RE: [Asterisk-Users] DSL Provider
Hi Tamas, Thanks for your reply. I checked all tree providers you suggested, but i only see Adsl (e.g. great downstreem, but little upstream). Do you know if there is a provider offering sdsl or shdsl (symmetric dsl)? Steven -Original Message- From: Tamas Jalsovszky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: vrijdag 8 juli 2005 10:22 To: Steven Lam Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] DSL Provider Hello Steven, Good DSL provider? Depends on what point of view ;) The biggest one is Axelero, now called T-Online ( ). Probably the 2nd is GTS-Datanet ( ). We use eTel's ADSL ;) ( ) Configuration for a working PRI on MATAV [Magyar Telekom - T-Com] line: zaptel.conf: span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4 bchan=1-15 dchan=16 bchan=17-31 loadzone=hu defaultzone=hu zapata.conf: [trunkgroups] [channels] context=PRI1-incoming switchtype=euroisdn prilocaldialplan=unknown pridialplan=unknown overlapdial=no signalling=pri_cpe rxwink=300 usecallerid=yes hidecallerid=no callwaiting=yes usecallingpres=yes callwaitingcallerid=yes threewaycalling=yes transfer=yes cancallforward=yes callreturn=yes ... channel => 1-15 channel => 17-31 I hope it helped... Kind regards, Tamas Jalsovszky Steven Lam wrote: > First of all sorry for the little offtopic post :-) > > For one of our customers i need to make a vpn between the Netherlands > and Hungary. > Over this vpn two * machines are gonna talk IAX and employees in > Hungary are gonna use the Exchange server located in the Netherlands. > So far no problem... > > The problem: I'm from in the Netherlands and don't understand the .hu > websites :-( > > First question: > Can anybody point me to a good (s)dsl provider in Hungary? > > Second question: > Can anybody tell me which ISDN switchtype and signalling they use in > Hungary? > > Regards, > Steven Lam -- Jalsovszky Tamás, technikai igazgató 1027 Budapest, Csalogány u. 23-33 Tel.: +36 1 999-7400 Fax: +36 1 999-7401 Mobil: +36 20 481-9198 PGP: Jelen üzenet és az összes hozzá csatolt állomány bizalmas. Kérjük kezelje bizalmasan, és ne adja tovább harmadik fél részére és ne készítsen róla másolatot. Amennyiben Ön nem a levél címzettje kérjük jelezze az eWorld Com számára és törölje a levelet a számítógépéről. ___ Asterisk-Users mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:
[Asterisk-Users] DSL Provider
First of all sorry for the little offtopic post :-) For one of our customers i need to make a vpn between the Netherlands and Hungary. Over this vpn two * machines are gonna talk IAX and employees in Hungary are gonna use the Exchange server located in the Netherlands. So far no problem... The problem: I'm from in the Netherlands and don't understand the .hu websites :-( First question: Can anybody point me to a good (s)dsl provider in Hungary? Second question: Can anybody tell me which ISDN switchtype and signalling they use in Hungary? Regards, Steven Lam ___ Asterisk-Users mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:
RE: [Asterisk-Users] AgentCallbackLogin
Hi Kevin, After the agent logs in i would like to present him a voice menu to let him chose the queue's he want to be a member of. Using AddQueueMember. So the next step in the dial plan and n+101 (via a option) would be a great solution. Do you think this is possible? Gr. Steven -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Bockman Sent: zaterdag 4 juni 2005 18:55 To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] AgentCallbackLogin > Can it be a problem with AgentCallbackLogin? > > -- Executing AgentCallbackLogin("Zap/4-1", > "1010|[EMAIL PROTECTED]") in new stack > -- Setting global variable 'AGENTBYCALLERID_XX' to '1010' > -- Playing 'agent-loginok' (language 'en') > -- Callback Agent '1010' logged in on [EMAIL PROTECTED] > -- Playing 'vm-goodbye' (language 'en') > == Spawn extension (agent-io, 1, 5) exited non-zero on 'Zap/4-1' > -- Hungup 'Zap/4-1' That's how it is supposted to work. It calls you back when the agent gets a call from the queue. > Does anybody know if it is possible to DO NOT let AgentCallbackLogin > hangup at the end of "Agent logged in, Goodbay", but to go on with the > next exten in the dialplan? If it doesn't continue in the dialplan, it would require modification of the source to change the return code. You want to do additional processing before it hangs up the line? If you don't want it to hang up at all, then you need to use AgentLogin. Kevin ___ Asterisk-Users mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit: ___ Asterisk-Users mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:
RE: [Asterisk-Users] AgentCallbackLogin
Hi again, Can it be a problem with AgentCallbackLogin? -- Executing AgentCallbackLogin("Zap/4-1", "1010|[EMAIL PROTECTED]") in new stack -- Setting global variable 'AGENTBYCALLERID_XX' to '1010' -- Playing 'agent-loginok' (language 'en') -- Callback Agent '1010' logged in on [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Playing 'vm-goodbye' (language 'en') == Spawn extension (agent-io, 1, 5) exited non-zero on 'Zap/4-1' -- Hungup 'Zap/4-1' Gr. Steven -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steven Lam Sent: zaterdag 4 juni 2005 17:12 To: Subject: [Asterisk-Users] AgentCallbackLogin Hi, Does anybody know if it is possible to DO NOT let AgentCallbackLogin hangup at the end of "Agent logged in, Goodbay", but to go on with the next exten in the dialplan? Gr. Steven ___ Asterisk-Users mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit: ___ Asterisk-Users mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:
[Asterisk-Users] AgentCallbackLogin
Hi, Does anybody know if it is possible to DO NOT let AgentCallbackLogin hangup at the end of "Agent logged in, Goodbay", but to go on with the next exten in the dialplan? Gr. Steven ___ Asterisk-Users mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:
RE: [Asterisk-Users] CallerID of calls FROM queue
Hi Marcel, I know. I want to use one of my own msn numbers other then the default outgoing msn. Regards, Steven Lam -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marcel van Kaam, Fonètica Sent: zondag 29 mei 2005 21:08 To: 'Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion' Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] CallerID of calls FROM queue The Dutch KPN only send a callerID that the line recognize. So you can only send the MSN of the line itself to an outside line. Met vriendelijke groet, Best regards, Marcel van Kaam Fonetica Teleservices Bankstraat 88 3000 Leuven Belgium tel BE: +32 16 297270 tel US: +1 206 8660502 tel UK: +44 1604 352805 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] URL: Alle eisen die gesteld worden aan zakelijke communicatie zijn uniek, daarom heeft ieder bedrijf een oplossing nodig die aansluit op haar individuele eisen. Wij leveren die oplossing! Demands for business communications are unique. This is why every company needs a solution that fits their individual demands. We deliver that solution! -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steven Lam Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2005 8:43 PM To: Subject: [Asterisk-Users] CallerID of calls FROM queue Hi to all, I have a question about the callerid (msn number) off calls comming FROM a queue. This is my setup: - ISDN using zap (zaphfc) - Incomming calls arrive in a queue - One of the members of the queue is my cell phone... member => Zap/g1/XXX73XX19 (X to protect my privacy ;-)) The problem is the call from the queue to my cell phone. In a dailplan i can set the outgoing msn using SetCallerID, in queues.conf this doesn't work, resulting in a call without callerid (Dutch KPN using main number). Is there a way to set the outgoing msn (CallerID) of a call comming FROM a queue? Regards, Steven Lam ___ Asterisk-Users mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit: ___ Asterisk-Users mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit: ___ Asterisk-Users mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:
[Asterisk-Users] CallerID of calls FROM queue
Hi to all, I have a question about the callerid (msn number) off calls comming FROM a queue. This is my setup: - ISDN using zap (zaphfc) - Incomming calls arrive in a queue - One of the members of the queue is my cell phone... member => Zap/g1/XXX73XX19 (X to protect my privacy ;-)) The problem is the call from the queue to my cell phone. In a dailplan i can set the outgoing msn using SetCallerID, in queues.conf this doesn't work, resulting in a call without callerid (Dutch KPN using main number). Is there a way to set the outgoing msn (CallerID) of a call comming FROM a queue? Regards, Steven Lam ___ Asterisk-Users mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:
[Asterisk-Users] Early B3 connects on zaphfc
Hi, Is there a way to hear what your telco has to say (Early B3 connects) using zaphfc (zaptel)? All suggestions are welcome ;-) Gr. Steven ___ Asterisk-Users mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:
[Asterisk-Users] Trouble using two Fritz ISDN cards in one machine
Hi, I'm heaving trouble using two Fritz ISDN cards in one machine. I followed ""; and i think everything works great. cat /proc/capi/controller shows: 1 fcpci running fritz-pciA1 3.11-02 0xb400 5 2 f2pci running fritz2-pci A1 3.11-02 0xa400 10 The asterisk CLI shows: *CLI> capi info Contr1: 2 B channels total, 2 B channels free. Contr2: 2 B channels total, 2 B channels free. Controller 1 works great, the problem is controller 2. I'm unable to recieve or dial-out over controller 2. My cat /etc/asterisk/capi.conf looks like this: ; ; CAPI config ; ; [general] nationalprefix=0 internationalprefix=00 rxgain=0.8 txgain=0.8 [interfaces] msn=49239XX1X (X to protect my privacy ;-)) incomingmsn=* controller=1 softdtmf=1 callgroup=1 context=extern devices=2 msn=49239XX1X (X to protect my privacy ;-)) incomingmsn=* controller=2 softdtmf=1 callgroup=1 context=extern devices=2 I'm using asterisk 1.0.7 with chan_capi 0.3.5. What am i missing /what am i doing wrong? Steven. ___ Asterisk-Users mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:
[Asterisk-Users] Cisco 7970
Hi, Is there anyone with some uptodate info on the Cisco 7970 and Asterisk skinny / SCCP? I know chan_sccp doesn't support the 7970. Is it true the basics should work with skinny? All info is welcome. Steven ___ Asterisk-Users mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit: