13 Thread Diego Iastrubni
On Monday 13 August 2007 05:11, Darrick Hartman wrote:
> >> VIA C3 & C7 systems have been known to have DMA-related issues for some
> >> time.
> I've seen those issues, but have never experienced them myself.
I have heard those things. I have a crash I can reproduce on a VIA Esther, and 
it happens even when I boot linux with "ide=nodma" and when I completely 
disable DMA in the BIOS.

The crash is very predictable:
Run asterisk, and put 100 call files one each 0.5 seconds.  Make them call 
another machine (I use SIPp). System dies between 20 seconds. 

>>I'm now using Micro-ATX systems with Dual Core Athlons (the EE versions)
>>- it ends up the same price to build as the Mini-ITX systems but has
>>more horsepower and is better supported in Linux.

Dernot, can you provide links please?

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Re: [asterisk-users] 99 bottles of beer

2007-08-16 Thread Diego Iastrubni

(I know I am getting into trouble, but hey! it's already in our PBX!)

On Thursday 16 August 2007 11:35, Gordon Henderson wrote:
> ; *99:
> ;   99 bottles of beer on the wall.
> exten => *99,1,Noop(99 Bottles of beer on the wall)
> exten => *99,n,Answer()
> exten => *99,n,Set(bottles=99)
> exten => *99,n(loop),Noop(There are ${bottles} bottles of beer on the wall)
> exten => *99,n,SayNumber(${bottles})
> exten => *99,n,Noop(Take one done and pass it round and there's)
> exten => *99,n,Set(bottles=$[${bottles}-1])
> exten => *99,n,Noop(${bottles} bottles of beer on the wall)
> exten => *99,n,SayNumber(${bottles})
> exten => *99,n,GotoIf($["${bottles}" > "0"]?loop)
> exten => *99,n,Noop(We're out of beer!)
> exten => *99,n,Hangup()
> Too much dial plan mashing this morning and I rememberd this site:
> Gordon
> ___
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Re: [asterisk-users] How to re-read values from database in Trixbox

2007-08-22 Thread Diego Iastrubni
You are updating the MySQL config, which is not propagated to the Asterisk 
config files. Only after you regenerate the configuratios, you can reload 

Dirty hack: "need_reload" flag must be set to true. 
Real solution: retrieve_conf + "asterisk reload"

On Wednesday 22 August 2007 10:22, Edgar Guadamuz wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I'm using Trixbox and I have a PHP application that updates a value in
> the MySQL asterisk database as an interface to have a dynamic
> customizable IVR.
> After execute the UPDATE SQL query, the php application is supossed to
> reload asterisk or restart amportal in order to get the change
> working, but nor asterisk -rx reload nor amportal restart got the
> change working.
> So, the question is how can I re-read the new value from the database
> to be effective in asterisk?

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Re: [asterisk-users] Stable-Stable Asterisk

2007-08-26 Thread Diego Iastrubni
On Friday 24 August 2007 20:27, Russell Bryant wrote:
> Let *me* ask a question.  :)  What level of heavy regression testing would
> you *expect* of an open source development team?
Unit tests. What unit tests are available for me to try?

Can you share the tests your lab is doing with the Asterisk community? We 
might be able to test it with you and help you with it (even add some tests).

> We really do try very hard to test all of our changes.  We have community
> members that work very hard to help test out the more invasive changes.
> Furthermore, we have a lot of people run the code from the release branches
> directly so that regressions are caught quicker, and hopefully before they
> make it in to a release.
And yet people complain a lot. (see the post of  
Steve Totaro bellow me). 

> At Digium, we have a department dedicated to doing testing of our products,
> including Asterisk.  Every bug that is found as a part of this testing gets
> fixed in the open source branches as well.
Well, I am a n00b in the Asterisk world (only 2 years in it). But I do have an 
active @kde.org email account for 5-6 years, and I do see what they are 
doing. The KDE4 code is 50-200 times bigger (*) (I am not even counting the 
extra* modules, or the dedicated branches which might get the number WAY up), 
and yet they are doing 50 times more testing. Both insecurity and bug fixes 
(think EBN, or the unit-tests been made in kdelibs).

... and that is even before we speak of the huge work Trollteck is making in 
stabilizing Qt releases *before* KDE gets them, and not the huge amount of 
work Novel is investing in usability tests, or the work Mandriva is investing 
in coding, or the infrastructure that RH is investing in linux itself.

What I would like to know is : how I as a person using Asteriks, or deploying 
it, can test it for you. What steps do you recommend to me?. Just for 
reference I just left a mini-system here at Xorcom running with ~30 calls 
SIP/ZAP for 2.5 days, playing Vivaldi to echo test, giving me a load average 
of 2.5-3 for 2 and a half days. It's a start, but I am not sure what else can 
I do.

Can you give us, the community, a standard set of tests we can make to our PBX 
for which we can claim "we tested this system with the same tests Digium are 
testing, it's stable, we and Digium guarantee it".

(*) just for reference, I think Amarok's code is a little bigger then Astresik 
1.4 code. Well at least 1.2. I did not "measure" it, it's just a hunch.

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Re: [asterisk-users] where is 1.4.12?

2007-08-29 Thread Diego Iastrubni

Please excuse me for saying it yet once more... (look for the thread "Stable 
Stable Asterisk", from Sunday). Build bots are nice to check and spot for 
compile errors (which is good). But I think that what people are looking here 
(well, specially me) is a set of automated tests for all of us to make before 
we bring our test PBX to production, something you do before release.

I have a been working on such a list, but it's more or less concentrated on 
channel banks (like duh... look at my email...). I would be more then happy 
to give you the list of tests I have made if you desire.

On Thursday 30 August 2007 06:33, Russell Bryant wrote:
> Brian West wrote:
> > I commend these efforts but if it compiles it doesn't mean it won't
> > crash in certain conditions much less run at all.  Proper unit testing
> > is hard to do trust me I have been reading up on the subject and in this
> > type of environment its hard to do proper unit tests without bring up
> > the environment and performing all tests.  That in itself is not easy.
> Thanks.  I understand that simply compiling only goes so far in regards to
> testing.  What I was trying to get across is that we were working on the
> setup to have an easily configurable automated build and test environment. 
> After working on setting up the infrastructure and verifying it using build
> tests, we can start adding automated runtime tests.  Then, over time, we
> can build smarter and smarter ways to automatically and routinely test
> functionality.

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Re: [asterisk-users] Flash IDE

2007-09-11 Thread Diego Iastrubni
Disable DMA on that drive. Thee HD/DOM/CF-card does not support DMA and
linux tries to "DMA" it.

On 9/11/07, Mojo with Horan & Company, LLC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For real!   I see the BIOS, then I see GRUB "Loading stage 1.5" and then
> a good 60 seconds go by before the kernel and initrd have been loaded
> and control switches over to them.
> Stock kernel on CentOS 4.4

(gmail quoting stinks)
Ed W, wrote
>- Flash rewrites quite a few times
>- The good stuff has wear levelling so that most roughly speaking the
>whole thing should work until it suddenly all fails
>- Given a big enough drive with a fair bit of free space then you should
>find it hard to wear it out in less than quite a few years even if you
>are hitting it quite hard (probably multiples of this).  Simply do the
>maths to get the rough life

In the last 2 years I have personally killed 2 DOMs of 512 MB. They where
running Debian Sarge, and were set up to run on TMPFS. The reason why they
died is because I tested the installation on those systems: this means zero
out HDA and then copy it all over again from a backup.

In real life, in real usage, I think those will last quite more, since the
disk is not been written all that much. But still, be warned.

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Re: [asterisk-users] Useful GUI? [Was: Why does everyone seem to dislike *now?]

2007-09-17 Thread Diego Iastrubni

Please, Trixbox is a distro, the GUI is FreePBX.

Another option might be Destar. Google it up.

On 9/18/07, Matt Riddell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
> > Are there any Asterisk GUIs out there that actually parse the data
> files,
> > themselves, instead of having some sort of metadata middle-man, which
> > leads to said overwriting?  I mean, I, personally, love the CLI --
> always
> > have been a fast typist -- but I also know the CLI would scare the
> living
> > bejeepers out of my boss if/when I try to push hard on an Asterisk
> > solution.  What I'd prefer is:
> Pretty sure that AsteriskNow is reading as well as writing. Also, murf
> made some changes to clean up rewriting the other day (blank comment
> lines now get retained or something).
> > - The chance to do CLI stuff as I see fit, BUT
> > - the ability to let users -- even administrative users -- use a GUI,
> > without messing up my beautiful config files.
> :) I'd say that unless you get a race condition (i.e. GUI reads files,
> you save your changes from CLI, GUI writes out changes), you should be
> sweet now, although someone who uses AsteriskNow should be able to
> confirm/deny.
> > Is this a pipe dream, or is there a GUI out there that might actually do
> > the job?
> - From what I've heard, AsteriskNow is shaping up pretty nicely.
> There are options for things like TrixBox too - i.e. the custom
> extensions.conf stuff, but you need to remember that the machine is
> running TrixBox and not change the base extensions.conf.
> This used to be ok because if the extensions.conf-custom (or whatever
> the filename is) only appeared on machines which had TrixBox.
> I've lately seen a few machines where the extra config files exist but
> TrixBox is not running (i.e. someone copied /etc/asterisk from a TrixBox
> machine).
> I actually put my extensions.conf stuff into a generate.php file which
> writes out the extensions.conf file with parameters supplied by the
> customer stored in separate files.
> So our software is doing the same thing (overwriting configs) but I
> don't want the users changing settings too much.
> I guess this is probably pretty similar to the TrixBox idea but I
> haven't had a look at how that works under the hood.
> I think AsteriskNow also lets you edit configuration files from the web
> page.
> - --
> Kind Regards,
> Matt Riddell
> Director
> ___
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[asterisk-users] DTMF issues

2007-04-19 Thread Diego Iastrubni
Hi all,

I am trying to indentify a problem: I have 2 machines, one with Asterisk 
1.0.11, the second with Asterisk 1.2.17. Both running with the same zaptel 
(1.2.16). Asterisk 1.0.11 running on Sarge with AMP's dialplan and the 1.2.17 
running on Etch with FreePBX's dial plan.

Now on both machines, I have some FXS connected (yes, I am talking about 
Astrinbanks...). The problem is that when I call one FXS to another on the 
1.0.11 machine I can press one of the DTMF buttons and have a solid sound. On 
the 1.2.17 machine, the sound is cut off and only the first 0.1 seconds at 
the beginnin and end are passed to the other side.

I can also confirm that with another dial plan the machine with cut off DTMF 
sound does pass the full DTMF sound (we usually leave the keys pressed for 
several seconds to test the sound quality). 

Now the fun stuff:
The zapata.conf files are identical on the AMP and FreePBX setup. The other 
configuration I tested, is too different to help me. The default values on 
both machines in the end of this mail.

I am probably missing something very stupid, and I would like to hear what do 
you think it is. 


callerid=ZAP channel 1 <401>

callerid=ZAP channel 2 <402>
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Re: [asterisk-users] Asterisk on Debian Etch

2007-04-23 Thread Diego Iastrubni
you need to use "apt-get install asterisk".

If you MUST HAVE 1.217 or your cats die, there are repositories available. For 
example, read this: http://www.buildserver.net/

If you still MUST build asterisk yourself, I wish you good luck.

On Monday 23 April 2007 13:29, Josu Lazkano Lete wrote:
> hello,
> I have two new cards, one is A400P01 from OpenVox and the other is a
> I have Debian Etch installed.
> I want install this packages:
> http://ftp.digium.com/pub/asterisk/releases/asterisk-1.2.17.tar.gz
> http://ftp.digium.com/pub/zaptel/releases/zaptel-1.2.16.tar.gz
> http://ftp.digium.com/pub/libpri/releases/libpri-1.2.4.tar.gz
> I need some other packages???
> I need other libraries befero install thoose packages???
> thanks a lot
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Re: [asterisk-users] Asterisk on Debian Etch

2007-04-25 Thread Diego Iastrubni
On Tuesday 24 April 2007 16:24, Stephen Bosch wrote:
> Well, I can't speak for anybody else, but I haven't had a problem with
> reproducing a source install.
How about time?

2 minutes download+install, vs 10-20 minutes compilation. Then, how do you 
uninstall? How do you know which version do you have? 

> Can you tell I'm a Gentoo user? :P
> I've got nothing against packages in principle, and my system has plenty
> of packages from the distribution, but I've yet to see a project as
> dynamic as Asterisk. What package maintainer could possibly keep up?
And even gentoo uses packages. Sorry, but "make install" is something for 
developers - not users.

The good thing about package managers, is that they tell you which package has 
been modified (a user changes a file, someone breaks into your machine and 
modifies a binary). In rpm it's done via "rpm -qVa" and in debian it's done 
by the command "debsums". I am not sure about gentoo.

On a developers users - I would say install from source. On a *users* list : 
install always from your distribution packages. When was the last time you 
installed X from sources? KDE? Mozilla? OpenOffice? Why is asterisk 
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Re: [asterisk-users] Trixbox problems

2007-05-15 Thread Diego Iastrubni
On Tuesday 15 May 2007 19:11, Dave Cotton wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-05-15 at 17:45 +0200, Marco Vescovi wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I’m writing because we have problems with an asterisk installation
> > (Trixbox ver. 1.2.3). We have a customer which is receiving a lot o
> > telephony traffic (more or less 1 call/2 min.); we are using a TDM400
> > board, with 3 PSTN lines configured and we have two big issues:
> >
> > - Calls are dropped during conversation (I have a busycount=8
> > from the initial value that was 4)
> >
> > - Sometimes when the user dials out, he hears the ringing tone
> > but the line is already answered and the called party hears his voice
> > while he’s still hearing the ringing tone.
> >
> > How can I investigate those 2 problems in order to find what’s
> > happening ?
> Contact the Trixbox mailing lists?
Why is that? You think some fancy-shmancy GUI will fix this? The problem is 
obviously in the zaptel area. But hey... this is "asterisk-users"...

/me is in a fighting mode today
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Re: [asterisk-users] How to write data to astdb?

2007-05-16 Thread Diego Iastrubni
On Wednesday 16 May 2007 03:47, C F wrote:
> I use asterisk -rx "database put value" if you are trying to batch it
> from windows you can use plink

This will be VERY slow. Other options might be writing to the asterisk socket 
(I heard it's not that reliable). But again, this will be a problem on remote 

What I have been using is creating a asterisk-manager connection to Asterisk, 
which is very reliable and fast. The downside is that you must have a user 
configured in manager.conf (all others do not need this, a simple root 
account is good enough). 
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Re: [asterisk-users] Which KDE editor to edit Asterisk config files ?

2007-05-16 Thread Diego Iastrubni
It will take me a few hours to write a syntax highlighter for kate. But if I 
do, I can commit this for KDE 3.5.8 and KDE4. 

On Wednesday 16 May 2007 17:12, Olivier wrote:
> Hi,
> New to Kubuntu and Linux, I'm looking for a syntax-enabled text editor with
> which I could easily edit Asterisk config files.
> It seems Kate provide this type of service but I couldn't find anything
> specific to Asterisk (unlike vim)
> What's your advice ?
> Best regards
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Re: [asterisk-users] Which KDE editor to edit Asterisk config files ?

2007-05-17 Thread Diego Iastrubni
Well, this KDE user (if I have a working SVN account do I qualify as a KDE 
developer...?) uses only kate and hates VIM. I 
use "sftp://root:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/etc/asterisk/*.conf" to open files on the 
remote servers. 

Ok, so instead of bitching, I am attaching here my first draft of the XML file 
which represents the kate syntax hightlighing. Save in in 
~/.kde/share/katepart/diego-kicks-ass.xml, and you will see "Asterisk config 
files" under "Configuration".

It's not done yet, as I want the sample configuration file (also attached 
here) to be working as expected. 

Please comment and review.

Someone said something about bluefish. This is a GtkSourceView syntax 
highlighter which will work on GEdit as well no...? Can you share?

On Wednesday 16 May 2007 19:57, Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:
> On Wednesday 16 May 2007 11:47 am, Olivier wrote:
> > Do you mean nobody has ever done this before (as I thought before asking
> > this question to the list) ?
> > So which tool KDE users are using for this ?
> I am a KDE user, although on Slackware.  Have been for many, many years.
> Typically you will find that those who wish to use their GUIs to manipulate
> Asterisk will do so through one of the available GUIs.  Those who want to
> work on the text files will use vim or emacs.
> I develop embedded systems; I use kdevelop for coding for the most part,
> and once in a while I'll use Kate to edit config files, but 99% of my time
> manipulating text files is done in vim.
> Even as I type this I have kdevelop open for the source and html, but I
> have three konsole tabs open: one to a screen session to a server I IRC
> from, one to a screen session to my development box in the server room
> (which has two login sessions going), one to a telnet session to the board
> I'm developing for, and finally one to a serial port server which the
> serial console of the development box is connected to.
> Kate's open, but contains a little textfile I append to which has todo
> lists and notes for the development project.







; comment

; illegal content: not inside a context
include => context1
exten => s,1,Answer

illegal syntax

#include another_file
#include *more_files

[context1] ; a comment
exten => s,1,Answer ; more comments
exten => s,2,Hungup ; and even more

exten ;; should be an error
exten -> ;; should be an error
exten -> s ;; should be an error
exten -> s,n ;; should be an error

[context3] shuold be an error
include => context2	; ok
include => "context2"	; ok, but fishie

[context3] shuold be an error ; and this a comment
include => context2	; ok
include => "context2"	; ok, but fishie

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Re: [asterisk-users] Which KDE editor to edit Asterisk config files ?

2007-05-17 Thread Diego Iastrubni
Well, this KDE user (if I have a working SVN account do I qualify as a KDE 
developer...?) uses only kate and hates VIM. I 
use "sftp://root:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/etc/asterisk/*.conf" to open files on the 
remote servers. 

Ok, so instead of bitching, I am attaching here my first draft of the XML file 
which represents the kate syntax hightlighing. Save in in 
~/.kde/share/katepart/diego-kicks-ass.xml, and you will see "Asterisk config 
files" under "Configuration".

It's not done yet, as I want the sample configuration file (also attached 
here) to be working as expected. 

Please comment and review.

Someone said something about bluefish. This is a GtkSourceView syntax 
highlighter which will work on GEdit as well no...? Can you share?

The asterisk config file was blocked, how funny... I am attaching here inline:

; comment

; illegal content: not inside a context
include => context1
exten => s,1,Answer

illegal syntax

#include another_file
#include *more_files

[context1] ; a comment
exten => s,1,Answer ; more comments
exten => s,2,Hungup ; and even more

exten ;; should be an error
exten -> ;; should be an error
exten -> s ;; should be an error
exten -> s,n ;; should be an error

[context3] shuold be an error
include => context2 ; ok
include => "context2"   ; ok, but fishie

[context3] shuold be an error ; and this a comment
include => context2 ; ok
include => "context2"   ; ok, but fishie

On Wednesday 16 May 2007 19:57, Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:
> On Wednesday 16 May 2007 11:47 am, Olivier wrote:
> > Do you mean nobody has ever done this before (as I thought before asking
> > this question to the list) ?
> > So which tool KDE users are using for this ?
> I am a KDE user, although on Slackware.  Have been for many, many years.
> Typically you will find that those who wish to use their GUIs to manipulate
> Asterisk will do so through one of the available GUIs.  Those who want to
> work on the text files will use vim or emacs.
> I develop embedded systems; I use kdevelop for coding for the most part,
> and once in a while I'll use Kate to edit config files, but 99% of my time
> manipulating text files is done in vim.
> Even as I type this I have kdevelop open for the source and html, but I
> have three konsole tabs open: one to a screen session to a server I IRC
> from, one to a screen session to my development box in the server room
> (which has two login sessions going), one to a telnet session to the board
> I'm developing for, and finally one to a serial port server which the
> serial console of the development box is connected to.
> Kate's open, but contains a little textfile I append to which has todo
> lists and notes for the development project.







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Re: [asterisk-users] Which KDE editor to edit Asterisk config files ?

2007-05-17 Thread Diego Iastrubni
Well, this KDE user (if I have a working SVN account do I qualify as a KDE 
developer...?) uses only kate and hates VIM. I 
use "sftp://root:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/etc/asterisk/*.conf" to open files on the 
remote servers. 

Ok, so instead of bitching, I am attaching here my first draft of the XML file 
which represents the kate syntax hightlighing. Save in in 
~/.kde/share/katepart/diego-kicks-ass.xml, and you will see "Asterisk config 
files" under "Configuration".

It's not done yet, as I want the sample configuration file (also attached 
here) to be working as expected. 

Please comment and review.

Someone said something about bluefish. This is a GtkSourceView syntax 
highlighter which will work on GEdit as well no...? Can you share?

On Wednesday 16 May 2007 19:57, Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:
> On Wednesday 16 May 2007 11:47 am, Olivier wrote:
> > Do you mean nobody has ever done this before (as I thought before asking
> > this question to the list) ?
> > So which tool KDE users are using for this ?
> I am a KDE user, although on Slackware.  Have been for many, many years.
> Typically you will find that those who wish to use their GUIs to manipulate
> Asterisk will do so through one of the available GUIs.  Those who want to
> work on the text files will use vim or emacs.
> I develop embedded systems; I use kdevelop for coding for the most part,
> and once in a while I'll use Kate to edit config files, but 99% of my time
> manipulating text files is done in vim.
> Even as I type this I have kdevelop open for the source and html, but I
> have three konsole tabs open: one to a screen session to a server I IRC
> from, one to a screen session to my development box in the server room
> (which has two login sessions going), one to a telnet session to the board
> I'm developing for, and finally one to a serial port server which the
> serial console of the development box is connected to.
> Kate's open, but contains a little textfile I append to which has todo
> lists and notes for the development project.
; comment

; illegal content: not inside a context
include => context1
exten => s,1,Answer

illegal syntax

#include another_file
#include *more_files

[context1] ; a comment
exten => s,1,Answer ; more comments
exten => s,2,Hungup ; and even more

exten ;; should be an error
exten -> ;; should be an error
exten -> s ;; should be an error
exten -> s,n ;; should be an error

[context3] shuold be an error
include => context2 ; ok
include => "context2"   ; ok, but fishie

[context3] shuold be an error ; and this a comment
include => context2 ; ok
include => "context2"   ; ok, but fishie


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