RE: [Asterisk-Users] DTMF crashes chan_capi

2003-07-21 Thread Jamie Neil
Quoting Myself :(

 I'm having a problem with DTMF tones from my SIP client
 apparently crashing
 the chan_capi driver. However I'm not sure whether this is a bug or
 misconfiguration on my part: if I set softdtmf=1 in
 /etc/asterisk/capi.conf the problem goes away. Does the AVM B1 not support
 DTMF detection?

 The set up I have is using latest CVS (3 days old) running RH8 on a 933MHz
 P3. SIP client is SJPhone (G711) on Windows connected to * via a 100Mbit
 switched LAN. PSTN connection is using latest chan_capi on an AVM
 B1 PCI v4
 card (a steal at £1.20 on ebay :)).

 I can call the * box using the SIP client and interact with the voicemail
 app with no problems using in-band DTMF. I can also call in from the PSTN
 through the capi interface and interact with the IVR menu with no
 Finally I can bridge the CAPI and SIP channels and hear DTMF
 digits entered
 on the PSTN phone with no problems (they are also detected and
 displayed on
 the console).

 However when the CAPI and SIP channels are bridged, entering more than a
 couple of DTMF digits into the _SIP_ client appears to crash the channel:
 neither party gets disconnected, but there is no longer any audio
 in either
 direction and new calls (inbound or outbound) trying to use the
 CAPI channel
 fail. Once locked if I enter capi info in the * console it
 return nothing
 and trying to autocomplete capi commands e.g. capi [TAB] just locks the
 console up. Entering capiinfo and lsmod at the command prompt suggests the
 driver is ok. The only way of getting it working again is to restart *.

 When I switch to softdtmf, everything seems to work fine, but I
 noticed that
 even though DTMF signalling works fine on the IVR menu, once the call is
 bridged DTMF digits entered on the PSTN phone are not displayed on the
 console like before.

Further to my earlier post...

I've replicated this problem using a passive Fritz PCI card, so my bargain
B1 card appears not to be the problem.

I can only replicate the lock ups when bridging a call directly from
chan_capi to chan_sip (or vica versa) and I use in-band DTMF detection in
the SIP channel. I have tried various other combinations, including SIPSIP,
problem. The SIP client I am using is SJPhone (which does only in-band
DTMF), and if I switch off the in-band detection in sip.conf it works fine,
but of course I can no longer signal to * from the SIP phone. I can't test
whether out of band signalling is ok as SJPhone doesn't support this.

I find it hard to believe that this is a capi problem - I would have
expected see some other capi related problems aside from this single (easily
repeatable) error.

Jamie Neil
Versado I.T. Services Ltd.

Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] DTMF crashes chan_capi

2003-07-20 Thread Jamie Neil

I'm having a problem with DTMF tones from my SIP client apparently crashing
the chan_capi driver. However I'm not sure whether this is a bug or
misconfiguration on my part: if I set softdtmf=1 in
/etc/asterisk/capi.conf the problem goes away. Does the AVM B1 not support
DTMF detection?

The set up I have is using latest CVS (3 days old) running RH8 on a 933MHz
P3. SIP client is SJPhone (G711) on Windows connected to * via a 100Mbit
switched LAN. PSTN connection is using latest chan_capi on an AVM B1 PCI v4
card (a steal at £1.20 on ebay :)).

I can call the * box using the SIP client and interact with the voicemail
app with no problems using in-band DTMF. I can also call in from the PSTN
through the capi interface and interact with the IVR menu with no problems.
Finally I can bridge the CAPI and SIP channels and hear DTMF digits entered
on the PSTN phone with no problems (they are also detected and displayed on
the console).

However when the CAPI and SIP channels are bridged, entering more than a
couple of DTMF digits into the _SIP_ client appears to crash the channel:
neither party gets disconnected, but there is no longer any audio in either
direction and new calls (inbound or outbound) trying to use the CAPI channel
fail. Once locked if I enter capi info in the * console it return nothing
and trying to autocomplete capi commands e.g. capi [TAB] just locks the
console up. Entering capiinfo and lsmod at the command prompt suggests the
driver is ok. The only way of getting it working again is to restart *.

When I switch to softdtmf, everything seems to work fine, but I noticed that
even though DTMF signalling works fine on the IVR menu, once the call is
bridged DTMF digits entered on the PSTN phone are not displayed on the
console like before.

Jamie Neil
Versado I.T. Services Ltd.

Asterisk-Users mailing list