Re: [Asterisk-Users] Do people actually answer questions here?

2004-06-30 Thread Neil Cherry
Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:
Hash: SHA1
I've only been watching this list for the past 2 days.
And it seems to be an one way street:
- -Tell about your problems and what you would like to do.
Usually no answer.
I have to admit I'm rather disappointed with Asterisk, information is 
probably available but very hard to find ; it seems to be limited to a 
few privileged people for whom their job is setting up VoIP system
Uhm, that really sounds like VoIP anyway. I'm just starting (plenty
of data but little if any VoIP). In order to get into this you have
lots of due diligence to perform. The problem with VoIP is that it
covers a lot of RFC's and topics (SIP, H323, MGCP, SKINNY, etc.)
So far I haven't started asking questions because I haven't done
enough home work yet.
Leif gave some very good links. I also use google a lot.
Linux Home Automation Neil Cherry[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Text only) (SourceForge) (HCS II)
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Do people actually answer questions here?

2004-06-29 Thread Ralf Van Dooren
 Its not that the answers aren't out there, nobody bothers looking for them.

Being a relative new-b on Asterisk, I have to agree most of the
information is available on several Internet pages. However,
information is scattered around on many pages, and for someone who
isn't familiar with stuff like 'codecs' and VoIP in general (and maybe
even Linux for a start), it can be hard to find the right information.

But instead of complaining about the lack of -findable- documentation,
one can try to enhance existing documentation.  That's the power of
Open Source.  As I am not a coder, I'll be trying to help the
community by making the documentation better, especially for 'new
bees' like me.


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RE: [Asterisk-Users] Do people actually answer questions here?

2004-06-29 Thread Kevin Walsh
Jean-Yves Avenard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've only been watching this list for the past 2 days.
 And it seems to be an one way street:
 -Tell about your problems and what you would like to do.
 Usually no answer.
 I have to admit I'm rather disappointed with Asterisk, information is
 probably available but very hard to find ; it seems to be limited to a
 few privileged people for whom their job is setting up VoIP system
Personally, I only read about 20% of the articles in this list.
I delete whole threads based solely upon the Subject line, especially
when it's set to (no subject) or has no clear indication of content.

If I've read a couple of articles in a thread and have decided that
I'm not interested, I tend to blindly delete all followups.  This
means that if someone asks a new question by following up to an
existing thread then it'll probably get caught up in my mass delete
and won't be seen by me at all.  I said that I tend to do this,
I don't always do it - obviously. :-)

I also have very little interest in top-posted followups and HTML
emails, and often won't bother read past the first sentence.  This
is a response to the original posters' laziness rather than anything
else, although a couple of them will be of enough interest for me
to ignore these annoying breaches of netiquette and read the entire

This is just my personal policy on the matter, but I suspect that
others do the same.  When you're subscribed to several high volume
mailing lists, there's not enough time to read everything.

Having said all of that, two days is not really enough time to monitor
a mail list before giving up on it.

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Do people actually answer questions here?

2004-06-29 Thread Andrew Kohlsmith
On Tuesday 29 June 2004 02:42, Ralf Van Dooren wrote:
 But instead of complaining about the lack of -findable- documentation,
 one can try to enhance existing documentation.  That's the power of
 Open Source.  As I am not a coder, I'll be trying to help the
 community by making the documentation better, especially for 'new
 bees' like me.

This is where I have a problem.

The documentation is centered on and on Asterisk's plainly 
marked Documentation link.  It's been 32000 messages since I've signed up 
but I am *positive* that BOTH links are provided on the autoresponder when 
you sign up to this list.

How crystal-effing-clear must things be for people to go and look for 
themselves before complaining on this list?  Must we make the list moderated 
and autorespond with pre-fab Google searches that the asker simply has to 
click on and save themselves the trouble of writing the query into Google's 
search window themselves?

I'm serious here --'s search engine works.  Google works.  For 
newbies yes they may have some trouble with the incantations but that's why 
they should not be diving in headfirst and then bitterly complaining that 
nothing works on the list.  READ, dig around voip-info and asterisk's site.  
There's a WEALTH of knowlege there and most of it is not cryptic.  A lot of 
it is even geared to newbies.

Perhaps a glossary would be helpful but every day I start to think that basic 
research skills should be a prerequisite before being allowed to play with 
any OSS project.  It's frustrating for the newbie, frustrating for the 
experts and all around a bad thing.  You'll never have enough documentation 
to satisfy some people because they don't want to educate themselves; they 
want to ask questions and get personalized answers.  We do that too, for a 
price.  That's what consulting is all about.

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Do people actually answer questions here?

2004-06-29 Thread Umar Sear
Hi Andrew, 

I sympathise with your opinion. However if someone was
to analyse the messaged in the list they would find
that the most basic of questions get most replies. I
mean those questions that would take a few minutes to
answer searching through the wiki or google. 

Where questions that are not so straighr forwared get

In my own experiance, every question that I have
posted (after hours if not days of searching) has gone

I must add, at no stage though have I felt a reason to
complain, as even without answering any of my
questions, this list has given me a wealth of



--- Andrew Kohlsmith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote:  On Tuesday 29 June 2004 02:42, Ralf Van
  But instead of complaining about the lack of
 -findable- documentation,
  one can try to enhance existing documentation. 
 That's the power of
  Open Source.  As I am not a coder, I'll be trying
 to help the
  community by making the documentation better,
 especially for 'new
  bees' like me.
 This is where I have a problem.
 The documentation is centered on and
 on Asterisk's plainly 
 marked Documentation link.  It's been 32000
 messages since I've signed up 
 but I am *positive* that BOTH links are provided on
 the autoresponder when 
 you sign up to this list.
 How crystal-effing-clear must things be for people
 to go and look for 
 themselves before complaining on this list?  Must we
 make the list moderated 
 and autorespond with pre-fab Google searches that
 the asker simply has to 
 click on and save themselves the trouble of writing
 the query into Google's 
 search window themselves?
 I'm serious here --'s search engine
 works.  Google works.  For 
 newbies yes they may have some trouble with the
 incantations but that's why 
 they should not be diving in headfirst and then
 bitterly complaining that 
 nothing works on the list.  READ, dig around
 voip-info and asterisk's site.  
 There's a WEALTH of knowlege there and most of it is
 not cryptic.  A lot of 
 it is even geared to newbies.
 Perhaps a glossary would be helpful but every day I
 start to think that basic 
 research skills should be a prerequisite before
 being allowed to play with 
 any OSS project.  It's frustrating for the newbie,
 frustrating for the 
 experts and all around a bad thing.  You'll never
 have enough documentation 
 to satisfy some people because they don't want to
 educate themselves; they 
 want to ask questions and get personalized answers. 
 We do that too, for a 
 price.  That's what consulting is all about.
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Do people actually answer questions here?

2004-06-29 Thread Bob Knight
Leif Madsen wrote:
On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 11:08:43 +1000, Jean-Yves Avenard
I have to admit I'm rather disappointed with Asterisk, information is
probably available but very hard to find ; it seems to be limited to a
few privileged people for whom their job is setting up VoIP system

Based on your statement, I would presume that you have never even
attempted to search for documentation.  I can think of at least 3
excellent resources:
Plus using and in Google is an excellent resource.
Don't forget the most important link of all at the bottom of every 
email.  The unsubscribe link!

Bob Knight
[-w] the work option
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[Asterisk-Users] Do people actually answer questions here?

2004-06-28 Thread Jean-Yves Avenard
Hash: SHA1
I've only been watching this list for the past 2 days.
And it seems to be an one way street:
- -Tell about your problems and what you would like to do.
Usually no answer.
I have to admit I'm rather disappointed with Asterisk, information is 
probably available but very hard to find ; it seems to be limited to a 
few privileged people for whom their job is setting up VoIP system

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Do people actually answer questions here?

2004-06-28 Thread Steven Critchfield
On Mon, 2004-06-28 at 20:08, Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:
 I've only been watching this list for the past 2 days.
 And it seems to be an one way street:
 - -Tell about your problems and what you would like to do.
 Usually no answer.

You will find many of us will ignore messages if they require us much
effort to read. This is a high volume list and a few will slip through
the cracks on their own. Then there is the just plain stupid questions. 

I personally have gotten tired of defending myself when I point out how
to behave and be noticed by more people who will answer. In your case,
the only problem in message composition is that you should not reply to
a message when you choose to start a new message. Breaks threading. 

 I have to admit I'm rather disappointed with Asterisk, information is 
 probably available but very hard to find ; it seems to be limited to a 
 few privileged people for whom their job is setting up VoIP system

Thats your next problem. You should look up and see if there is an
answer. If you did you would have seen how many times we point people to
the wiki that is user contributed. Next when you signed up for this list
you should have seen another link for the -doc project. It is shaping up
to be a dead-tree documentation project.

There is nothing stoping you from asking questions. If someone has the
knowledge and the interest to answer you they will. Comments like this
though are pushing me hard to not care any more and to unsubscribe. That
would be one less person answering questions due to whiners.
Steven Critchfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Do people actually answer questions here?

2004-06-28 Thread Eric Wieling
On Mon, 2004-06-28 at 20:08, Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:
 I've only been watching this list for the past 2 days.
 And it seems to be an one way street:
 - -Tell about your problems and what you would like to do.
 Usually no answer.

Personally I've gotten tired of answering questions over and over again
that could be answered my reading the links on
(documentation page) or by reading or searching the archives.  I've paid
my dues by answering questions on the mailing list and on IRC and by
doing my Asterisk related website.  So I've taken a break from answering
questions.  Below is a nice list of links for newbies.

Useful Asterisk Docs: (look at the
Unofficial Links) and and (my site) and

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Do people actually answer questions here?

2004-06-28 Thread Chris Luke
Jean-Yves Avenard wrote (on Jun 28):
 I've only been watching this list for the past 2 days.
 And it seems to be an one way street:
 I have to admit I'm rather disappointed with Asterisk, information is 
 probably available but very hard to find ; it seems to be limited to a 
 few privileged people for whom their job is setting up VoIP system

I've only been on these lists for a few hours, and I've only used Asterisk
since Friday and I'm not witnessing any of this.

Yes, information may seem thin sometimes - but it's a relatively
specialist type of open source project. And it's free. And a lot of
the effort behind it is from people in their spare time.

I'm no VoIP expert, but I've spent this fine Monday evening packet
tracing SCCP things and comparing chan_skinny to chan_sccp to what
CCM (which my company has on eval) does. It's tedious - it's laborious,
and I know a number of people have done it before me, but maybe I
can help make sure it doesn't happen again - just like that message
I replied to on the list earlier, which I happened to have worked out
an hour before hand, and dimly recal something alluding to it on
the Cisco site beforehand.

If you can't be bothered to learn how to use google, the Wiki, and 
whatever other tricks you can come up with (reading the source being
a pastime of mine!) then you're probably not cut out for this sort of
open source.

As an aside - I am *stunned* by Asterisk. I have my FXO and FXS ports,
it's H323ing to my company CCM *3000 miles away*, my 7960 talks to
it and it *works*, it emails me when people leave messages at my house
and I'm  this close to hacking something up so it can water my
lawn, or not..

It's utterly F'ing fabulous, and I thank the community who put it together.

Chris Luke. 
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Do people actually answer questions here?

2004-06-28 Thread Brian K. West
 Personally I've gotten tired of answering questions over and over again
 that could be answered my reading the links on

I have to agree with Eric on this one.  I have just gotten tired of it...
Its not that the answers aren't out there, nobody bothers looking for them.
I have done a good job on IRC helping people.


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